SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 6 CS&B COMMITTEE AGENDA JUNE 27, 1996 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: June 10, 1996 TO: Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets FROM: Director of Finance, in consultation with the Director of Permits & Licenses SUBJECT: 1996 'Other' Grant Requests RECOMMENDATION A. THAT a grant of $47,162 be approved to the Vancouver City Planning Commission, with the source of funds being 1996 'Other' Grants budget. B. THAT a grant of $6,000 be approved to Cycling British Columbia, with the source of funds being 1996 'Other' Grants budget. C. THAT a grant of $75,000 be approved to the University of British Columbia, for the continuation of the Fire Protection Engineering Program, with the source of funds being 1996 'Other' Grants budget. D. THAT a grant of $100,000 be approved to the Vancouver Symphony Society to offset the rent payable under the lease with Civic Theatres for the period of January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996, with the source of funds being 1996 Cultural Grant - Theatre Rent budget. CONSIDERATION E. THAT the following grant requests be submitted for consideration, with the source of funds being 1996 'Other' Grants budget. 1. SPCA - Vancouver Regional Branch $26,700 2. Chinese Benevolent Association of BC 3,500 3. Motorcycle Toy Run 1,500 4. Vancouver Block Parent Program 2,800 5. Sanctuary Foundation 5,000 $39,500 GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B, C and D, and submits E for CONSIDERATION. COUNCIL POLICY Applications for grants under the 'Other' Grants category are to be submitted to the City before March 31 of the current budget year, and the requests are generally submitted to Council in a single report. Current policy regarding funding to outside organizations for policing and engineering costs is that the City waives the first $500 of policing costs and organisers pay all other costs associated with their event. In recent years, Council has approved requests from outside groups for grant to offset the additional costs over the $500 floor. In 1995, two organiza-tions received a total of $4,500 to cover their costs. As part of the 'Rescue Package' for the Vancouver Symphony Society approved by Council on October 24, 1989, the Society is to lease office space in the Orpheum basement from the City at a rent of $100,000 per year, to be offset by a grant of $100,000 to the Society. City Council, on July 27, 1995, approved the continuation of the $75,000 funding to University of British Columbia for 2 years to fund the Fire Protection Engineering Program, subject to City staff attending at least 10 course sessions per year in the program at no additional cost to the City. Approval of grants require eight affirmative votes of Council. Council established the 'Other' Grants budget to provide funding for grant requests which do not meet the criteria for Community Services, Cultural, Day-care or Environmental grants. The grant requests under the 'Other' Grants category are generally presented to Council in one single report, and this report contains eight (8) requests under the 'Other' Grant category and one (1) request under the Cultural Grant - Theatre Rent category. DISCUSSION The following table shows the 1996 funding status of the 'Other' Grants Category: 1996 Allocation $604,800 Less: Approvals to date (265,394) Requests in this report (167,662) Unallocated Balance $171,744 The unallocated balance of $171,744 has been fully reserved for a number of items which are normally funded from the 'Other' Grants budget, and report on these requests will be submitted to Council at a later date. A summary of the grant requests and staff comments is provided below. 1. Other Grants Category There are eight requests included in this report under the 'Other' Grants category totalling $168,176. 1.1 Vancouver City Planning Commission - $47,162 After allowing for internal budget adjustments as proposed by the Vancouver City Planning Commission, the Commission is able to maintain their 1996 gross budget at $47,176, unchanged from the 1994 and 1995 level. The net 1996 grant to the Vancouver Planning Commission is $47,162, after adjusting for the 1995 operating surplus. The Director of Finance recommends approval of the grant request. 1.2 Cycling British Columbia - $6,000 Cycling British Columbia has provided valuable support to the Permits & Licenses Department for the development and the implementation of the bicycle courier program since 1987. In return, the City has approved grants to Cycling BC to offset part of their costs. The grants range from $2,500 to $6,000 depending on the programs proposed for the year. The 1996 grant request of $6,000 is to fund two programs (same as 1995): $3,500 for the on-going administration costs related to the written and road testing program; and $2,500 to continue the preparatory seminar for road test. The 1995 grant was for $5,000. The Directors of Permits & Licenses and Finance recommend approval of the grant. 1.3 University of British Columbia - $75,000 In 1991, the University of British Columbia proposed to establish a Fire Protection Engineering Program in the Facility of Applied Science, and reached a funding arrangement with Union of British Columbia Municipalities and the City. The City provides a grant of $75,000 to UBC to cover 50% of the cost of the program with a 2.25% increase in all permit fees. The grant is conditional on UBC receiving the remaining 50% funding from UBCM. The program was delayed due to funding problem from UBCM. City Council, on July 27, 1995, approved a 2-year funding extension to the program and requested that the funding issue be considered through the late resolution process at the 1995 UBCM Annual Convention. The 1996 grant of $75,000 is the second payment to UBC under the 1995 Council resolution. Staff will report back on the future of program at a later date. The Directors of Finance and Permits & Licenses recommend approval of the grant. 1.4 SPCA - Vancouver Regional Branch - $26,700 The Vancouver Regional Branch of the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has submitted a 1996 grant request of $26,700 to the City, representing a 2% increase over the 1995 level of $26,184, to assist in maintaining the services to the residents of Vancouver. The Director of Finance submits this request for consideration. 1.5 Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver - $3,500 The City has provided financial assistance to the Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver for a number of years. The grants, ranging from $1,500 to $3,500, were used to cover the cost of events sponsored by the Association. In 1995, a grant of $3,000 was approved. The Association has submitted a 1995 grant request of $3,500 to the City. The grant will be used to offset costs related to the Chinese New Year Parade, the Lion Dance and the Canada Day celebration. The Director of Finance submits this request for consideration. 1.6 Vancouver Motorcycle Toy Run - $1,500 The Vancouver Motorcycle Toy Run is an annual event organised by volunteers with all proceeds donated to the Vancouver Christmas Bureau for distribution at Christmas to needy families and children in the Greater Vancouver area. The 1996 event will be held on October 27, 1996 using the Coquitlam route, and the 1996 request of $1,500 is at the same level as in 1995. The Director of Finance submits this request for consideration. 1.7 Vancouver Block Parent Program - $2,800 Funding to the Vancouver Block Parent Program had been channelled through the Vancouver Safety Council before the Safety Council ceased its operation in 1992. Since 1993, Council has provided grants to the program which has the support of the Vancouver School Board and the Vancouver Police Department. The 1995 approved grant is for $2,700. The Director of Finance submits the request for consideration. 1.8 Sanctuary Foundation - $5,000 The Sanctuary Foundation has offered training programs on bicycle repair to the public for a number of years. Since 1993, the City has provided annual grants of $2,500 to the Sanctuary Foundation to assist in acquiring pre-owned bicycles from the Police Department for use in the training program. This year, the Foundation will seek permission from Park Board to offer their program from a portable classroom near Aquatic Centre. The summer program will include bike safety inspec-tion, courses in bike maintenance and minor repairs, and providing information on municipal bike trails. The portable classroom was funded by the Vancouver Foundation in 1995. Sanctuary Foundation has submitted a 1996 grant request of $5,000 to the City to fund the operating cost of the program. The Director of Finance submits the request for consideration. 2. Cultural Grant - Theatre Rent Category As part of the 'Rescue Package' to the Vancouver Symphony Society approved by Council On October 24, 1989, the Society is to lease the basement of the Orpheum Theatre at an annual rental rate of $100,000, to be offset by a grant of $100,000 from the City. The lease has been renewed annually, subject to the approval of a grant of $100,000 from the City. The Director of Finance recommends that the lease be renewed to cover the period of January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 inclusive, and the rent for the period be set at $100,000. It is further recommended that a grant of $100,000 be approved to cover the lease cost, with the source of funds to be the 1996 Cultural Grant - Theatre Rent budget. * * * * *