Date: June 5, 1996
                                           Dept. File No. A759-51.01

   TO:            Vancouver City Council

   FROM:          Manager of Facilities Development

   SUBJECT:       Vancouver Police Department, 312 Main Street, Office
                  Renovations (Phase Two)


        THAT the contract for the phase two renovations to the Vancouver
        Police Building at 312 Main Street be awarded to Ark Royal
        Developments Ltd. in the amount of $240,607 plus GST; the source of
        funding to be the Capital Account 43 05 1910 999.


        The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of
        the foregoing.


       Council approval is required for contracts over $200,000.
       Contracts are to be awarded on the basis of best value for the


   The purpose of this report is to recommend that this phase of the 312
   Main Street renovation project be awarded to the low bidder, Ark Royal
   Developments Ltd.


   In November 1995, Council approved a report from the Chief Constable
   that provided funding of $1,507,500 for the 312 Main Street renovation

   Contracts totalling $700,000 have already been awarded for: equipment,
   furniture, security upgrade and phase one office alterations (Main
   Building floors B, 1, 2, and 4; Annex floors 2, 3, and 4).

   This tender (phase two) is for office alterations to the third floor,
   main building and main floor, east annex.


   Six tenders were submitted from contractors chosen from a publicly
   advertised pre-qualification carried out in the phase one stage. Tenders
   were received on May 29, 1996 for the base and separate price items, as

                                          Base  Separate
                                         Price    Prices     Total

   Ark Royal                          $203,800   $36,807  $240,607
   Tri Power Construction Ltd.         214,110    73,830   287,940
   Idil Construction Inc.              244,000    53,669   297,669
   Novacom Construction Ltd.           262,958   *96,252   359,210
   Westport Construction Group Inc.    270,000    58,441   328,441
   RMT Contracting & Equipment Ltd.    312,800   *59,369   372,169

   * Denotes a portion of the separate price was omitted on tender. An
   average price based on two low tender prices has been substituted to
   complete this table of prices.

   It is recommended that the contract be awarded to the low bidder Ark
   Royal Developments Ltd. in the amount of $240,607 plus GST. The low bid
   is within the amount budgeted for this portion of the project.
                          *    *      *      *     *