CITY OF VANCOUVER                          1

                            SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING

        A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
   on Tuesday, June 25, 1996, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, third
   floor, Vancouver City Hall, for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing
   to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning and Development By-law.

             PRESENT:  Mayor Owen
                       Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Hemer, Ip,
                                    Kennedy, Price, Puil and Sullivan

             ABSENT:   Councillor Clarke (Civic Business)
                       Councillor Kwan   (Leave of Absence) 

             CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:    Gary MacIsaac


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor
   Owen in the Chair, to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning and
   Development By-law.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   1.   Rezoning: 1730 West Georgia Street
        (former Testing Station)          

        An application by Davidson Yuen Simpson Architects was considered
   as follows:

        The proposed rezoning, from RM-6 Multiple Dwelling District to CD-1
        Comprehensive Development District, would:

        -    permit the development of 156 market dwelling units in a
             22-storey multiple dwelling on the east end of the site, and
             10 non-market dwelling units in a 3-storey multiple dwelling
             along Alberni Street;


   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        -    limit density to a maximum floor area of 12,270 m2 (132,075
             sq. ft.).  This is a floor space ratio of 3.10, which will
             permit 2 400 m2 (25,850 sq. ft.) above the 2.50 FSR permitted
             under the existing zoning.  The additional floor area has been
             requested to off-set the cost of providing the 10 units of
             non-market housing;
        -    limit height to a maximum of 64.0 m (210 ft.); and
        -    provide 191 underground parking spaces.

        The Director of Land Use and Development recommended approval of
   the application, subject to the following conditions as proposed for
   adoption by resolution of Council:

   (a)  THAT the proposed form of development be approved by Council in
        principle, generally as prepared by Davidson Yuen Simpson
        Architects, and stamped "Received, City Planning Department,
        February 20 and May 1, 1996," provided that the Director of Land
        Use and Development may allow minor alterations to this form of
        development when approving the detailed scheme of development as
        outlined in (b) below.

   (b)  THAT, prior to approval by Council of the form of development, the
        applicant shall obtain approval of a development application by the
        Director of Land Use and Development, who shall have particular
        regard to the following:

        i)   design development to reduce opportunities for break and enter
             to ground level uses;
        ii)  design development to reduce opportunities for theft from
        iii) design development to improve visibility in the underground
        iv)  design development to reduce opportunities for graffiti on
             lower blank exposed walls;
        v)   design development to add windows to sides of end townhouses
             to improve surveillance;
        vi)  design development to realign the tower entrance to face the
             street at a distance of no more than 15.0 m.

   (c)  THAT, prior to enactment of the CD-1 By-law, the registered owner

        i)   make arrangements for all electrical and telephone services to
             be undergrounded within, and adjacent to, the site from the
             closest existing suitable service point;


   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        ii)  make arrangements to the satisfaction of the General Manager
             of Engineering Services for the provision of a sidewalk on the
             north side of Alberni Street from Bidwell Street to the west
             property line of the site;

        iii) enter into a housing agreement to the satisfaction of the
             Manager of the Housing Centre to ensure that the 10 non-market
             units will be sold to a non-profit society having no
             association whatsoever with the developer and, further, to
             ensure that the 10 units are provided with a minimum of 11
             parking spaces, and are sold in one block, to be rented to
             core-need families for the life of the project; and

        iv)  submit a report from an acoustical consultant which assesses
             noise mitigating measures, to the satisfaction of the
             Environmental Health Officer.


        Mr. Ian Smith, Planner advised that instead of proceeding under
   RM-6 zoning at 2.5 FSR, the developer sought to satisfy some city
   objectives in providing non-market housing.  Ten non-market family units
   have been included in this proposal, with a requested density bonus to
   offset the cost of providing these units at a reduced value.

        Staff consider these ten non-market family units to represent a
   clear public benefit in this area.

        Mr. Smith advised the issue before Council is the manner in which
   density is handled on the site.  The initial submission from the
   applicant provoked staff, Urban Design Panel and neighbourhood concern
   and was not supportable.  The redesign before Council has reduced the
   floor plate from 6,400 square feet to 6,140 square feet, but this is
   still a departure from the Georgia/Alberni guidelines, which recommend a
   maximum floor plate of 5,500 square feet.


        Mr. Ron Yuen, architect, advised he was appearing on behalf of the
   Wall Financial Group who are the developers for the project.


   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        Mr. Yuen reiterated that the only reason for the rezoning
   application is the request to develop ten units of non-market family
   housing.  With the decline in Federal and Provincial housing, municipal
   governments need to show leadership in providing alternative methods to
   deliver more non-market housing.  This private/public partnership
   between CMHC, the Wall Financial Group and the City of Vancouver is an
   important step in creating more non-market housing in the City.

        Mr. Yuen requested one correction to change the number of market
   units from 158 to 160, for a total number of units of 170. This will not
   change the density of the site.


        A review of the correspondence on this application indicated three
   letters opposing the application (one letter containing 12 signatures).


        The following speakers opposed the application:

        -    Nina Ferretti,(brief on file, and petition with 9 names on
        -    William Duncan
        -    Representative of Strata VR 1957 (petition of file with 17
        -    Christer Myrberg (brief on file)

        The foregoing speakers opposed the application on one or more of
   the following grounds:

   -    The neigbhourhood is not opposed to social housing or a tower on
        this site.  However, it is recommended this particular application
        be rejected because it does not conform to the RM-6 guidelines;

   -    The high rise component in this proposal exceeds every restrictive
        covenant of the RM-6 schedule including floor area, floor plate,
        building envelope and height;


   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

   -    Reductions from earlier proposals or comparisons to Bayshore
        developments are not valid reasons for relief from RM-6

   -    There has been insufficient communication with the neighbourhood on
        this application.  The developer should meet with local residents
        before approval;

   -    The bulk of the Tower should be moved to in the middle of the site. 
        Consistent with West End guidelines, the tower should be kept slim;

   -    If a tower must be built, align its height with buildings in
        immediate vicinity;

   -    The tower should be aligned north toward Georgia Street;

   -    The parking entrance should be relocated from Alberni to Bidwell;

   -    This is the West End and policies from the Downtown relating to
        density bonus calculation should not be imported into the area;

   -    This application is a departure from the CityPlan vision which
        proposed tall thin towers.

        Responding to a question from a member of Council concerning the
   rationale for the proposed parking access, Mr. Smith advised this
   location was required to conform, in part, with the potential
   development of the Alberni Connector.


        Mr. Ron Yuen advised discussions are proceeding with the YWCA for
   its sponsorship of the non-market housing.  They have advised these type
   of family units are best suited to low rise housing, as opposed to the
   high rise.  This is the reason for the current proposed design.

        Mr. Yuen also advised the applicant has complied with all aspects
   of the Georgia/Alberni guidelines, with the exception of the maximum
   floor plate recommendations.  The proposed variance is due to density
   bonus accompanying the provision of the additional ten non-market family
   housing units.


   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)


        Mr. Ian Smith advised staff and the Urban Design Panel view this
   application as a substantial improvement from the earlier proposal and
   recommend its approval.  The issue before Council is density and the
   floor plate of the Tower.

        Mr. Smith advised that many of the concerns articulated by the
   neighbourhood emerged in the past couple of weeks after the application
   had been referred to  Public Hearing by Council, and staff were unable
   to arrange a neighbourhood information meeting.  However, there are ways
   staff could respond to these concerns within the existing guidelines. 
   There is an opportunity to shift the Tower 10 feet to the West, thus
   opening up views through Bidwell Street.  Also, there is a possibility
   some of the market housing could be relocated to the townhouse element
   on Alberni Street.  There is also an opportunity to change the
   orientation of the townhouses, and provide more space for additional
   units, which would reduce the density in the Tower.

        Mr. Rick Scobie, Director of Land Use and Development, advised that
   in this instance, given the absence of senior government funding for non
   market housing, staff believe this is a worthy and supportable public
   benefit in exchange for the additional density.  This is one of the
   first examples of the private sector using the new City mechanism
   enabling public/private sector partnerships.


        During discussion members of Council expressed concern with the
   departure from the RM-6 guidelines, and the potential precedent which
   may be established for this area.  It was emphasized the West End should
   not be considered in the same manner as the Downtown.  Members of
   Council were in agreement that a slimmer tower could be achieved by
   requiring the tower to conform to the RM-6 guidelines, and moving any
   additional density to the middle of the site.  

        One member of Council expressed concern with this approach due to
   the resulting loss of green space.

        Council members also expressed concern that the parking entrance
   was being affected by the potential development of the Alberni
   Connector, which Council has already decided will not proceed.  


   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        It was also stated that additional public consultation is required
   on this application. 

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the CD-1 rezoning be approved in principle, but that the Tower
   conform to the RM-6 guidelines and any remaining bulk from the Tower be
   transferred to the middle of the site;

        FURTHER THAT Condition A regarding the form of development not be
   approved, and the applicant be instructed to further explore with staff
   and the community an alternative that would utilize the bonus density in
   the lower levels and interior portion of the site, mindful of the
   Georgia/Alberni Guidelines, and this form of development be reported
   back to Council for approval;

        AND FURTHER THAT the access to parking be reviewed and staff report
   back on the parking entrance noting, that the options are Alberni and

        AND FURTHER THAT staff report back on changes to the
   Georgia/Alberni Guidelines to delete any reference to the Alberni
   connector, and traffic movements to implement the connector, including
   consideration of permitting parking access on north/south streets.

                                                - CARRIED

                         (Councillor Sullivan opposed)
   MOVED by Cllr. Price,
        THAT the Manager of Real Estate Services be instructed not to
   negotiate a corner cut at Georgia and Bidwell Streets.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

              (Councillor Chiavario was not present for the vote
                               on Clause No. 1)

   2.   Text Amendment:  Sign By-law
        (Free-Standing and Changeable Copy Signs)

        An application by the Director of Land Use and Development was
   considered as follows:

        The recommended amendments to the Sign By-law entitled
        "Free-Standing and Changeable Copy Signs" would allow a number of
        uses, including schools and churches, to have larger free-standing
        signs than presently permitted.

        The draft by-law entitled "Vancouver Technical Secondary School"
        would, in addition, allow Vancouver Technical Secondary School to
        construct an illuminated free-standing sign, at a maximum size of 5
        m2, containing automatic changeable copy.

        The Director of Land Use and Development recommended approval of
   the draft by-law entitled "Free-Standing and Changeable Copy Sign".

        The draft by-law entitled "Vancouver Technical Secondary School" is
   put forward for Council's consideration, but is not recommended for


        Ms. Pat Johnston, Planner, advised the first by-law amends the Sign
   By-Law to allow larger free standing signs in residential districts than
   are presently permitted for certain uses on large sites, and it would
   allow manual changeable copy, but not automatic changeable copy.  The
   second by-law would carry out a site specific amendment to the Sign
   By-Law which would allow approximately one-half of the proposed sign to
   be comprised of automatic changeable copy.

        Ms. Johnston advised that staff recommend the first by-law, but not
   the second, because of concerns about the impacts of automatic
   changeable copy signs in residential districts, and also because of the
   precedence of amending the Sign By-law to create site specific sign


        A review of the correspondence on this application showed one
   petition containing 154 signatures supporting the installation of a sign
   at Vancouver Technical Secondary School.


   Clause No. 2 (cont'd)


        Mayor Owen called for speakers for and against the application, and
   none were present.

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT the draft by-laws entitled "Free-Standing and Changeable Copy
   Signs" and "Vancouver Technical Secondary School" be approved.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   3(a) Rezoning: Dundas-Wall Streets "Let Go"
        Industrial Area - Area 2 (Park)       

        An application by the Director of Land Use and Development was
   considered as follows:

        The proposed rezoning from M-1 Industrial District to RS-1
        One-Family Dwelling District, would better reflect the existing and
        proposed park usage of these lands.

        The Director of Land Use and Development recommended approval of
   this application.

   3(b) Rezoning: Dundas-Wall Streets "Let Go"
        Industrial Area - Area 3 (C-2 Mixed Use)

        An application by the Director of Land Use and Development was
   considered as follows:

        The proposed rezoning from M-1 Industrial District to C-2
        Commercial District would permit an opportunity for additional
        housing, and commercial services compatible with adjacent
        residential uses.

        The Director of Land Use and Development recommended approval of
   this application.


        Ms. Heike Roth, Planner, advised the Dundas Wall area was
   designated as an industrial let-go area in 1990.  It is currently zoned
   M-1 Industrial, and despite this zoning, the area has evolved and
   currently has a number of commercial uses.


   Clause No. 3(a) & (b) (cont'd)

        In analysis of the study area, staff have developed three
   sub-areas.  It is recommended Sub-area One remain industrial, as it
   serves as a buffer between the heavy industrial uses and the port, and
   the residential and mixed uses.  Sub-Area Two is all parkland and RS-1
   zoning is recommended.  C-2, Commercial zoning is recommended for
   Sub-area Three because staff believe commercial and residential uses
   should be encouraged, as they are compatible with adjacent residential
   uses and provide for neighbourhood community services.

        In terms of development cost levies for the area, Ms. Roth advised
   DCL's would apply to Sub-Areas Two and Three.  It is anticipated
   $430,000 in development cost levies would be collected as the area
   develops, with this money being spent on park development and street
   improvements in the area.


        There was no correspondence received on this matter.


        Mayor Owen called for speakers for and against the application, and
   none were present.


        A member of Council expressed concern with RS-1 zoning for the
   parkland, when one of the parks has not yet been officially designated
   by Council.

   MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the applications be approved;

        FURTHER THAT staff be instructed to report back to Council on the
   status of the designation of the parks and the property owned by the
   Board of Parks and Recreation.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        Prior to consideration of Item #4, Councillor Sullivan declared a
   conflict of interest, due to the fact he is a tenant at the Plaza of
   Nations site, and left the meeting.

   4.   Rezoning: 750 Pacific Boulevard
        (Family Sports and Entertainment Centre)

        An application by the Director of Land Use and Development was
   considered as follows:

        The proposed rezoning from BCPED District to CD-1 Comprehensive
        Development District, would create a CD-1 zoning for the Place of
        Nations site, principally to allow a Family Sports and
        Entertainment Centre within one of the three existing buildings on
        the Plaza of Nations site.

        The Director of Land Use and Development recommended approval of
   the application, subject to the following condition proposed for
   adoption by resolution of Council:

        (a)  That Council approve the form of development for the Family
             Sports and Entertainment Centre, as presented under
             Development Application No. DE217755.

        Also before Council was a memorandum from R. Scobie dated June 25,
   1996, which advised the rezoning of this site to CD-1 was approved in
   principle at a Public Hearing on May 16, 1995, including the Family
   Sports and Entertainment Use.  However, enactment has been delayed
   pending resolution of a condition to provide a right-of-way for the
   proposed False Creek streetcar.

        If the current proposed rezoning to CD-1 is approved and enacted,
   it is intended it be rescinded upon enactment of the earlier rezoning.


        Mr. Rick Scobie, Director of Land Use and Development, explained
   that in May of 1995, Council had before it two applications regarding
   the Plaza of Nations site.  One application was for a general CD-1
   rezoning that addressed a variety of existing problems, and would bring
   that site into current times from a zoning perspective.  At the same
   time there was an application brought forward by a proponent who wished
   to use a part of the site for a Family Sports and Entertainment Centre.


   Clause No. 4 (cont'd)

        Council approved in principle both initiatives.  However, Council
   attached conditions to the general site rezoning, and these conditions
   are still outstanding, so the by-law cannot be enacted.  This has also
   prevented the Family Sports and Entertainment Centre from proceeding.

        The present application before Council is an administrative
   procedure to enable the Family Sports and Entertainment Centre to be
   detached from the general CD-1 rezoning.  This will enable it to proceed
   as an interim zoning, to be rescinded when the general zoning is


        Mr. Martin Thompson advised the application before Council is the
   same as the application approved in May, 1995.  The delay in enactment
   has not been caused by anything he has done, but rather with conditions
   attached to the general CD-1 rezoning.  

        Mr. Thompson advised there was a large number of speakers and a
   large volume of correspondence in favor of correspondence in May, 1995. 
   As there is no new information present here, they will not be appearing
   at this public hearing.


        A review of correspondence received indicated one letter opposing
   the application, and a paper on "Youth and Gambling" received from the
   Citizens Against Gambling Expansion.


        The following speakers opposed the application before Council:

        -    Joe Arnaud
        -    Joan Morelli
        -    Harvey Pudwell
        -    Eleanor Hadley
        -    Isabelle Minty (brief on file, petition on file containing
             over 530 signatures opposing the application)
        -    Joe Russell
        -    Connie Fogal
        -    James Lee


   Clause No. 4 (cont'd)

        -    Robert Douglas
        -    Clara van der Molen

        The foregoing opposed the application on one or more of the
   following grounds:

   -    Redemption games are gambling and should not be permitted.  There
        is no difference between winning money or a stuffed toy;

   -    This application will encourage gambling by children and youths.  A
        recent study in Alberta has shown young people are four times more
        likely than adults to be at risk and experience some problems from
        gambling.  Council should act to protect the youth population by
        refusing this application;

   -    Gambling is damaging to families, and presents a huge cost to the
        public purse;

   -    The applicant should be required to have each type of game reviewed
        by a third party to determine if they include gambling;

   -    Vancouver is being targetted by other larger corporations for theme
        parks, which will include arcades;

   -    Council should not approve this application until the conditions of
        rezoning such as parking and a right-of-way are met;

   -    This project is being referred to as a "family" project, which is


        Responding to a question from a member of Council, Mr. Martin
   Thompson assured Council the sole test for the redemption games is one
   of skill.  If a certain output is achieved, a certain prize is won. 
   These are not games of chance.


        During discussion, Council reiterated its commitment to reviewing
   this project after a 12 month period, and stressed its intent not to
   approve any similar types of applications until after this review is


   Clause No. 4 (cont'd)

        A member of Council also suggested the License By-Law be amended to
   prohibit games of chance at this location, given Mr. Thompson's
   commitment that only games of skill would operate at his facility.

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT the application be approved, subject to the condition as set
   out in this minute of the Public Hearing;

        FURTHER THAT staff be instructed to amend the License By-law to
   prohibit games of chance at this location, and in the event that it is
   not possible to amend the License By-law in this manner, then staff
   report back at the time of enactment on measures proposed to meet
   Council's intent;        AND FURTHER THAT staff be instructed to advise other applicants
   seeking similar approvals to the Family Sports and Entertainment Centre,
   that Council is unwilling to consider such applications until an
   evaluation has been completed of this project after 12 months.
                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted, and the
   Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare and bring forward
   the necessary by-law amendments.
                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                     * * *

                  The Special Council adjourned at 10:50 p.m.