ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: June 11, 1996 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of Community Services, Social Planning SUBJECT: Grant Recommendation: Youth Work Co-ordination RECOMMENDATION THAT Council approve a grant of $20,000 to the Sunset Community Centre Association for a youth work co-ordinator position, to strengthen the co-ordination of youth services in Vancouver, to research and map existing services and to facilitate integration of services for all children and youth. Source of funds to be $20,000 from the 1996 Community Services Grant budget reserve. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services submits the foregoing for CONSIDERATION. COUNCIL POLICY Approval of grant recommendations requires eight affirmative votes. PURPOSE This report recommends approval of a grant to strengthen the co-ordination of youth services in the City of Vancouver. The co-ordinator will work with Vancouver Coalition of First Line Service Providers to Children and Youth. This coalition of youth services providers includes representatives from Park Board community centre associations, Boys' and Girls' Club, neighbourhood houses, Vancouver School Board, Family Services, immigrant integration agencies and other community agencies. The co-ordinator will assist in the development of a co-ordinated approach to youth services, and facilitate bridging between immigrant and mainstream youth-serving agencies. An evaluation of the effectiveness of this coalition of youth services providers will be done in March 1997. BACKGROUND On April 2, 1996, Council approved the 1996 Community Services Grants Allocations together with a $20,000 reserve for youth work co-ordination. Over the past three months the Child & Youth Advocate and the Park Board Manager of Youth Services met several times with a group of youth services providers to discuss how to work together to support youth to develop a model for a continuum of service, and to identify gaps and duplication in services. These agencies decided to form a "Coalition of First Line Service Providers to Children and Youth" and to seek funding for a coordinator to help accomplish this inter-agency work. At the same time, the Provincial Ministry Responsible for Multiculturalism and Immigration Community Liaison Branch funded the Sunset Community Centre Association for a half time position to facilitate bridging and cross cultural work between immigrant integration agencies and traditional youth services agencies. Members of the Coalition felt that it would be appropriate to combine the $25,000 Provincial funding with the City's $20,000 grant to establish a full time position to carry out both objectives. This approach will enhance the development of an inclusive coalition of youth services providers that will serve all children and youth in a culturally appropriate manner. The Provincial Ministry Responsible for Multiculturalism and Immigration Community Liaison Branch was invited to the Coalition meeting and agreed to the proposed arrangement of combining the City and Provincial funding into one full time position. DISCUSSION One of the implementation tasks of the Civic Youth Strategy is to "support the support base for youth". To realize this objective the Child and Youth Advocate and the Manager of Park Board Youth Services brought together youth services providers in the City who offer city-wide services available to all Vancouver's youth. The purpose of bring together these agencies was to develop common principles for serving children and youth; to create a forum whereby common issues and concerns could be raised and discussed; and to eventually create a coalition whereby resources could be shared and utilized in a more effective and efficient manner, e.g. use information on gaps and duplication of service to better inform government funders. After the first two meetings of the frontline youth services providers, the group identified the need to map all programs and services that are currently available for children and youth in each neighbourhood (including both schools and community programs). This information will help to identify gaps and duplication services. Also, as a result of these meetings it became apparent that there was a need to integrate youth services for new immigrants in a way that is inclusive and culturally appropriate. From this initial research and analysis specific tasks and collaboration needs will emerge. Having an opportunity for agencies to work together on common interests could build trust and positive working relationships. After this initial work is completed, agencies should be able to work together to advocate for unmet needs, and better co-ordination of resources and services. Copies of the draft terms of reference and working principles for this Coalition are attached as Appendix A. A job description and budget for the youth work co-ordinator position is attached in Appendix B. Since the Sunset Community Centre Association is the sponsoring organization for the Provincial grant it was agreed by the Coalition agencies that they will also sponsor the City's application so that the full position could be administered under one agency. CONCLUSION The youth-serving agencies are at the beginning stages of building this Coalition. The staff position will provide the necessary administrative support, research analysis, bridging and integration of services between immigrant and mainstream sectors and development of a service co-ordination model. An evaluation of the effectiveness of this Coalition of youth services providers will be done in March 1997. * * * * * APPENDIX A Page 1 of 3 DRAFT VANCOUVER COALITION OF FIRST LINE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICE PROVIDERS TERMS OF REFERENCE Purpose In the initial stages of the Coalition the purposes will be to: - strengthen the support base for Vancouver's children and youth; - develop trust and good working relationships among Vancouver's First Line service providers to youth and children; - develop linkages between multi-cultural and main-stream organizations; - work on mapping the existing services to Vancouver's children and youth; - identify gaps and duplications of services to children and youth; and - develop a model for a continuum of services; In the long term, the goal of creating this Coalition is to assist in the development of a co-ordinated approach to the delivery of child and youth services within the city of Vancouver. Participants The participants in this Coalition will include representatives of non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and a network of youth groups providing services to children and youth. "Working Partners" would include organizations who currently provide and/or fund services to children and youth and who commit their representatives to attend every meeting of the Coalition. "Advisory Participants" who include organizations who currently provide and/or fund services to children and youth but who cannot commit, at the moment, the time for representatives to attend every meeting. .../2 Appendix A Page 2 of 3 Terms of Reference (Continued) "Resource Participants" would include organizations who may, on occasion, be interested and/or involved in the provision of services to children and youth and would be interested or invited to attend the occasional meeting. Participants from individual agencies could be approached to attend a meeting to discuss specific common concerns. Organization Each working partner organization would name one representative and one alternate to attend the Coalition meetings. Up to five working partners will make up a Steering Committee for the Coalition. The Steering Committee will be responsible for giving direction to the Coalition s staff person, to assist in the development of the Coalition, to deal with contentious issues arising from Coalition meetings, and to set and conduct ongoing meetings of the Coalition. Organizations would decide if they wish to be working partners or advisory participants. * * * * * Appendix A Page 3 of 3 VANCOUVER COALITION OF FIRST LINE CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICE PROVIDERS PRINCIPLES 1. The viewpoints of each individual are to be considered and differences of opinion are to be respected. 2. The mandate and autonomy of each organization is to be respected. 3. The Coalition will encourage input from all stakeholders and will encourage openness and honesty. 4. The Coalition begins with those who are ready, while keeping others informed and offering a standing invitation to become involved when they are ready. 5. The question who is not at the table and who should be? will be continuously asked. A decision by an organization not to participate at a particular moment in time should not, however, slow down the Coalition's work. 6. All interested individuals and groups will have access to information generated by the Coalition. 7. All participants are obliged to keep their organizations and decision-making bodies informed about the Coalition and its activities. 8. In order to overcome concerns of ownership/territory, participants will try to view discussion and decisions from the perspective of "what's best for children and youth in Vancouver" rather than "what is in the best interest of my agency". 9. The Coalition will strive for consensus decision-making wherever possible. An item will be moved off the immediate agenda where a major difference of opinion occurs. This item will be worked on by those directly involved and the Coalition Steering Committee then brought back to the Coalition when appropriate. 10. Participants will respect the decisions made by the participants. 11. A high level of trust is required among the parties. While information must constantly be shared between the parties, it is acknowledged that there may be occasions when this does not happen. On such occasions, it is assumed that this is because of accident rather than design. * * * * * APPENDIX B Page 1 of 2 VANCOUVER COALITION OF FIRST LINE SERVICE PROVIDERS CO-ORDINATOR'S JOB RESPONSIBILITIES 1) Provide organizational/administrative support to the Coalition. 2) Act as the hub for communication for the Coalition members (including raising issues and sharing general informa-tion). 3) Inventory and map existing services. 4) Analyze information from the inventory and mapping of existing services and provide recommendations ranging from service to funding provisions. 5) Develop a continuum of service provision model through a process involving first line service providers from the field to management level. 6) Assist Coalition members with the implementation of the continuum of service model at the local community to city wide level. 7) Assist in the identification of training needs along with the development of training opportunities for staff of the Coalition's member organizations. 8) Advocate for Immigrant/Refugee Children, Youth and Families. 9) Help bridge mainstream youth-servicing agencies with ethno specific/multicultural agencies. 10) Seek out services and resources that would benefit direct line workers in the area of settlement needs of children, youth and families. 11) Obtain and share census data and information from the Oakridge Reception Centre of the Vancouver School Board with the Coalition members. 12) Participate as a representative from the Coalition on the Vancouver Regional Children and Youth Committee. * * * * * Appendix B Page 2 of 2 PROJECTED BUDGET REVENUE Social Planning, City of Vancouver $20,000 B.C. Settlement Grant, Ministry Responsible for Multiculturalism and Immigration $25,000 _______ $45,000 ======= EXPENSES Co-ordinator $21.21 hr x 35 hrs/wk x 52 weeks x 12% fringe $43,300 Mileage 800 Training 900 _______ $45,000 ======= * * * * *