SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 5 VLLC AGENDA JULY 25, 1996 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: July 9, 1996 Dept. File. 2194IC TO: Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission FROM: Deputy Chief License Inspector SUBJECT: 390 West Hastings Street - Cybernet Enterprises Inc. Class 'B-2' Restaurant CONSIDERATION A. THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission endorse the request by Cybernet Enterprises Inc., for a Class 'B-2' Restaurant, with a 12 midnight closing time, at 390 West Hastings Street, having considered community opinion determined as a result of neighbourhood notification. OR B. THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission advise the Liquor Control & Licensing Branch it does not endorse the request by Cybernet Enterprises Inc., for a Class 'B-2' Restaurant at 390 West Hastings Street. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services submits the choice of A or B for CONSIDERATION. COUNCIL POLICY Council policy requires that new liquor license applications be subject to a referendum prior to receiving final consideration if the premises are located in close proximity to residential accommodation. PURPOSE Cybernet Enterprises Inc., is requesting a City Council resolution endorsing its application for a 150 seat Class 'B-2' Restaurant (which includes a proposed 17 seat patio on City property), to allow for an InterNet Cafe at the proposed new location of the Vancouver Film School's Multimedia and Computer Animation Campus, 390 West Hastings Street. BACKGROUND The Vancouver Film School's Multimedia and Computer Animation Campus currently operates at 420 Homer Street. The applicant advises that the film school purchased the building at 390 West Hastings Street several years ago to develop the Multi-Media Education Department. This decision was influenced by the school's confidence in the revitalization of the Victory Square Area Concept Plan. The InterNet Cafe will provide a social gathering place for students of the school and the general public. It is being designed to provide a venue for multi-media students to learn, practice and showcase their skills in the area of acting, multimedia, dancing and internet performances. The hours of operation would be from 11:00 a.m. to 12 midnight, seven days a week. The type of food to be served would be soups, sandwiches and pizzas. The premises are located in the DD (Downtown) zoning district. The surrounding area is a mixture of retail, office, restaurant and residential type uses (Appendix A). There are eight Class 'A' Pubs (1,156 seats), six Class 'A' Lounges (743 seats), four Class 'C' Cabarets (748 seats) and approximately 25 licensed restaurants. COMMENTS The Police Department does not perceive any immediate problems, and is of the opinion that the premises will add significantly to rejuvenation of the area. The Environmental Health Division of the Vancouver Health Board advises that the location and proposed usage of the facility will not pose a noise problem, as the restaurant will be constructed in compliance with Health By-law regulations. The Planning Department's Development Applications Group advises that a development permit was issued on October 18, 1995, thereby permitting alterations and a change of use to provide for a vocational school (film) with ancillary retail and Restaurant Class 1. Any proposal to provide a Restaurant Class B-2 would require a development permit application. The Housing Centre believes the noise from music and dancing could be disruptive, considering the close proximity of an SRO hotel across the lane, and if the application is approved, the restaurant should close at 12 midnight. The Social Planning Department supports this application, with a maximum 12 midnight closing, as it would be an integral part of the film school. CONCLUSION This application is supported by staff as an innovative part of the film school, which will help to revitalise this part of the Victory Square area. Approval should be contingent on the response to the neighbourhood notification, as a referendum is not recommended due to the limited residential component of the neighbourhood. * * * * *