ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: May 24, 1996 Dept. File: 2191IC.COV TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Deputy Chief License Inspector SUBJECT: 1936 Grant Street INFORMATION The General Manager of Community Services submits this report for INFORMATION. COUNCIL POLICY Council directed that staff report back in three months with information on this property. PURPOSE This report is to provide Council with an update on the management of the rental property at 1936 Grant Street. BACKGROUND In 1995, staff and Council members were receiving an increasing number of complaints about the rental house located at 1936 Grant Street. Staff, along with the Police Department, investigated the situation and determined that the problems stemmed from poor management practices. On September 13, 1995, the Chief License Inspector held a license review hearing with Nancy and Wing Young, the property owners and license holders, as to whether or not the business license should be suspended. After reviewing the evidence, the license was suspended for a period of two months. This suspension was subsequently appealed to Council. On October 17, 1995, a hearing on the appeal of the 1995 business license suspension was heard. After hearing the evidence from staff, neighbours and the license holders, the appeal was denied and the license suspension upheld. Council also asked for a report back as to whether a satisfactory management structure is in place. DISCUSSION The owners of 1936 Grant Street have rented both of the dwelling units as of February 1, 1996. They continue to manage the building themselves, which initially raised some concerns. A number of meetings have been held to ensure the owners understand their responsibilities as license holders. They now have instituted a policy of using rental contracts with their tenants, and appear to be properly screening the tenants. The neighbours report that the management style appears to have changed, and there have not been any problems with the tenants or the owners. An inspection on May 23 revealed that the building and the yards are in good condition. The building is occupied by two families as per the approved use, and there are no outstanding problems. CONCLUSION The property at 1936 Grant is currently being managed in a satisfactory manner. Staff will continue to monitor the premises and should future problems arise, they will be reported to Council immediately. * * * * *