                                                 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: May 21, 1996
                                           Dept. File No.  TD

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager of Community Services, on behalf of the
             Selection Committee

   SUBJECT:  Appointment of Development Consultant for the Southeast Shore
             of False Creek


        A.   THAT Council appoint Stanley Kwok Consultants Inc. as
             Development Consultant for the Southeast Shore of False Creek,
             subject to the identification of a Project Manager to the
             satisfaction of the Manager of Real Estate Services, and
             subject to a contractual agreement to the satisfaction of City
             Manager and the Director of Legal Services.

        B.   THAT Council instruct that the Development Consultant report
             directly to the Property Endowment Fund Steering Committee,
             rather than through an intermediary.


   City Council must approve consultant contracts in excess of $30,000.


   In May 1995, Council did not approve a staff recommendation that Stanley
   Kwok Consultants Inc. be retained as the Development Consultant for the
   Southeast Shore of False Creek.  Council instructed that a Selection
   Committee of two Council members and two staff members, not previously
   involved, be appointed to review the terms of references for a Request
   for Proposals and the proposals when submitted.

   The Selection Committee members are Councillor Clarke, Councillor Hemer,
   Mr. Droettboom (General Manager of Community Services), and Mr. Rudberg
   (General Manager of Engineering Services).


   The Selection Committee received proposals from twenty individuals and
   firms.  These proposals were evaluated against five principal criteria:

   1.   The proponent's ability to achieve public policy objectives in a
        land-use plan for the Lands while at the same time reconciling the
        City's financial responsibility as landowner;

   2.   The reputation, relevant experience and past performance of the

   3.   The proponent's scheduling of the services in relation to the
        Council-approved schedule for the SESFC planning process and the
        ability to complete the services within the timeframe required by
        the City;

   4.   The overall cost impact of the proposal, including the addition of
        all applicable taxes to the prices quoted, and the fee structure
        proposed; and

   5.   The best value to the City based solely on the City's assessment of
        the proposal.

   From the 20 proposals, the Committee selected a short list of five to be
   interviewed.  These were:

   -    Michael Geller and Associates Limited
   -    The Hulbert Group International Inc.
   -    Stanley Kwok Consultants Inc.
   -    MTR Consultants Ltd.
   -    The Spaxman Consulting Group Ltd. with TLELL Ventures Ltd.

   The Spaxman/TLELL partnership had to withdraw from the competition
   because of a competing assignment.

   The Committee interviewed the remaining four firms and selected one to
   recommend to Council.

   While all the interviewed firms are strong, the Committee is unanimous
   in concluding that Stanley Kwok Consultants Inc., in particular Mr.
   Kwok, offer the best combination of skills and experience for this
   assignment.  Mr. Kwok has the most extensive background in successfully
   managing development on sites of similar size and complexity to the
   Southeast Shore of False Creek and has a good track record of working
   cooperatively with City staff.

   The Committee's recommendation to employ Mr. Kwok is, however,
   conditional on the clarification of two issues.

   The first issue concerns the Project Manager, whom Mr. Kwok proposes to
   assist him in the coordination of the development work.  Mr. Kwok had
   suggested seconding an existing City member for this job.  However, we
   have been informed that this staff member cannot be made available.  Mr.
   Kwok will need to identify another Project Manager to the City's

   The second issue concerns Mr. Kwok's reporting relationship to the
   City's Property Endowment Fund (PEF), the owner of Southeast False Creek
   parcels.  The original proposal for the organization of the project had
   the Development Consultant reporting to the PEF Steering Committee
   through a Project Director, the Deputy Manager of Real Estate Services. 
   The Selection Committee, having regard to Mr. Kwok's successes with a
   more traditional direct reporting model, recommends that Mr. Kwok report
   directly and regularly to the Steering Committee.  This will ensure
   unambiguous accountability for the project's progress.  The consultant
   would, nonetheless, continue to coordinate his relationship with the
   City through the Real Estate Services Division, and that division would
   continue to provide independent staff advice to the PEF.  That advice
   may include commentary on the consultant's program and recommendations.

   Mr. Kwok proposes to bill his personal time at $200/hour ($300/hour
   overtime rate) but to cap his annual billing at $150,000.  The City will
   also be responsible for covering the cost of a Project Manager,
   estimated at $90,000/year, and project offices costs, including
   secretary, at an estimated $60,000/year. The total core consultant costs
   are, therefore, estimated at about $300,000 a year.  The costs of
   sub-consultants (architects, engineers, and planners) are estimated to
   average $600,000/year over the projected two-year life of the planning
   program. Consistent with policy, these sub-consultants will be subject
   to Council approval.

   The project may be terminated after a six-month feasibility study phase
   if it is found to be uneconomic at this time.  The consultant contract
   will be structured to allow for this possibility.

                           * * *