Date: May 31, 1996
                                           File No. Crep054.cov

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services and Manager of
             Purchasing Services



        THAT Council accept the low bid from Poschner Construction (88)
        Ltd. for the supply and delivery of cover material, including the
        optional stand-by provision for fire protection, for the period of
        July 1, 1996 to June 30, 1997 at an annual estimated cost of
        $717,900, plus the 7% Goods and Services Tax (less any municipal
        rebate received), subject to a contract satisfactory to the
        Director of Legal Services.


   The policy of Council is to award contracts for the purchase of
   equipment, supplies and services that will give the highest value based
   on quality, service and price.

   Contracts with a value over $300,000 are referred to Council for award.


   The City s Landfill uses a continuous supply of cover materials (eg.
   sand, screened excavation materials) for final and daily cover. The
   placement of final and daily cover over incoming refuse is a requirement
   of the Landfill operating plan. Historically, sand has been obtained
   from an on-site dredge pond. Excavation materials have been obtained
   from the City s sewers, water, and streets construction activities.


   Tenders for the above were opened by the City Clerk on May 27, 1996, and
   referred to the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Manager
   of Purchasing Services for report.

   A copy of the tabulation of bids is on file in the Purchasing office.

                                     - 2 -

   The 7% Goods and Services Tax (less any municipal rebate received) is in
   addition to all prices shown in this report and in the tabulation.

   Funds for all purchases in the estimated amount of $717,900 are provided
   for in the Landfill Operating Budget. Portions of this budget are
   recovered from other Landfill users.

   This tender is primarily for the on-site stockpiling, screening and
   delivery of excavation material and sand within the Landfill. Sand may
   be dredged on-site or supplied from off-site. Pricing is also requested
   for additional work at the Landfill such as ditch cleaning and
   reclaiming rock from existing roads for new road construction.  An
   optional section of the tender seeks pricing to provide stand-by fire
   protection. The tender is to be awarded in its entirety to a single

   Three firms submitted bids.

   Poschner Construction (88) Ltd. submitted the low bid and meets all
   tender specifications. We are therefore recommending the acceptance of
   the overall low bid from Poschner Construction (88) Ltd. for the supply
   and delivery of cover material, including the optional provision for
   stand-by fire protection.

                       *      *       *       *       *