M E M O R A N D U M

   From:            CITY CLERK'S OFFICE                 Date:  June 3, 1996
                                                 Refer File:        2610-3

   To:       Vancouver City Council

     Subject:         Downtown Liquor Licensing Policy

   The Standing Committee on Planning and Environment heard from
   delegations on May 9 and 15, 1996, on the above matter.  At the
   conclusion of the meeting on May 15, 1996, a final decision was
   deferred to the June 11, 1996, Regular Council meeting.

   The minutes of the Standing Committee are included in this agenda
   package as Minutes 1.

   Also attached*  for Council's information are the following two
   reports which were before the Standing Committee:

        -    Downtown Liquor Licensing Policy - Enforcement
             Issues and New Types of Establishments;

        -    Downtown Liquor Licensing Policy - Proposal for
             Theatre Row, Yaletown and other areas.

                                                 CITY CLERK


   * Limited distribution to Council members