Date: September 4, 1996
                                           Dept. File No.000 030

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services

   SUBJECT:  Proposed Placement of a Commemorative Plaque on Island Park
             Walk between First Avenue and Anderson Street


        THAT Council agree  to allow  Greenpeace to  place a  commemorative
        plaque  on Island  Park  Walk, between  First  Avenue and  Anderson
        Street.   The  design and  location  of the  plaque  to be  to  the
        satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services.


   There is no policy directly related to this request.


   This  report  seeks  Council  approval for  Greenpeace  to  construct  a
   commemorative  plaque along Island  Park Walk, between  First Avenue and
   Anderson Street.


   We have received  a request from Greenpeace to place  a plaque on Island
   Park  Walk commemorating the 25th  Anniversary of the  founding of their
   organization.  Their letter of request is attached as Appendix "A".

   Although we  generally  discourage the  placement  of private  signs  or
   notices on City streets,  it is felt that some  historically significant
   notices can be of interest to the public  using the street, particularly
   the sea-walk.


   The  request from  Greenpeace would  involve them  placing a  plaque, at
   their expense, along the sea-walk on Island Park Walk.  To ensure public
   safety  and compatibility with the  walkway, the location  and design of
   the plaque  would be  to  the satisfaction  of  the General  Manager  of
   Engineering Services.



   The General  Manager of  Engineering Services submits  for consideration
   that  Council allow  Greenpeace to  place their commemorative  plaque on
   Island Park Walk. 

                              *   *   *   *   *