July 25, 1996

        A regular  meeting of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission was
   held on Thursday, July 25, 1996, at approximately 7:30 p.m. in Committee
   Room No. 2, third floor, City Hall.

                       PRESENT:  Councillor Kennedy, Chair
                                 Councillor Hemer
                                 Councillor Ip

                        ABSENT:  Councillor Kwan (Leave of Absence)

         CITY MANAGER S OFFICE:  Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager

                         CLERK:  Rae Wylson


   1.   602 Dunsmuir Street - Okim Holdings Ltd. (St. Regis Hotel)
        Reallocation of Seats and Change in Hours in Class  A  Pub
   File No:  2611-31

        In an Administrative report  dated July 2, 1996, the  Chief License
   Inspector  advised Okim Holdings  Ltd. is requesting  endorsement of its
   application for a reallocation of 52 seats from the Class  A  Pub to the
   Class  A  Lounge, and for a change of hours in the Class  A  Pub  at the
   St. Regis Hotel, 602 Dunsmuir Street.

        Mr.  Paul Teichroeb,  Deputy  Chief License  Inspector, advised  in
   September 1995 the  Commission approved  an application for  a 300  seat
   cabaret  next door to the  location currently under  consideration.  The
   City has since  been notified  development of  the cabaret  will not  be
   proceeding.  Mr.  Teichroeb reviewed the application noting  the request
   is for  a reallocation of seating between the existing Class  A  Pub and
   Class  A  Lounge.  Mr. Teichroeb recommended approval of the application
   be subject to a redevelopment permit being issued on the full site.

        Notification had been carried out by the City Clerk.  Approximately
   3,150  notices were delivered by  Canada Post Admail,  an additional 400
   notices were hand-delivered by staff.  One written response was received
   in opposition.

        Mr. Rick Erdman, representing the applicant, circulated a brief (on
   file)  outlining the site plan.   The plan includes the owner s recently
   purchased  adjoining property on  Seymour Street  which extends  to, and
   includes  the Old  Bay Hotel.   Mr.  Erdman  advised the  proposal would
   include the following:
   -    relocation of  the Class  A   Pub and  the restaurant to  the newly
        acquired retail space;
   -    two separate Class  A  Lounge areas on the main and basement levels
        in the St. Regis Hotel; and
   -    creation of a banquet room and microbrewery.  

        Mr.  Erdman  further  advised  that  with  the acquisition  of  the
   additional property, and the proposed redevelopment, the St. Regis Hotel
   will become a conforming  hotel within the guidelines of  the Provincial
   Liquor Control and Licensing Regulations.

        Mr. Chris  Woodburn, applicant, in  response to questions  from the
   Commission, provided further detail with regard to the following:

   -    the  Class   A   Lounge  will  have  an  upscale  sports  theme;  a
        microbrewery within a hotel is a new concept in Vancouver;
   -    there  is only  one microbrewery  within a  hotel in  the Province,
        located in Victoria;
   -    the purpose  of the microbrewery is to supply the hotel, and is not
        for off-site sales; and
   -    the request for the change in hours is so both venues have the same
        hours of operation in order to limit travel between them.

        In ensuing discussion, members  of the Commission expressed concern
   over  the question  of fairness  in approving  this application.   Other
   applications in the immediate area were denied an extension in hours due
   to  the  Commission s  lack  of  authority  to  roll-back  on  hours  it
   previously granted.

   The following additional points were raised:

   -    although  this application is for  a two hour  extension of current
        hours  it is a one hour reduction  of the previously approved hours
        for the operation of a cabaret at this site;
   -    a lounge  has fewer implications for  the surrounding neighbourhood
        than would have the originally proposed cabaret; and
   -    should the application be refused, the cost of reapplication for an
        extension in hours is approximately $1,500.

        The Commission  also expressed  concern with regard  to conflicting
   Police comments contained in  the administrative reports.  It  was noted
   Police supported the application for an extension in hours in Item No. 2
   but do  not support  this application,  although the two  venues are  in
   close proximity and would close at the same time.

        Sergeant Tim Laidler, Vancouver Police Department, clarified Police
   comments in  Item No. 2 are site  specific while comments regarding this
   application  are relative to the  overall area of  the City, rather than
   the St. Regis Hotel specifically.

        The  following motion  by  Councillor Hemer  was  put and  CARRIED.
   Therefore, the Commission


        THAT the Vancouver Liquor  Licensing Commission endorse the request
        by  Okim Holdings Ltd.,  for a  reallocation of  52 seats  from the
        Class  A  Pub to the Class  A  Lounge and for a change of hours, as
        follows, in the Class  A  Pub at the St. Regis  Hotel, 602 Dunsmuir
        Street,  having considered  the support  of residents  and business
        operators  of   the  community   as  determined   by  neighbourhood

        To:  Monday to Sunday         11:00 a.m. to 12 Midnight.

        FURTHER  THAT approval  be  subject to  a development  permit being
        issued on the full site.

                         (Councillor Kennedy opposed)

   NOTE  FROM THE CLERK:   As the above decision of  the Commission was not
   unanimous, this matter was referred to the July 30, 1996 Regular Council