CITY OF VANCOUVER REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, June 27, 1996, at 10:05 a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee. PRESENT: Mayor Owen Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Price, Puil and Sullivan ABSENT: Councillor Chiavario) - Conflict of Councillor Kennedy ) Interest Councillor Kwan - Leave of Absence CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE: Ken Dobell, City Manager CLERK TO THE COUNCIL: Tarja Tuominen COMMITTEE REPORTS Report of the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets June 27, 1996 Council agreed to vary the agenda to consider the recommendation of the Committee, as contained in the following clause of the attached report: Cl. 3: KidSafe Funding Request Kidsafe Funding Request Clause 3 MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy, SECONDED by Cllr. Ip, THAT the recommendation of the Committee, as contained in Clause 2 of this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY MOVED by Cllr. Hemer, SECONDED by Cllr. Ip, THAT Council approve a one-time emergency grant of $6,280 for the 1996 KidSafe Summer Program. - LOST, NOT HAVING RECEIVED THE REQUIRED MAJORITY (Councillors Bellamy and Puil opposed) * * * * * The Council adjourned at 10:10 a.m., and reconvened at 11:05 a.m., all members present, except for Councillor Ip, to consider the remainder of the recommendations of the Committee. * * * * * COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED by Cllr. Puil, SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy, THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Cl. 1: New Trade and Convention Centre Facilities - Property Tax Implications Cl. 2: Tender No. 28-96-03 - Optical Scan Vote Tabulation System Cl. 4: 1996 Grant Requests - Major Facilities Cl. 5: 1996 Grant Requests - Vancouver Art Gallery Association Cl. 6: 1996 'Other' Grant Requests COMMITTEE REPORTS Report of the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets June 27, 1996 (Continued) Clauses 1 and 2 MOVED by Cllr. Puil, THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses 1 and 2 of this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Clauses 4 and 5 MOVED by Cllr. Puil, THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses 4 and 5 of this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY 1996 'Other' Grant Requests Clause 6 MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy, THAT Recommendations A to D of the Committee, as contained in Clause 6 of this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT Recommendation E of the Committee, as contained in Clause 6 of this report, be approved. - CARRIED (Councillors Hemer, Price and Puil opposed) MOVED by Cllr. Price, THAT a grant of $2,500 be approved to the Sanctuary Foundation. - LOST, NOT HAVING RECEIVED THE REQUIRED MAJORITY (Councillors Clarke, Hemer and Puil opposed) RISE FROM COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED by Cllr. Puil, THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ADOPT REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED by Cllr. Puil, SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy, THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ENQUIRIES AND OTHER MATTERS Costco-Price Club, 2685 Grandview Highway File: 2605-3 Appeal for Extension of Time-Limited Development Permit Councillor Puil noted that as new premises for Costco- Price Club were not ready yet, up to 225 employees of the company may be out of work. Therefore, it was MOVED by Cllr. Puil, SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy, THAT staff be advised Council would favour approval of the appeal by Costco-Price Club for an extension of its time-limited development permit for a further three years. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The Council adjourned at 11:10 a.m. * * * * * REPORT TO COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS JUNE 27, 1996 A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on City Services and Budgets was held on Thursday, June 27, 1996, at 9:30 a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall. PRESENT: Councillor Puil, Chair Mayor Owen Councillor Bellamy Councillor Chiavario Councillor Clarke Councillor Hemer Councillor Ip (Clauses 1 and 3) Councillor Kennedy Councillor Price Councillor Sullivan ABSENT: Councillor Kwan (Leave of Absence) CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE: Ken Dobell, City Manager CLERK: Tarja Tuominen RECOMMENDATION 1. New Trade and Convention Centre Facilities - File: 6007 Property Tax Implications The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated May 28, 1996 (on file), in which the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Director of Central Area Planning, sought consideration of a property tax exemption for the proposed new Trade and Convention Centre facilities. The City Manager supported a property tax exemption for the new facility as it is a tangible and meaningful way for Council to participate in the project. The development of the expanded facilities will have a significant economic benefit primarily to the local economy and to senior governments through increased activity and new tax revenue. The City will not share directly in these benefits. However, in proceeding with the facility, the developer will pay all of the related infrastructure and ancillary public amenity costs so that there will also be no direct costs involved for the City. Hugh Creighton, Director of Finance, reviewed the report and advised it is before the Committee at this time because the proponents will be including property tax implications as part of their financial proposals in the Stage Two Requests for Proposals. During discussion, the Committee pointed out ownership of the new facility, i.e., private or public, is not known at this time. Therefore, consideration of property tax implications should be done at such time when ownership is known. The following motion by Councillor Hemer was put and carried. The Committee, therefore, RECOMMENDED THAT consideration of the issue of property tax implications discussed in the Policy Report dated May 28, 1996, be deferred until such time as the question of private or public ownership of the new Trade & Convention Centre is resolved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY * * * * * At this point in the proceedings, the Committee agreed to vary the agenda and deal with Item 3. * * * * * 3. KidSafe Funding Request File: 2401-3 Terry Bland, Corporation Counsel, was present to advise on Conflict of Interest policy. He advised members of Council who voluntarily serve on an Advisory Board of an Association, which gives advice on the operation of the Association, are in personal conflict and disqualified from voting on a grant request for the Association. Noting they were in conflict of interest because of their positions on the KidSafe Advisory Board, Councillors Chiavario and Kennedy left the proceedings at this point and did not return until after the conclusion of this item. * * * * * The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 17, 1996 (on file), in which the Director of Community Services, Social Planning, recommended approval of a $5,000 Program Stabilization grant for the 1996 KidSafe Summer Program. The source of funds would be the 1996 Childcare Grants Program. The Director also submitted for consideration a request from the 1996 KidSafe Summer Program for a one-time emergency grant of $25,000. If the emergency grant is approved, the Director suggested the following conditions apply: (i) release of funds be subject to confirmation of receipt of matching contributions from the Province of British Columbia; and (ii) the KidSafe Board agrees to forward an end of summer report to Council about the services provided, the number of children served, the partnerships developed and the expenses incurred. Penny Coates, Childcare Coordinator, presented a brief background to the grant request. Al Stusiak, representing the KidSafe Project Society, presented an overview of the program to be provided by KidSafe during the summer months and the required funding for it. A large component of the budget is for provision of meals. The mandate of the Society is to provide services three times a year: summer, Christmas and Spring Break. The Society has received funding from the Ministry of Education for lunches, which reduces the amount of the requested emergency grant. Mr. Stusiak requested favourable consideration for approval of a grant for the remainder of the required funding of approximately $6,000. During discussion, the Committee supported the Program Stabilization Grant of $5,000. Many members also supported approval of the remainder of the requested funding. The Vancouver School Board and the Park Board have given significant support. Others expressed concern the City is taking on more and more that is the responsibility of the Province. The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. The Committee, therefore, RECOMMENDED THAT Council approve a Program Stabilization grant of $5,000 for the 1996 KidSafe Summer Program. Source of funds: 1996 Childcare Grants Program, 1996 Operating Budget. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY The following motion by the Mayor was put and LOST. THAT Council approve a one-time emergency grant of $6,280 for the 1996 KidSafe Summer Program. - LOST, NOT HAVING RECEIVED THE REQUIRED MAJORITY (Councillors Bellamy and Puil opposed) (Councillors Chiavario and Kennedy not present for the vote) * * * * * The Committee adjourned at 10:05 a.m. to convene as Regular Council to approve the recommendation of the Committee, and reconvened at 10:10 a.m. with Councillor Ip absent. * * * * * 2. Tender No. 28-96-03 - File: 131-3 Optical Scan Vote Tabulation System The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 13, 1996 (on file), in which the City Clerk and Manager of Purchasing Services recommended the purchase of a new Optical Scan Voting System from Global Election Systems Inc. to replace the City's existing voting equipment, for use in the 1996 General Local Elections. Gil Mervyn, Deputy City Clerk, briefly reviewed the report and noted Steve Knecht of Global Election Systems Inc. was present to answer questions. The following motion by Councillor Price was put and carried. The Committee, therefore, RECOMMENDED THAT Council approve the award of a contract to Global Election Systems Inc. for the supply of 160 Optical Scan Voting machines, related equipment and software, at a cost of $798,000, plus the 7% Goods and Services Tax (less any municipal rebate received) and the Provincial Sales Tax. Source of funds to be a loan from the Capital Financing Fund, with repayment from the City Clerk's Department future operating budgets, beginning in 1997. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. 1996 Grant Requests - Major Facilities File: 2204 The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 10, 1996 (on file), in which the Director of Finance recommended approval of operating grants of $276,000 to the Vancouver Maritime Museum Society, $460,600 to the Pacific Space Centre Society, and $655,900 to the Vancouver Museum Association. The General Manager of Corporate Services also recommended approval. Ted Leung, Deputy Comptroller of Budgets & Research, briefly reviewed the report. John Dickenson, Managing Director, Pacific Space Centre, expressed thanks for the City's ongoing support of the Centre and advised he was present to answer questions. The following motion by Councillor Hemer was put and carried. The Committee, therefore, RECOMMENDED A. THAT an operating grant of $276,000 be approved to the Vancouver Maritime Museum Society; source of funds to be the 1996 'Other Grants budget. B. THAT an operating grant of $460,600 be approved to the Pacific Space Centre Society; source of funds to be the 1996 'Other Grants budget. C. THAT an operating grant of $655,900 be approved to the Vancouver Museum Association; source of funds to be the 1996 'Other Grants budget. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY 5. 1996 Grant Requests - File: 2204 Vancouver Art Gallery Association The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 10, 1996 (on file), in which the Director of Finance recommended approval of a 1996 operating grant of $1,861,300 to the Vancouver Art Gallery Association. The Director also recommended approval of a one-time grant of $23,462 to the Association for reimbursement of the cost of escalator repair. In addition the Director submitted for consideration requests from the Vancouver Art Gallery Association for a one-time grant of $24,000 to fund one-third of the cost of a loading dock project and a grant of $60,000 to fund the first year of a five-year Closed Circuit Television Security System replacement program. The General Manager of Corporate Services recommended approval of the operating grant and the grant for the escalator repair. However, the General Manager noted there is no signed operating agreement between the City and the Art Gallery showing a clear division of responsibilities between the two parties. In his opinion, the consideration items relate directly to the tenant's occupation of the building and should clearly remain their responsibility. On the other hand, both parties have put funds into maintenance items over the years. He suggests, however, that security of the collection is a higher priority for the City. Garth Therber, President, Board of Trustees, Vancouver Art Gallery, urged approval of the grant request for renovation of the loading dock, as currently it is quite a threat to the people who operate, load and unload trucks. The ramp is narrow and material has to be transported quite a distance. There have been a number of accidents. Ken Stoke, General Manager of Corporate Services, responded to questions on the operating agreement, noting there has never been a signed operating agreement. However, both sides have a clear understanding on the operation of the Gallery. Ken Dobell, City Manager, concurred there are no unclear areas on either side, and the agreement has not been a huge priority for either side. Ted Leung, Deputy Comptroller of Budgets & Research, confirmed the closed circuit television security system is a higher priority on the City's side as the Art Gallery collection is owned by the City. The following motion by Councillor Clarke was put and carried. The Committee, therefore, RECOMMENDED A. THAT a 1996 operating grant of $1,861,300 be approved to the Vancouver Art Gallery Association; source of funds being the 1996 'Other' Grants budget. B. THAT a one-time grant of $23,462 be approved to the Vancouver Art Gallery Association for reimbursement of the cost of the escalator repair; source of funds to be Contingency Reserve. C. THAT a grant of $60,000 be approved to the Vancouver Art Gallery Association to fund the first year of a five-year Closed Circuit Television Security System replacement program; source of funds to be Contingency Reserve. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY 6. 1996 'Other' Grant Requests File: 2204 The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 10, 1996 (on file), in which the General Manager of Corporate Services and Director of Finance, in consultation with the Director of Permits & Licenses, recommended approval of grants of $47,162 to the Vancouver City Planning Commission, $6,000 to Cycling British Columbia, $75,000 to the University of British Columbia for the continuation of the Fire Protection Engineering Program, and $100,000 to the Vancouver Symphony Society. In addition, the General Manager and Director submitted for consideration grant requests from the SPCA-Vancouver Regional Branch, Chinese Benevolent Association of BC, Motorcycle Toy Run, Vancouver Block Parent Program and Sanctuary Foundation. Professor Jim Mehaffey, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of British Columbia (brief on file), provided a brief progress report on the Fire Protection Engineering Program, noting that during the 1995/96 academic year the total enrollment was 16; three were from the City. City of Vancouver employees are permitted to attend free. A late resolution has been submitted to the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention asking for its support in principle. Tom Littlewood, Director of Programs, Sanctuary Foundation, distributed pamphlets on the Foundation's current programs (on file) and requested continued support for its training program. In 1996, the Foundation will be offering its program from a portable classroom near the Aquatic Centre. The Park Board has given permission for the Foundation to operate the program on the Park Board site for three months. The Foundation has approached the Vancouver Foundation and the Ministry of Environment for funding as well, and has a number of other sponsors for its programs. During discussion, the Committee noted the absence of support for the Fire Protection Engineering Program from other areas and the BC Fire Chief's Association. The following motion by Councillor Hemer was put and carried. The Committee, therefore, RECOMMENDED A. THAT a grant of $47,162 be approved to the Vancouver City Planning Commission, with the source of funds being 1996 'Other' Grants budget. B. THAT a grant of $6,000 be approved to Cycling British Columbia, with the source of funds being 1996 'Other' Grants budget. C. THAT a grant of $100,000 be approved to the Vancouver Symphony Society to offset the rent payable under the lease with Civic Theatres for the period of January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996, with the source of funds being 1996 Cultural Grant - Theatre Rent budget. D. THAT the following grants be approved, with the source of funds being the 1996 'Other' Grants budget: 1. SPCA - Vancouver Regional Branch $26,700 2. Chinese Benevolent Association of BC 3,500 3. Motorcycle Toy Run 1,500 4. Vancouver Block Parent Program 2,800 $34,500 - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. The Committee, therefore, RECOMMENDED E. THAT consideration of a grant of $75,000 to the University of British Columbia, for the continuation of the Fire Protection Engineering Program, be deferred to September 1996, pending a response from the Union of B. C. Municipalities regarding its support for the program. - CARRIED (Councillors Hemer, Price and Puil opposed) The following motion by Councillor Price was put and LOST. THAT a grant of $2,500 be approved to the Sanctuary Foundation. - LOST, NOT HAVING RECEIVED THE REQUIRED MAJORITY (Councillors Clarke, Hemer and Puil opposed) The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. * * * * *