ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: July 8,1996 Dept. File # TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: Local Improvement Reballot RECOMMENDATION THAT the original petition for lane pavement on the lane south of 14th Avenue from Courtenay Street to Camosun Street, Court #574, Item #063, be approved with paving full width. COUNCIL POLICY Policies governing the Local Improvement Process are set out in the Vancouver Charter and the Local Improvement Procedure By-Law. The project dealt with in this report has gone through the legal requirements in the process, but Council has requested additional information on project support/opposition through reballots before giving final approval. PURPOSE At the June 11, 1996 Court of Revision, Council instructed staff to reballot this local improvement petition project to determine whether the residents would prefer a wide or a narrower width of lane pavement. This has been done and the results are as follows: Court #574, Item #063, Lane Pavement on the lane south of 14th Avenue from Courtenay Street to Camosun Street. Number of owners 36 Ballot results: In Favour of full width 15 In Favour of centre strip 14 Responses 29 -2- The issue of this reballot was solely to determine the lane pavement width preferred. The recommendation is based on a simple majority count of those responding as of July 8, 1996. The ballots were mailed on June 13, 1996 and the deadline was July 5, 1996. Of the seven owners who did not return their ballots four had signed the original petition and three had not. A second ballot was sent to these seven owners to obtain a complete response. Unfortunately no further ballots were received. Based on the response of the ballots received it is recommended that the lane be paved full width. * * * * *