
                                             Date: July 24, 1996
                                             Dept. File No.  

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager, Community Services

   SUBJECT:  Orca Bay Sports & Entertainment Application for 1998 All-Star
             Weekend at Hastings Park


        A.   THAT  Council agree to Orca Bay's request to use Hastings Park
             for  NHL All-Star  events  in January  of  1998, generally  in
             accordance with terms  outlined in Orca  Bay's letter of  July
             24, 1996, with  the exception  of item 6,  subject to a  final
             agreement  to  the  satisfaction  of the  General  Manager  of
             Community Services and the Director of Legal Services;


        B.   THAT  Council agree to Orca Bay's request to use Hastings Park
             for  NHL All-Star  events  in January  of  1998, generally  in
             accordance with the Park Board's resolution  of July 22, 1996,
             subject to  a  final  agreement  to the  satisfaction  of  the
             General Manager of Community  Services, the General Manager of
             Parks and Recreation and the Director of Legal Services;


        C.   THAT Council not agree  to Orca Bay's request to  use Hastings
             Park for NHL All-Star events in January of 1998.


        The General Manager of Community Services believes that A is in the
        best long-term interests of Hastings  Park and Vancouver.  However,
        recognizing  the divided opinion in  the community on  this and the
        position taken by the Park Board, he submits the choice among A, B,
        or C for Council's CONSIDERATION.


   On January 16,  1990, City  Council reaffirmed the  City's intention  to
   resume control and operation  of Hastings Park upon expiry of  the lease
   with  the Pacific  National Exhibition.   Council's  intent has  been to
   restore Hastings Park to dominant park use with abundant green space and
   trees instead of buildings and asphalt.

   On  February  29, 1996  Council  adopted the  Hastings  Park Restoration
   Program as  the basis of a  conceptual design plan for  the new Hastings
   Park.  This program identifies the following objectives:

   -    Restore the park s streams;
   -    Restore the park s natural features;
   -    Restore a green sanctuary;
   -    Focus community pride;
   -    Connect the park to the neighbourhood;
   -    Connect the park with adjacent parks;
   -    Integrate active and passive park uses;
   -    Integrate the old with the new;
   -    Integrate the racetrack within the park;
   -    Experiment with new ideas;
   -    Create a safe park.


   In February of  this year, the  City agreed to  a final lease  extension
   with the  Pacific  National  Exhibition,  the principal  tenant  on  the
   Hastings  Park site.    The PNE  will  vacate  the site  at  the end  of
   September 1997.  On October 1, 1997, the City will assume sole operating
   responsibility  for  the  site  and its  facilities,  exclusive  of  the
   racecourse, which is leased to the Pacific Racing Association.

   The City has received a request  from Orca Bay Sports and Entertainment,
   owner of the Vancouver Canucks and GM Place, to delay demolition of many
   of the buildings on the site.  Orca Bay wishes to use these buildings in
   association with  an  NHL All-Star  Weekend  proposed for  Vancouver  in
   January of 1998.   The Hastings Park buildings would be used for an "NHL
   FANtasy", a festival-like  event, which would occupy  Hastings Park from
   January 9,  1998 to January 27,  1998. In return for  building retention
   and use, Orca Bay proposes to pay the City  a sum of $225,000 to be used
   for  the restoration of Hastings Park.  Orca  Bay would also pay all the
   City's costs for retaining, opening and operating the buildings for this

   The general terms of Orca  Bay's request are outlined in a  letter dated
   July  24, 1996,  from Mr.  Tom Anselmi,  Vice President,  Operations and
   General  Manager of  the Orca  Bay  Arena Corporation.   This  letter is
   attached as Appendix A to this report.

   If Council is  not opposed to letting the Hastings  Park buildings stand
   for another four months, then Orca Bay's terms are generally acceptable,
   with  the  exception of  item  6.   This  item has  not  been previously
   discussed with  the City and  was introduced for  the first time  in Mr.
   Anselmi's July 24th  letter.  Among other things, this item requests the
   City's assistance in a  number of advertising endeavours, some  of which
   are  outside   the  City's  powers   (e.g.,  "welcome  signage   at  key
   airports...").   Other  parts  of item  6  are standard  FEST  committee
   arrangements.  These are unlikely  to be a  problem, but are  best dealt
   with independently of the specific arrangements to use the Hastings Park

   City staff  encouraged Orca Bay  to take its  request to the  Park Board
   before  bringing it to Council.  The  Park Board is preparing a plan for
   Hastings Park; that plan may specify the early demolition of many of the
   buildings  Orca Bay  is  requesting to  use;  and   the  Park Board  has
   expressed an intense interest  in all matters relating to  Hastings Park
   and its disposition.

   The Park Board has had discussions with Orca Bay and with the community.
   Park  Board  staff have  summarized  these discussions  and  the Board s
   deliberations as follows:

        The community has been divided on the issue.  An Orca Bay sponsored
        opinion poll showed  wide support  in the immediate  area, but  the
        Hastings Park Working Committee has opposed this use of the Renfrew
        Complex  as  it  delays  the  demolition of  at  least  two  of the
        buildings  (Food Mart, Show Mart) by four months.  Furthermore, the
        Committee  believes that  a  favourable response  to this  proposal
        would make  it more difficult  to say  no to  future proposals  for
        building  use, that  potentially  perpetuate the  retention of  the
        entire Renfrew Complex.

        The  Renfrew Complex  has symbolic  value for  many members  of the
        community.  It is a  massive, impenetrable barrier to the site  and
        as  part  of  the   Council  approved  restoration  program,  these
        buildings  are to  be removed,  creating important gateways  to the
        heart of the park.  Early demolition of these buildings will send a
        clear  message to  the  community that  the  new Hastings  Park  is
        becoming a reality.

        For this  reason, the  Park Board felt  it important  to commit  to
        immediate demolition  following the  event.   Orca Bay  also shared
        this  objective and advised the Working Committee on July 5th, 1996
        that   we will  seek as part  of our  agreement with  the City, its
        confirmation that  the demolitions  will  go forward  expeditiously
        following the  All Star Event . 
   At its meeting  on July 22,  1996, the Park  Board passed the  following

        THAT the Board endorse the 1998 NHL All Star Game  Proposal for the
        Hastings  Parksite  in  January  1998 using  the  Renfrew  Complex,
        Agrodome,  and   Coliseum  subject  to  the   following  terms  and

        1.   THAT  the additional  cost of  maintaining and  securing these
             buildings between September 1997 and January  1998 be borne by
             Orca Bay.

        2.   THAT  Orca Bay  contribute a  minimum of  $225,000 net  of all
             expenses toward the restoration of Hastings Park.

        3.   THAT  Orca Bay  offer  to  assist  the Hastings  Park  working
             committee and  Park Board with fundraising  activities for the
             restoration of the Park.

        4.   THAT all the arrangements for the above be to the satisfaction
             of the General Manager.

        5.   THAT  an overall demolition contract be let by October 1, 1997
             for   the  immediate   removal  of   the  B.C.   Pavilion  and
             Administration  Building, and  the  subsequent removal  of the
             Purefood Building and Showmart Building commencing January 31,

        6.   THAT Council not make  any further leases with the  PNE beyond
             this  one for  any  part of  the  Hastings Parksite  and  that
             control for the Hastings  Parksite be turned over to  the Park
             Board on October 1, 1997.

   Conditions 1 and 2 are consistent with Mr. Anselmi's offer and are not a
   problem.  Condition 3 is a nice gesture, but effectively not enforceable
   and,  therefore, of limited relevance to the desirability of acceding to
   Orca s request.   Condition 4 is a potential problem  if Council and the
   Park  Board  disagree  on the  terms  of the  agreement  with  Orca Bay.
   Conditions 5 and 6 are unacceptable.  Council should not  agree to these
   until it  has approved a final  plan for park restoration,  including  a
   capital program,  an annual operating  plan and  a budget.   Council has
   clearly  decided not to  extend the  PNE further.  However, it  would be
   premature  for  the City  to  make the  other  commitments until  it has
   assurance that the final Hastings Park plan is sound and workable.

                       *  *  *  *  *