ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: June 27, 1996 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of Community Services, Social Planning SUBJECT: Federation of Canadian Municipalities: Quality of Life Reporting System RECOMMENDATION THAT Council endorse the City's participation in the development of a "template" for the proposed Federa-tion of Canadian Municipalities Quality of Life Reporting System, at a cost of up to $5,000, to be funded through the Social Planning budget. Any further support for the implementation of the system is subject to a report back on program details and costs. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY There is no applicable Council policy. PURPOSE This report requests Council's support for the City's participation in the development of a common "template" for the proposed Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Quality of Life Reporting System. Funds up to $5,000 are available within the Social Planning budget for Purchase of Outside Services. BACKGROUND Over the Fall of 1995 and Spring of this year, Vancouver has participated in the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Social Policy Study. The City initially contributed $4,500 from Contingency Reserve, approved September 26, 1995. This led to a municipal position paper on federal cuts to social programs, and a national video news conference on February 29th, in which Mayor Owen participated. Council, on February 27th, endorsed the FCM National Strategy and Public Statement, and supported, in principle, Vancouver's participation, with other municipalities, in the development of a coordinated system for monitoring local social and economic conditions. On May 10th, FCM representatives met with Human Resources Development Minister Doug Young to request federal financial support for the co-ordination of a national reporting system. The federal government may participate, but when or to what degree is unknown. The municipal staff representatives working on the project, including Vancouver staff, felt it was important for municipalities to continue the momentum which has been established, and to do so by contributing financially to the development of a common "template". As noted in the letter from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities attached as Appendix A, FCM is requesting $5,000 from interested municipalities, for this work. DISCUSSION The basic idea of the national Quality of Life reporting system is that it would consist of a relatively small number of key pieces of data, some of which are already nationally available and some of which might be commonly collected on a municipal or regional level. To date, there has been no detailed discussion amongst the participating municipalities about what these key pieces of data would be. Vancouver staff think the "template" should include information from each of the sectors most likely to be affected by federal funding and policy changes, e.g., labour force data, health statistics, income assistance, crime statistics, education and housing information. We would prefer to use, where possible, data that is already collected or can easily be collected, with no or little additional cost. Development of the proposed reporting system also needs to include agreement on the interpretation of the chosen data. Social Planning staff will consult with other City, Health Board and Provincial staff on these issues before submitting our suggestions to the other municipalities. Once there is inter-municipal agreement about the "template", it will be easier to determine the costs of yearly collection (if any) and the costs of collation and reporting, for which the Federation of Canadian Municipalities was to seek funding. If the federal government does not participate, the FCM and participating municipalities will have to decide whether the proposed system merits their additional financial support. We will report on the proposed "template" and the implementation strategy and costs, as soon as this information is available. CONCLUSION Social Planning has funding up to $5,000 to support the development of a template for a Quality of Life Reporting System, but requests Council's support for the concept before proceeding. * * * * *