JUNE 11, 1996

        A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
   on Tuesday, June 11, 1996, in the Council Chamber, commencing at
   approximately 2:00 p.m.

        PRESENT:                 Mayor Owen
                                 Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario,
                                             Clarke, Hemer, Ip,
                                             Kennedy, Kwan, Price,
                                             Puil and Sullivan

        CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:   Ken Dobell, City Manager

        CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:    Maria Kinsella


        The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with prayer,
   read by the City Clerk.


        Council was advised there were matters to be considered "In Camera"
   later this day, including property and personnel matters.


   1.   Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
        (Planning & Environment)
        May 9 and 15, 1996                

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Ip,
        THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   2.   Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
        (City Services & Budgets)
        May 16, 1996                      

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   3.   Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
        (Planning & Environment)
        May 16, 1996                      

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Kwan,
        THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   4.   Minutes of Vancouver Traffic
        Commission Meeting
        May 16, 1996                

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   5.   Minutes of Special Council Meeting
        (Public Hearing)
        May 27, 1996                      

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   6.   Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
        May 28, 1996                      

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
        THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor
   Owen in the Chair.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               REPORT REFERENCE

   1.   Vancouver International Airport
        Authority - Status Report                             File:  8035-3

        Council had before it a written brief dated May 31, 1996, from Ms.
   Jane Fleming, the City's appointee to the Vancouver International
   Airport Authority.  The brief highlighted some of the Authority's
   activities during the past year, including the opening of the new
   international terminal on June 1st, as well as the opening of Transport
   Canada's new control tower on May 22nd.

        The runway is scheduled for completion this Fall, together with the
   remaining phase of the new parkade.


                           REPORT REFERENCE (CONT'D)

   Vancouver International Airport
   Authority - Status Report      

        Ms. Fleming was in attendance, and reviewed with Council the
   various activities and initiatives either completed or under way at the
   airport.  It was noted the passenger growth rate has exceeded the Master
   Plan projections and, in 1995, there were 12 million passengers through
   the Vancouver Airport.  Based on projected passenger growth, it is
   expected this number will exceed 17 million passengers by the year 2005. 
   As a result of the Open Skies Bilateral Agreement between Canada and the
   United States, there are now 11 different airlines flying in and out of
   Vancouver with 72 flights per day to 23 U.S. cities.  It is expected the
   Vancouver Airport will reach its capacity early in the next century. 
   The Vancouver Airport is a major employment generator, creating 17,000
   jobs directly and 22,000 indirectly.  This represents a total employment
   income of $1.4 billion annually, resulting in $550 million of taxes
   payable to the Federal and Provincial Governments.  By the year 2000, it
   is expected a further 2,000 jobs will be added.  Ms. Fleming also
   provided information concerning traffic, and advised that 70% of the
   traffic utilizing the Arthur Laing Bridge is commuter traffic and not
   related to the airport operation.  The Airport Authority has entered
   into an accord with the City of Richmond to look at some of the traffic
   issues.  The Master Plan for the airport will be considering a variety
   of options to improve ground transportation, including rapid transit.

        Members of Council enquired whether the Airport Authority had
   generated data concerning when the road system leading to the airport
   would reach its capacity as a result of passenger growth.  Council felt
   it was imperative to have this information to support the long term
   planning needs for the airport.  It was felt the economic health and
   growth plans for the airport depend on the ability of the Arthur Laing
   Bridge to accommodate the vehicular traffic.

        Ms. Fleming responded to a question from Council concerning the
   hiring of people with disabilities, and undertook to ascertain whether
   such a program exists and advise Council members.

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the foregoing presentation be received.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                           REPORT REFERENCE (CONT'D)

   2.   Review of Engineering Services
        Infrastructure Programs in Preparation
        for the 1997-1999 Capital Plan                        File:  5750-3

        In a memorandum dated May 30, 1996, Mr. Hugh Creighton, Director of
   Finance, advised that on May 14, 1996, Council approved the creation of
   a Staff Review Group to review the project submitted for consideration
   in the 1997-1999 Capital Plan, and to bring back to Council a short list
   of recommended projects which would fit within the financial constraints
   approved for the Plan.  To assist the Review Group in their evaluation
   of those proposals which go beyond historic funding levels and past
   Council policy, departments have been invited to report to Council on
   areas of program expansion.

        Accordingly, Mr. Dave Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering
   Services, together with senior staff within the Engineering Department,
   provided Council with a review of the total Public Works Capital Plan,
   highlighting areas of expansion and new initiatives.

        Before Council was an Administrative Report dated May 30, 1996, in
   which the General Manager of Engineering Services provided Council with
   information on the water, sewer, street lighting and streets
   infrastructure programs.  The General Manager submitted the following

        A.   THAT the Capital Plan and Long Range Plan Update reports in
             Appendix 1; Water, Appendix 2; Sewer, Appendix 3; Street
             Lighting & Undergrounding, as attached to the Administrative
             Report dated May 30, 1996, be considered by Council and the
             Staff Review Group in the preparation of the 1997-1999 Capital

        B.   THAT the City pursue with the Greater Vancouver Water District
             the adoption of permanent lawn sprinkling regulations.

        Mr. Rudberg provided some opening comments, noting that Council is
   not being asked to make a decision at this time, but rather Engineering
   staff wish to present information on the Department's submissions to the
   Capital Plan.  The Staff Review Group will review the various
   submissions and reduce them to fit within the $175 million envelope
   approved by Council for the Capital Plan.  The focus of the
   presentations from Engineering Services are on areas of change.


                           REPORT REFERENCE (CONT'D)

   Review of Engineering Services
   Infrastructure Programs in Preparation
   for the 1997-1999 Capital Plan (cont'd)

        Mr. Tom Timm, Assistant City Engineer - Water, Sewers and Yards,
   with the aid of a slide presentation, provided a review of the Sewers
   and Waterworks Capital Plan.  It was noted that 93.3% of the Sewers
   Capital Programs is required for system replacement.  The City's
   objective is to replace 1% of the main sewers system annually.

        Mr. Timm also explained various other components of the Sewers
   Capital Plan, and the reasons for requesting increased funding in the
   following areas:

        -    connection replacement

        -    connection and manhole reconstruction

        -    local repairs, catchbasins and spurs

        -    upgrading and replacement of pump stations

        -    private property sewer separation.

        Mr. Timm also advised the 1997-1999 Capital Plan proposes a
   continuation of the in-flow and infiltration program for two more years
   focussing on storm water removal from the sanitary system.  It was also
   recommended the City continue to participate with the Regional District
   in the development of the Liquid Waste Management Plan.

        In regard to the Waterworks Capital Plan strategies, Mr. Timm
   provided an overview of the Infrastructure Replacement Program, noting
   that the overall average of the existing system is 70 years, requiring a
   1.5% annual replacement rate.  The 1994-1996 infrastructure replacement
   rate reached only 0.9%, which is well short of the objective of a 1.5%
   annual replacement level.  Mr. Timm also recommended the City pursue
   with the Greater Vancouver Water District the adoption of permanent lawn
   and garden sprinkling regulations.  Mr. Timm also identified a number of
   City transmission improvements required independently of the Greater
   Vancouver Water District system.  While the various requirements within
   the Waterworks Capital Plan represent a significant increase in the
   funding requests, the water system is operated as a self-funded utility
   paid for through rates rather than taxes, and is not included in the
   $175 million Capital Plan envelope.


                           REPORT REFERENCE (CONT'D)

   Review of Engineering Services
   Infrastructure Programs in Preparation
   for the 1997-1999 Capital Plan (cont'd)

        Mr. Don Brynildsen, Assistant City Engineer - Streets, reviewed the
   Streets Capital Plan covering the 1,400 km of streets in the city, made
   up of 350 km arterial streets and 1,050 of local streets.  In addition,
   there are 700 km of lane and 200 km of sidewalk to be maintained and

        Ms. Susan Clift, Acting Assistant City Engineer - Electrical
   Information Services, reviewed the Street Lighting Capital Plan. 
   Council was advised that improvements in street lighting are required
   for a variety of reasons including the increased bicycle usage of city
   streets, improved safety brought about through lane lighting, and the
   critical importance of street lights to safety in the city.

        For Council action, see page 8.

                              UNFINISHED BUSINESS

   1.   Downtown Liquor Licensing Policy             Files:  8007-15/2610-3

        The Standing Committee on Planning & Environment heard from
   delegations on May 9 and 15, 1996, concerning the Downtown Liquor
   Licensing Policy.  At the conclusion of the meeting on May 15, 1996, a
   final decision was deferred to the June 11, 1996 Regular Council

        Members of Council expressed an interest in deferring the two
   reports to allow additional time for discussion of the various issues.

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT this matter be deferred to the July 11, 1996 Planning &
   Environment Committee meeting at 2:30 p.m.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


        The Council recognized seven employees who recently retired from
   the City with varying lengths of service in excess of 20 years.

        The Mayor presented each employee with a Certificate on behalf of
   the City, and thanked them for their long and faithful service.

                               *    *    *    *

         Council recessed at 4:05 p.m., for an "In Camera" meeting in
        the Mayor's Office, and reconvened in open session at 4:05 p.m.

                               *    *    *    *

                           REPORT REFERENCE (CONT'D)

   Review of Engineering Services
   Infrastructure Programs in Preparation
   for the 1997-1999 Capital Plan (cont'd)

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the recommendations of the General Manager of Engineering
   Services, as contained in the Administrative Report dated May 30, 1996,
   be approved.
                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        A member of Council referred to a petition received from the Kits
   Point Residents Association opposing the proposed construction of a salt
   water pumping station at the foot of Chestnut Street.  Mr. Timm advised
   the Engineering Services Department is aware of the residents' concerns
   and will undertake a public consultation process in September.

   MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the foot of Chestnut Street be removed from the list of
   proposed locations of pumping stations.
                                           - deferred

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT the foregoing motion be deferred pending completion of the
   public consultation process.
                                           - CARRIED

            (Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Kwan and Puil opposed)

                               MANAGER'S REPORTS

   1.   Administrative Report
        (May 21, 1996)       

   Appointment of Development Consultant
   for the Southeast Shore of False Creek                    File:  8010-15

        In response to a question from Council, Mr. Ted Droettboom, General
   Manager of Community Services, advised, if Council approves Mr. Kwok's
   appointment, the proposed overtime rate will be subject to negotiation
   prior to concluding an agreement with the consultant.

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        A.   THAT Council appoint Stanley Kwok Consultants Inc. as
             Development Consultant for the Southeast Shore of False Creek,
             subject to the identification of a Project Manager to the
             satisfaction of the Manager of Real Estate Services, and
             subject to a contractual agreement to the satisfaction of City
             Manager and the Director of Legal Services.

        B.   THAT Council instruct that the Development Consultant report
             directly to the Property Endowment Fund Steering Committee,
             rather than through an intermediary.

                                           - CARRIED

                           (Councillor Kwan opposed)

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   2.   Administrative Report
        (May 23, 1996)       

   Five Year Extension of the "Symphony of Fire"                File:  4206

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        A.   THAT, in so far as its powers permit, Council approve, in
             principle, a "Symphony of Fire" International Fireworks
             competition for English Bay for the five-year period 1997 to
             2001, subject to compliance with all City requirements as
             established through the FEST Committee.

        B.   THAT Council, in so far as it has the legal power to do so,
             authorizes the event to take place for such five year period
             as required by the Noise Control By-law and other relevant

                                           - carried

                           (Councillor Kwan opposed)

   MOVED by Cllr. Kwan (in amendment),
        THAT the following be added to recommendation A:

             FURTHER THAT approval be subject to discontinuing promoting
             and advertising any cigarette brand or trade name in
             association with this event.

                                           - LOST

         (Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Kennedy,
                 Price, Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)

   3.   Administrative Report
        (May 22, 1996)       

   Road Exchange:  Portion of Lot on North Side of
   Pacific Street between Richards and Seymour Streets          File:  5807

   MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
        THAT the recommendations of the General Manager of Engineering
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   4.   Administrative Report
        (May 29, 1996)       

   Building Envelope Specialist                              File:  1306-12

   MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   5.   Administrative Report
        (May 23, 1996)       

   Strata Title Conversion:
   8491 and 8495 Selkirk Street                                 File:  5313

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   6.   Administrative Report
        (May 31, 1996)       

   Parking Lot Charges                                          File:  5654

        In this report, the Director of Permits & Licenses provided
   information on the current by-law provisions related to the operation of
   parking lots and adherence to posted parking charges.

        Some members of Council expressed concern with the practice of some
   parking lot operators of charging in excess of the posted amount for
   special event parking.  Usually a sign advising of the increased rate is
   not visible to a driver until a vehicle has reached the payment kiosk. 
   This makes it very difficult for a driver to exit the lot, often leaves
   the individual no option but to pay the increased fee.

        In response to a question with respect to dedicated parking spaces
   for motorbikes, the Director of Permits & Licenses advised the by-law
   does not prohibit motorbikes from parking in its lots.


                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   Parking Lot Charges (cont'd)

   MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the Director of Permits & Licenses review those areas where
   increased entertainment activity has impacted the availability of
   parking spaces in adjacent lots and take appropriate enforcement action
   against those operators levying fees in excess of the visible posted

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the report of the Director of Permits & Licenses be received
   for information;

        FURTHER THAT the Director of Permits & Licenses, in consultation
   with the Downtown Vancouver Parking Corporation, report back on a rate
   change notice period, i.e., a two-week interval between posting a notice
   of increased parking fees and implementation of the rate change.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   7.   Administrative Report
        (May 24, 1996)       

   1936 Grant Street                                       File:  1010/2718

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT this report be received for information.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   8.   Administrative Report
        (May 31, 1996)       

   Award of Tender No. 58-96-05:
   Supply and Delivery of Cover Material                      File:  1801-5

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Engineering
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   1.   Policy Report
        (May 24, 1996)

   Theatre Rental Rates:
   September 1, 1996 to August 31, 1997

   MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the recommendation of the City Manager, as contained in this
   report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                         COMMISSION AND OTHER REPORTS

   I.   Report of Vancouver Athletic Commission
        (May 21, 1996)                         

        Cl. 1:    Extreme Combat Events in Vancouver
        Cl. 2:    Provincial Regulation of Boxing,
                  Kickboxing and Wrestling

   Clauses 1 and 2

   MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the recommendations of the Commission, as contained in clauses
   1 and 2 of this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
                                             AND BY THE REQUIRED


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   1.   A By-law to levy rates on qualifying
        real property located in the Downtown
        Vancouver Business Improvement Area  

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               BY-LAWS (CONT'D)

   2.   A By-law to levy rates on qualifying
        real property located in the Mount
        Pleasant Business Improvement Area  

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   3.   A By-law to levy rates on qualifying
        real property located in the Kerrisdale
        Business Improvement Area              

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               BY-LAWS (CONT'D)

   4.   A By-law to levy rates on qualifying
        real property located in the Robson
        Street Business Improvement Area    

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   5.   A By-law to levy rates on qualifying
        real property located in the Gastown
        Business Improvement Area           

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               BY-LAWS (CONT'D)

   6.   A By-law to amend By-law No. 3575,
        being the Zoning and Development
        By-law (Secondhand Stores and Pawnshops)

   MOVED by Cllr. Price,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Ip,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Price,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Ip,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

          (Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Hemer, Puil and Sullivan were
                       excused from voting on By-law 6)

   7.   A By-law to amend By-law No. 7434, being a By-law
        which amended the Zoning and Development By-law
        by rezoning an area to CD-1 (475-487 Alexander Street)

   MOVED by Cllr. Ip,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Ip,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

               (Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Hemer and Puil were
                       excused from voting on By-law 7)

                               BY-LAWS (CONT'D)

   8.   A By-law to amend By-law No. 7111,
        being the Security Alarm System By-law

   MOVED by Cllr. Price,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Price,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   9.   A By-law to Authorize Council Entering
        into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement
        with the Owner of Heritage Property
        (St. Augustine's Church, 2015 West 8th Avenue)

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

       (Councillors Ip and Kennedy were excused from voting on By-law 9)

                               BY-LAWS (CONT'D)

   10.  A By-law to Authorize Council Entering
        into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement
        with the Owner of Heritage Property
        (Canadian Memorial Church, 1811 West 16th Avenue)

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

              (Councillors Bellamy, Clarke and Hemer were excused
                           from voting on By-law 10)


   A.   Allocation of Lands for Lane Purposes
        (East 2.5 feet of Lot 25, South 1/2
        of District Lot 718, Plan 2245)                         File:  5807

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
        THAT WHEREAS the registered owner will be conveying to the City of
   Vancouver for lane purposes land in the City of Vancouver, Province of
   British Columbia, more particularly known and described as follows:

                  City of Vancouver
                  Parcel Identifier:  013-956-973
                  The East 2.5 feet of
                  Lot 25
                  South 1/2 of
                  District Lot 718
                  Plan 2245

        AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and in the public interest to
   accept and allocate the said lands for lane purposes;

        BE IT RESOLVED that the above described lands to be conveyed are
   hereby accepted and allocated for lane purposes and declared to form and
   to constitute a portion of a lane.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   B.   Pawnshop and Secondhand Store Guidelines              File:  2501-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Price
   SECONDED by Cllr. Ip
        THAT the document entitled "Pawnshop and Secondhand Store
   Guidelines" be adopted by Council for use by applicants and staff for
   development applications for Pawnshops and Secondhand Stores.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                          ENQUIRIES AND OTHER MATTERS

   1.   Smokers' Shelter at City Hall                         File:  4105-3

        Councillor Chiavario referred to a statement in the above report
   that the cost of the shelter erected by Vancouver General Hospital was
   $75,000.  She recently confirmed the actual cost was $7,500.  In view of
   this, she requested a report explaining why the City Hall shelter will
   cost $15,000.  The Mayor so directed.
   2.   Lion's Gate Bridge                                    File:  5751-3

        Councillor Kennedy referred to a recent announcement that the
   Provincial Government is again considering a plan for this bridge.  She
   requested the Mayor seek a meeting with the Minister of Highways to
   discuss the plan to ensure Council is in a position to take a proactive
   stance in this matter.  The Mayor advised he is preparing a letter to
   the Minister expressing Council's concerns and its desire to be part of
   the decision making process.  He will follow up his letter with a
   request for a meeting.

   3.   Leave of Absence:  Councillor Kwan

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT Councillor Kwan be granted leave of absence without pay on
   June 13, 1996, and from June 24 to August 1, 1996, inclusive.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               *    *    *    *

                      The Council adjourned at 6:50 p.m.