VANCOUVER TRAFFIC COMMISSION

                                 July 25, 1996

        A Regular meeting of the Vancouver Traffic Commission was held on
   Thursday, July 25, 1996, at approximately 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room
   No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:            Councillor Bellamy, Chair
                            Councillor Chiavario
                            Councillor Sullivan

        ABSENT:             Councillor Clarke (leave of absence)

        REPRESENTATIVE:     Dave Rudberg, General Manager of
                            Engineering Services

        CLERK:              Denise Salmon


   1.   Plaza 500 - Bus Bays

        The Commission had before it for consideration an Administrative
   Report dated July 9, 1996, (on file), in which the General Manager of
   Engineering Services provides a solution to the problem created when
   tour buses stop to unload passengers and block the eastbound curb lane
   of the 500 block of West 12th Avenue.  As detailed in the attached
   report, the General Manager recommended the Plaza 500 fund full
   construction costs.  However, he also submitted for consideration the
   City paying 50%, although he did not support this option.  The estimated
   construction cost was also amended from $45,000 to $36,000.

        Mr. Mark Zaborniak, Engineering Services, advised unlike newer
   hotels, the Plaza 500 is not equipped to handle buses off-street, and
   its parking facility is not strong enough to support a tour bus.  Bus
   drivers are left with few options, and most choose to violate the No
   Stopping regulations on 12th Avenue and drop passengers at the hotel

        A number of options to remove buses entirely from street traffic
   were found to be unworkable due to the location of the hotel lobby and
   entrance, as well as lack of enough width for a good sidewalk.  However,
   the proposed bay will remove buses from traffic by narrowing existing
   traffic lanes by 0.4 metres, with the curb lane retaining the minimum
   standard of 3.65m as set out in the Comprehensive Bicycle Plan. 
   Engineering staff recommended the bay be long enough for two buses to
   stop, which is a frequent occurrence during the summer tourist season. 
   Two alcoves in the Plaza 500's retaining wall are also required for
   temporary luggage storage, to avoid possible spill-over onto the


        Parking on Cambie would interfere with the BC Transit bus stop at
   this corner, and the sidewalk width does not permit room for a bay.   It
   was also noted an option to step up enforcement of the No Stopping
   regulation would not change the behaviour of drivers as they require
   close access to the hotel and have no other options.  This also does not
   solve the basic problem of providing bus access to the hotel.

        Mr. Zaborniak noted the cost for the bus bay is estimated at
   $36,000, and it is recommended the hotel fund the construction costs. 
   However, if the City agrees to pay 50%,  both the City and Plaza 500
   would pay $18,000.

        Ms. Hampson, General Manager of the Plaza 500, suggested it was not
   only the hotel that would benefit from the addition of bus parking bays,
   as restoring the flow of traffic on 12th Avenue would also benefit the
   City.  The City also favours the development of tourism, and 45% of the
   hotel's business comes from the tourist buses.  She further suggested
   the project should be cost-shared 50% with the City as submitted by the
   General Manager of Engineering Services for consideration.

        Commission members discussed this issue at length, one noting the
   Plaza 500 is the sole benefactor of the bus bay.  However other members
   agreed with Ms. Hampson, and felt the City's street system would also
   benefit.  It was also noted in the past hotels were not required by the
   City to provide parking areas for buses, taxis, etc.  However, all new
   developments now address these needs on their own sites.  Although a
   member felt  cost-sharing of the project could set a precedent, not all
   members agreed with this assumption.

        As the following motions by Councillor Chiavario were not carried
   unanimously they are submitted for Council's 


        A.   THAT a bus bay long enough for two tour buses be installed on
             the south side of the 500 block of West 12th Avenue, in front
             of the Plaza 500 Hotel, subject to both the City and Plaza 500
             funding 50% of the construction costs (estimated to be $18,000
             each) and installing two alcoves in the retaining wall for
             temporary storage of luggage.  City funding from Streets Basic
             Capital Unappropriated Account Number 12/31/9813/999.

        B.   THAT Engineering Services be requested to study this issue
             further from a more comprehensive perspective prior to dealing
             with other hotels in the City with similar situations.

                  (Councillor Sullivan opposed.)

               The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:40 p.m.

                          *  *  *