CS&B COMMITTEE AGENDA
                                                      JUNE 27, 1996        

                              ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                                         Date: May 30, 1996

     TO:       Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets

     FROM:     Director of Finance 

     SUBJECT:  1996 Grant Requests -
               Vancouver Art Gallery Association


          A.   THAT a 1996 operating grant of $1,861,300 be approved to the
               Vancouver Art Gallery Association; source of funds being the
               1996 'Other' Grants budget.

          B.   THAT a one-time grant of $23,462 be approved to the
               Vancouver Art Gallery Association for reimbursement of the
               cost of the escalator repair; source of funds to be
               Contingency Reserve.


          C.   THAT a one-time grant of $24,000 be approved to the
               Vancouver Art Gallery Association to fund 1/3 of the cost of
               the loading dock project; source of funds to be Contingency

          D.   THAT a grant of $60,000 be approved to the Vancouver Art
               Gallery Association to fund the first year of a five-year
               Closed Circuit Television Security System replacement
               program; source of funds to be Contin-gency Reserve.


          The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of
          A and B, noting that the cost ($23,462) to repair a major
          structural breakdown of one of the escalators would normally be
          considered a landlord responsibility.

          Items C and D are submitted for CONSIDERATION, noting that there
          is no signed operating agreement between the City and the Art
          Gallery to witness a clear division of responsibilities between
          the two parties, although the City and Art Gallery staff are
          working to conclude such an agreement in the near future.  In my
          opinion, items C and D relate directly to the tenant s occupation
          of the building and should clearly remain their responsibility.
          On the other hand, both parties have put funds into maintenance
          items similar to consideration D over the years.  Given the mixed
          funding treatment similar items have received in the past,
          Council may wish to fund item C and/or D from Contingency
          Reserve, but I would respectively suggest that item D (security
          of the collection) is a higher priority for the City despite the
          Art Gallery s ranking of these items.


     City Council, on March 31, 1992, approved a change in the basis of the
     City s financial support to the Vancouver Art Gallery Association from
     a grant to support specific items to a grant supporting general
     operations. Funding for one-time new and non-recurring items continues
     to be considered outside of the base grant.

     City Council, on April 19, 1994, when dealing with the 1994 - 1996
     Budget Management Program proposals, approved a 5% reduction to the
     1993 funding base of the operating grants to the Museum Associations
     and the Vancouver Art Gallery Association.

     Approval of grants requires eight affirmative votes of Council. 


     The operating grant to the Vancouver Art Gallery Association is
     adjusted annually by a blended inflation factor determined by the
     Director of Finance.  The 1996 adjustment factor is calculated using
     the ratio of the CUPE 15 salary and benefit costs to other costs in
     the Vancouver Art Gallery's operation, and weighted by the average of
     the CUPE 15 negotiated settlement and the City's general inflation
     factor for 1996.


     A.   1996 Operating Grant

     The composite inflation rate used in calculating the 1996 operating
     grant for the Vancouver Art Gallery Association is 2%, reflecting a
     50/50 split between the wage cost and other support costs in the
     Association's operation.

     The 1996 operating grant to the Vancouver Art Gallery Associa-tion is
     calculated as:

          1995 base grant                              $1,828,800

          Add: 1996 composite rate - 2%                    36,600

          1996 grant                                   $1,865,400

     The Director of Finance recommends that a 1996 operating grant of
     $1,865,400 be approved to the Vancouver Art Gallery Association, with
     the source of funds to be the 1996 'Other' Grants budget.

     B.   New and Recurring Items

     Three new and non-recurring requests totalling $107,462 have been
     submitted by the Vancouver Art Gallery Association, and are being
     presented in the priority order as identified by the Association. 
     (Details of the requests are on file in the City Clerk's Office).

     1.   Escalator Repair

          The four escalators in the Vancouver Art Gallery are 13 years old
          and have inherent design problems.  On April 16, 1996, one of the
          escalators experienced a major structural breakdown and the
          necessary repairs were undertaken and completed at a cost of
          $23,462.  The contractor also recommended that similar work be
          done on the remaining 3 escalators at a cost of $31,700 in order
          to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. 
          However, this work can be delayed until 1997.

          The Association has an annual maintenance budget of $25,000 for
          the maintenance and servicing of the escalators, but the budget
          does not cover extraordinary repairs.  The Association has
          requested the City to fund the one-time repair cost of $23,462,
          and consider funding the $31,700 required for the remaining 3
          escalators in 1997.  It is estimated that the replacement cost
          for the 4 escalators is $417,000.

     2.   Loading Dock Renovation

          For safety and security reasons, the renovation to the
          below-grade loading facilities is being identified as the second
          priority by the Association in their 1996 NNR request.

          The location of the loading dock has been a problem for the
          Association since their move to the current site in 1983.  The
          loading bay is too short to accommodate most trailer rigs; the
          entrance to the loading bay is too narrow; and there is limited
          truck manoeuvrability in the tunnel outside of the loading area. 
          Staff have been using the Pacific Centre truck tunnel adjacent to
          the loading bay entrance or the Hornby Street car pull-in for
          loading. The moving of oversized and heavy crates over a long
          distance with inadequate equipment post a safety risk to the
          staff; as well, security of the works of art is compromised when
          loading and unloading is done in areas with heavy public traffic.

          The situation can be improved by the construction of concrete
          pits and the installation of stationary elevating docks in both
          the loading bay and the truck tunnel.  At the same time, the
          Association propose to re-configure the entire loading area to
          provide extra storage space.

          It is estimated that the project will cost $72,600.  The
          Association has internally allocated $24,600 to fund specific
          items in the project, and has applied to BC 21 in December 1995
          for 1/3 cost-sharing of the project.  The Association has
          requested the City to provide the remain-ing 1/3 matching funding
          of $24,000.  The BC 21 and City funds, if approved, will be
          directed to fund the concrete pits at the loading bay and the
          tunnel, and to partially fund the two stationary elevating docks. 
          In the event that external funding is not approved, the
          Association will proceed with the project at a slower pace using
          its own funds.

     3.   Closed Circuit Television Security System

          Security at the Vancouver Art Gallery has been identified as a
          problem for many years.  Recently, the security co-ordinator of
          the City has completed a review of the security camera system and
          recommends the purchase of a new system at a cost of about
          $300,000.  The plan is to add new security cameras and monitors
          over time so that a                                               

          complete system will be in place at the end of the project.  The
          Association is requesting the City to fund this project over a
          five year period, with the first instalment in 1996 at a cost of
          $60,000.  If funding for this project is approved, the project
          will be managed by City Building Management Services staff.

     The Manager of Building Management Services, Corporate Services, has
     reviewed the requests and has confirmed that the works are necessary
     and the estimates are reasonable.  He did not comment on the priority
     of the escalator repair as it has been done on an emergency basis, and
     the outstanding issue with this item is the source of funds for the


     The Director of Finance recommends approval of the funds for the
     escalator repair ($23,462), and submits the loading dock request
     ($24,000) and the security system request ($60,000) for consideration. 
     Further, it should be noted that the approval of the $60,000 for the
     1996 portion of the closed circuit television security system does not
     commit the City to fund any remaining part of the project.  The
     request will be brought back each year for Council's approval before
     the project of the year is to proceed.

     The source of funds for these requests, if approved, is to be
     Contingency Reserve.

                                *   *   *   *   *