REPORT TO COUNCIL JULY 12, 1996 A Special Meeting was held on Friday, July 12, 1996, at 9:00 a.m., in the Mayor's Office, Third Floor, City Hall. PRESENT: Mayor Owen Councillor Chiavario Ted Droettboom, General Manager of Community Services Terry Bland, Corporation Counsel Jack Perri, Director of Permits & Licenses Neil Kornfeld, Kornfeld, Mackoff & Company, Counsel for the Emissaries of Divine Light CLERK: Tarja Tuominen 1. 5055 Connaught Drive - Emissaries of Divine Light At its meeting on July 11, 1996, Council received an Administrative Report dated June 27, 1996 (on file) from the Director of Permits & Licenses, recommending Corporation Counsel be instructed to initiate necessary enforcement action to ensure the Emissaries of Divine Light are prohibited from holding any further functions/events, such as parties, wedding receptions or any other activity not recognized as being acceptable under the approved non-conforming use for the premises at 5055 Connaught Drive. Council received a number of delegations from the area residents requesting support for the Director's recommendation. The residents advised the owners of 5055 Connaught Drive have not consulted with the neighbours or the Property Owners' Association on the use of the property. The use of the premises as a convention centre is unacceptable in the middle of a residential neighbourhood. The functions/events have been disruptive to the neighbours, with rock bands, late hours, noisy departure of guests. Council was sympathetic to the residents' concerns, but noted the owner and his representative were unable to attend the meeting but would be available on July 12, 1996. It is Council's policy to hear from both sides prior to making a decision. Therefore, it was agreed the Mayor and any available Councillors meet with the owner's representative on July 12, and be given authority to make a decision on the matter. However, the Charter requires eight votes to give Power to Act, and as there were only seven members present at the July 11 meeting, any decisions reached at this meeting are submitted to Council for ratification. Cont'd Special Meeting July 12, 1996 Page 2 Clause No. 1 cont'd At the meeting on July 12, Mr. Kornfeld stressed the difficulty of cancelling the upcoming functions, which are primarily weddings. Because of the difficulty, Council agreed to allow the events booked between now and the end of July to be held. However, Council was adamant that should there be any concerns from the neighbours, enforcement will be initiated. In addition, the following were agreed to: - Mr. Kornfeld to provide an up-to-date list, with numbers of participants and times of functions/events booked to the end of the year; - The owners to express genuine regret to the neighbours and to demonstrate they are good neighbours; - The owners to be very sensitive to the neighbours' concerns, by initiating patrols, hiring security or valet service; - Weddings/parties to end by 10/10:30 p.m. Council noted consideration of a relaxation of the use of the property would provide an opportunity for neighbours to have input. Mr. Kornfeld agreed to liaise with Mr. Perri. * * * * The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.