REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING

     A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on
     Thursday, June 13, 1996, at 11:00 a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third
     Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City Services
     and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.

                    PRESENT:  Mayor Owen
                              Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario,
                                          Clarke, Hemer, Ip,
                                          Kennedy, Price, Puil
                                          and Sullivan

                     ABSENT:  Councillor Kwan (Leave of Absence)

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Ken Dobell, City Manager

       CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:  Tarja Tuominen


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole,
     Mayor Owen in the chair.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                COMMITTEE REPORTS

     Report of the Standing Committee
     on City Services and Budgets
     June 13, 1996

          Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as
     contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

          Cl. 1:   Grant Request: Vietnamese Family Worker
          Cl. 2:   Emergency Operations & Communications Centre
                   Wide-Area Radio System
          Cl. 3:   Proposed Water Opportunities Advisory Group -
                   Status and Funding Requirements
          Cl. 4:   Licensing Review and Redesign

     Grant Request: Vietnamese Family Worker
     Clause 1

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the recommendation of the Committee, as contained in Clause
     1 of this report, be approved.

                                                 - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND 
                                                   BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY

     Clauses 2 and 4

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in
     Clauses 2 and 4 of this report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

     Proposed Water Opportunities Advisory Group -
     Status and Funding Requirements
     Clause 3

     MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
          THAT the recommendation of the Committee, as contained in Clause
     3 of this report, be approved.
                                                                  - CARRIED

                     (Councillors Bellamy and Puil opposed)


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                       The Council adjourned at 11:05 a.m.

                              *    *    *    *    *

                                                                        REPORT TO COUNCIL

                                                            STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                                                              ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS

                                  JUNE 13, 1996

     A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on City
     Services and Budgets was held on Thursday, June 13, 1996, at 9:30
     a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

                   PRESENT:   Councillor Puil, Chair
                         Mayor Owen
                         Councillor Bellamy
                         Councillor Chiavario
                         Councillor Clarke
                         Councillor Hemer
                         Councillor Ip      (Clauses 2 to 4)
                         Councillor Kennedy (Clauses 2 to 4)
                         Councillor Price
                         Councillor Sullivan

                    ABSENT:   Councillor Kwan (Leave of Absence)

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Ken Dobell, City Manager

                     CLERK:   Tarja Tuominen

     Adoption of Minutes

          The Minutes of the Standing Committee on City Services & Budgets
     meetings of May 9 and 16, 1996, were adopted.


     1.   Grant Request:  Vietnamese Family Worker             File: 2154-2

          The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated May
     21, 1996 (on file), in which the Director of Community Services,
     Social Planning recommended the approval of a grant of $29,100 to
     MOSAIC for a Vietnamese family support worker position.  The position
     will be developed in conjunction with Strathcona Community Centre,
     with the sources of funds to be $20,000 reserved from the 1995
     Community Services Grant budget and $9,100 from the 1996 Community
     Services Grant budget.

          The General Manager of Community Services submitted the grant
     request for consideration.

          Anne Kloppenborg, Social Planner, reviewed the report and
     responded to questions.

          The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. 
     The Committee, therefore,


          THAT Council approve a grant of $29,100 (part-year funding)
          to MOSAIC for a Vietnamese family support worker position,
          to be developed in conjunction with Strathcona Community
          Centre; sources of funds to be $20,000 from funds reserved
          from the 1995 Community Services Grant budget and $9,100
          from the 1996 Community Services Grant budget.

                                            - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND      
                                              BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY     

     2.   Emergency Operations and                             File: 3603-3
          Communications Centre:
          Wide-Area Radio and CAD Systems

          The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June
     5, 1996 (on file), in which the City Manager, on behalf of the
     Emergency Management Committee, sought approval to proceed further
     with a wide area radio system and consolidation of dispatch operations
     under a special purpose agency proposed to operate the wide area radio
     system and provide related services.

          Ken Dobell, City Manager, introduced the following members of the 
     Emergency Management Committee: Dave Rudberg, General Manager of
     Engineering Services; Patti Marfleet, Director of Risk & Emergency
     Management; Chief Constable Ray Canuel; Clyde Hosein, Manager of
     Facilities Development; Glen Maddess, General Manager of Fire & Rescue
     Services; Insp. Steve Foster, Vancouver Police Department;
     Superintendent Peter Martin, R.C.M.P.; and S/Sgt. Dennis Radcliffe,

          With the aid of overhead slides, Mr. Dobell presented an overview
     and description of the proposed wide area radio system, the financial
     choices in replacement of the current system, governance issues for a
     wide area radio system, and responded to questions.  Superintendent
     Martin advised the local R.C.M.P. has the authority to participate
     financially and is committed to proceeding with an amalgamated centre.

          During discussion, the Committee recognized the benefits of a
     wide area radio system.  However, the Committee also noted potential
     problems with governance, possible difficulties with buy-in from other
     municipalities, and a concern with creating a huge new bureaucracy to
     operate the proposed new agency.

          The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. 
     The Committee, therefore,


          A.   THAT in order to allow tendering to proceed this fall,
               Council approve the expenditure of $23.5 million for
               the development of the City portion of the wide area
               radio system backbone, user equipment for Vancouver
               Police and Fire, and the Vancouver portion of a
               replacement Computer Aided Dispatch system for Police
               and Fire, with the recognition that these costs will
               likely be financed by a regional authority, and City
               share of the debt repayment costs being in the range of
               $3.75 million annually.

          B.   THAT, in recognition that the costs for radio
               replacement might be financed outside of the 1997-99
               Capital Plan, but with the City still being responsible
               for debt repayment costs, consideration be given by
               Council to reducing the overall size of the Capital
               Plan ($175 million), and that this consideration happen
               when the Staff Review Group report back on the Plan on
               July 23, 1996.

          C.   THAT, subject to the necessary financial approvals by
               other agencies and agreement by other agencies to
               create a non-share capital corporation to own and
               manage the wide area radio system and provide related
               services, Council agree to placing the operation and
               management of the EOCC and the City Fire and Police
               dispatch operations under the corporation.

          D.   THAT implementation of Recommendation C be subject to
               agreement by the users on appropriate cost-sharing and
               operational management of the wide area radio system.

                                                 - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY     

                                                                 File: 3138
     3.   Proposed Water Opportunities Advisory Group -
          Status and Funding Requirements              

          The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated May 28, 1996
     (on file), in which the General Managers of Community Services, Parks
     & Recreation and Engineering Services sought approval of funding of
     $15,000 to be used by the proposed Water Opportunities Advisory Group
     for an appropriate level of public consultation.  The source of funds
     would be the 1996 Contingency Reserve Fund.

          Also before the Committee was a memorandum dated June 11, 1996
     (on file), from the Waterfront Opportunities Group out-lining a
     proposed public process and time-line to guide the work for the
     Advisory Group.

          Ian Smith and Richard Johnson, Planners, were present to answer

          The following motion by Councillor Sullivan was put and carried. 
     The Committee, therefore,


          THAT Council authorize an additional $15,000 to be provided
          in the 1996 Contingency Reserve Fund to be used by the
          proposed Water Opportunities Advisory Group for the purposes
          of public consultation, as outlined in the proposed budget
          included in Appendix A of the Policy Report dated May 28,


                     (Councillors Bellamy and Puil opposed)

     4.   Licensing Review and Redesign                File: 1006-3/1306-12

          The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated May
     29, 1996 (on file), in which the Licensing Redesign Team reported on
     the results of a review of the licensing and regulation of business
     process.  The Team also sought approval of the funding for the
     implementation of a proposed improved system and for the establishment
     of a full-time quality/ training co-ordinator position.

          Paul Teichroeb, Assistant Director, License & Property Use
     Division, Permits & Licenses Department, introduced the members of the
     Licensing Redesign Team.  The Team members - Linda Schirr, Analiza
     Abello, Tammy Ball and Sylvia Jordt - demonstrated, with the aid of
     photographs, the existing system and how the proposed future system,
     with its streamlined procedures, will work, and responded to

          The following motion by Councillor Clarke was put and carried. 
     The Committee, therefore,

          A.   THAT Council approve funding for the implementation of
               the Licensing Review and Redesign Better City
               Government project at a capital cost of $500,000 and
               annual operating cost of $99,000 with a loan from the
               Service Improvement Reserve, repayable to the
               satisfaction of the Director of Finance.  Repayments
               will be generated from additional license revenue and
               savings from the Operating Budget.

          B.   THAT Council approve the establishment of one full-time
               quality/training coordinator position subject to job
               evaluation by the General Manager of Human Resource

          C.   THAT the General Manager of Community Services report
               back to Council regarding the outcome of
               implementation, and specifically the staffing levels
               and other changes that may be required, one year after
               implementation is completed (1998).

                                                 - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY     

                       The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

                                *   *   *   *   *