Date:  July 12, 1996
                                             Dept. File No. AMH 

   TO:       Vancouver City Council 

   FROM:     Director of Land Use and Development

   SUBJECT:  Strata Title Conversion - 7275 Balaclava Street


        THAT the application to convert the previously-occupied building at
        7275 Balaclava Street  (Lot 3,  Block 12, D.L. 194,  Plan 2242)  to
        strata title ownership be approved.


        The General  Manager of  Community Services RECOMMENDS  approval of
        the foregoing.


   Council policy is reflected  in the City's Strata Title  and Cooperative
   Conversion  Guidelines,  which  outlines   factors  which  Council  will
   consider  in reviewing  applications for  converting previously-occupied
   buildings to strata title or cooperative ownership.


   Council  approval  is  required  for  an  application  to  convert   the
   previously-occupied building  at 7275 Balaclava Street (Lot 3, Block 12,
   D.L. 194, Plan 2242) to strata title ownership.


   The site  is zoned  RA-1 and is  developed with  a principal  one-family
   dwelling  which is  occupied  by  the  property  owner,  and  an  infill
   one-family  dwelling currently  under  construction  in accordance  with
   approved plans and permits.

   The  owners  propose to  create  two strata  lots  in total;  the infill
   dwelling as one and the principal dwelling and horse barn  as the other.
   Each strata lot will have an area of Limited Common Property surrounding
   it, designated  for the exclusive use  of that strata lot.   Pursuant to
   Section 9 of the Condominium Act, Council's approval is required only as
   it relates to the previously-occupied principal dwelling.

   The site location is shown below in Figure 1.

                                   Figure 1


   In addition to Planning Department staff, the City Engineer and the City
   Building Inspector have reviewed this application.  As the only dwelling
   unit  in question is owner-occupied,  the Manager of  the Housing Centre
   has not been asked to comment.

   The City Engineer has  no dedication or servicing requirements  for this

   The City  Building  Inspector reports  that pursuant  to Clause
   (1)(g)  of  the Vancouver  Building  By-law, the  principal  dwelling is
   located more  than 15.000 m (50.00  ft.) away from the  infill dwelling,
   and therefore, no upgrading is required.


   Based  on  the foregoing,  and on  the  applicant's compliance  with the
   City's Strata Title and  Cooperative Conversion Guidelines, the Director
   of Land Use and Development supports this application.

                               * * * * *