POLICY REPORT URBAN STRUCTURE Date: July 8, 1996 Dept. File No. 96022-IS TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of Land Use and Development, in consultation with the Director of Central Area Planning SUBJECT: Proposed CD-1 Text Amendment - 1599 Coal Harbour Quay (Sub-Area 1A of Marathon s Coal Harbour Development) RECOMMENDATION THAT the application by Busby and Associates Architects, to amend CD-1 By-law No. 7200 for 1599 Coal Harbour Quay, to permit an increase in height from six to seven metres for the restaurant in the marina, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with: (i) plans received May 29, 1996; (ii) the draft CD-1 text amendment, as contained in Appendix A; and (iii) the recommendation of the Director of Land Use and Development to approve the application. FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-law for consideration at Public Hearing. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY Coal Harbour Policy Statement, approved February 1990. Coal Harbour Official Development Plan, approved November 1990. Marina Neighbourhood (300 Cardero Street) CD-1 Guidelines for Marina Development, adopted by Council in October 1993. SITE PURPOSE AND SUMMARY This report assesses an application to amend the text of CD-1 By-law No. 7200 to permit an increase in height from 6.0 m (19.7 ft.) to 7.0 m (23.0 ft.) for a restaurant in the proposed marina. Staff support the proposed text amendment providing that this is the only fixed or floating structure in the marina that increases in height. DISCUSSION From the early stages of planning in Coal Harbour, maintaining a diversity of water uses has been a principal goal. The retention of small-scale marine uses, charter boats, a restaurant or marine pub, and a limited number of liveaboards and floating homes was recommended in the Coal Harbour Policy Statement and later incorporated in the Official Development Plan. At the same time the importance of increasing public access and views of the water was noted, particularly public views down extensions of existing streets. Street-end views to be retained were identified in the Official Development Plan. With regard to the marina, the consideration of views was taken a step further with a floating home view analysis. These view considerations were incorporated in the Marina Development Guidelines, which recommended: orientation of the floats to maximize water views, two building zones for fixed structures and principles for locating floating homes as illustrated in Appendix B. While no heights were recommended in the guidelines for fixed structures within the building zones, floating homes were limited to the lesser of two storeys or 6.0 m. When drafting the CD-1 By-law for the Marina Neighbourhood, 6.0 m was set as a maximum height for the entire marina. Current Proposal When preparing the development application for the marina, the applicants conformed to both the by-law and marina guidelines. The restaurant was set within the largest building zone with a maximum height of 6.0 m. The marina design, including the restaurant received the unanimous support of the Urban Design Panel. The Panel felt that it was an exciting project which would be an asset to the area. They also supported the proposed 1.0 m (3 ft.) increase in height for the restaurant. The 6.0 m building height translates into a two-storey building with 2.4 m (8.0 ft.) headroom on each floor. While this represents a sufficient height for residential space, it is low compared with the normal commercial standard of 3.0 m (10 ft.). Restaurateurs interested in this location have expressed serious concerns about the ceiling heights. To create more generous interior spaces, which the applicant believes are important in this setting and to facilitate restaurant use, a text amendment to the By-law has been proposed which would increase the building height to 7.0 m (23 ft.). Plans are attached as Appendix C. Staff support this increase, noting that the restaurant is contained within the building zone and that its width at 16.4 m (54 ft.) on the street frontage, represents a substantial reduction from the 75.0 m (250 ft.) possible in this zone under the guidelines. This increase in height should not apply to other fixed or floating structures in the marina, which staff believe are appropriately limited to 6.0 m. This height limitation is reflected in the wording of the proposed text amendment (Appendix A). This increase has been discussed with developers of the residential towers directly behind the proposed restaurant, who are also supportive. Applicant s Comments The applicant has been provided with a copy of the report and concurs with both the report and the recommendation. CONCLUSION Staff support the proposed increase in height of the proposed restaurant building from 6.0 to 7.0 m. A taller and narrower building in this location will increase public views and not adversely affect private views. Staff recommend that the rezoning application be referred to a Public Hearing with a recommendation from the Director of Land use and Development to approve it, subject to the draft CD-1 By-law amendment as shown in Appendix A. * * * * * PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT Amend Section 7.2, Height, of CD-1 By-law #7200, as follows (underlining indicates amendment): "7.2 Notwithstanding Section 7.1, the Development Permit Board may permit an increase in the maximum height in sub-areas 2 and 3 by up to 10 percent and in sub-area 4 by up to 1.0 m for a fixed restaurant structure, providing that it first considers: (a) the intent of this Schedule, all applicable policies and guidelines adopted by Council and the relationship of the development with nearby residential and commercial areas; and (b) the height, bulk, location and overall design of the building and its effect on the site, surrounding buildings and open space, the waterfront walkway, streets and existing views."