                                 POLICY REPORT

                                  Date: May 6, 1996
                                  Dept. File No.:  MAYORREP

    TO:       Vancouver City Council

    FROM:     Special Office for the Environment

    SUBJECT:  Environment Week, June 2 - 8, 1996


         A.   THAT Council declare June 2-8, 1996 (Canadian Environment
              Week) as Environment Week in Vancouver and June 5, 1996 as
              Clean Air Day.

         B.   THAT Council endorse the Mayor's Environmental Achievement
              Awards Program as described in this report.

         C.   THAT Council approve the development of environmental
              displays to be used in the City Hall lobby during Environment
              Week each year and throughout the City during the remainder
              of the year.  Funding to be from the Special Office for the
              Environment's budget.


         The General Managers of Community Services and Engineering
         Services RECOMMEND approval of A to C.


    In 1992, Vancouver City Council approved the formation of a Special
    Office for the Environment comprised of staff members from Health,
    Engineering and Permits and Licenses.  One of the roles for the Office
    is to be advocates for the environment.

    The City's Mission Statement is "To create a great city of communities
    which cares about its people, its environment and the opportunities to
    live, work and prosper." 


    This report recommends that Council approve the Mayor's Environmental
    Achievement Awards Program to recognize those individuals,
    organizations and businesses whose local initiatives contribute to the
    protection, preservation and enhancement of our environment and that
    Council declare Environment Week in Vancouver, June 2-8, 1996.

    The report also outlines a number of activities that are planned to
    promote environmental awareness in the community during Canadian
    Environment Week/Environment Week in Vancouver.

    Accompanying reports presented today propose an extension to the
    Environmental Grants Program and adoption of an Environmental Policy
    and Agenda.


    The first week in June each year is Canadian Environment Week. 
    Individuals, organizations, businesses and governments are encouraged
    to participate in activities which demonstrate the values we place on
    the environment.  The Special Office for the Environment proposes the
    following activities and programs for the City during Canadian
    Environment Week, June 2-8, 1996:

    -    that Council declare Canadian Environment Week, June 2-8, 1996 as
         Environment Week in Vancouver and that June 5, 1996 as Clean Air
         Day in Vancouver.

    -    that an Environmental Achievement Awards Program be established to
         recognize those individuals, organizations and businesses that
         protect, preserve or enhance the environment.  The program will be
         called the Mayor's Environmental Achievement Awards and framed
         certificates of recognition will be presented to the recipients on
         a yearly basis during Environment Week starting in 1997.  The
         proposed Mayor's Environmental Achievement Awards Program and
         nomination forms are attached as Appendix A.

    -    that during Environment Week an environmental display be set up in
         the City Hall lobby using existing displays.

    -    two additional reports are being presented to Council today
         recommending an extension to the Environmental Grants Program and
         the adoption of an Environmental Policy and Agenda.

    The Special Office for the Environment is mandated to promote
    environmental awareness at City Hall and in the community.  Existing
    environmental displays are specific to various work areas and a general
    environmental display or promotional and educational material is not
    available.  The Special Office for the Environment proposes to develop
    a static environmental display that can be used in City Hall during
    Environment Week and in schools, libraries and at special events
    throughout the year.  The cost of the displays will be $2,500 and will
    be funded from the Special Office for the Environment's budget.  If
    approved, these displays will be used to promote environmental
    awareness and will focus on City programs and initiatives.

    June 2-8, 1996 is also Bike To Work Week.  A number of events are
    planned and co-sponsored by the City.  A schedule of these activities
    is attached as Appendix B.

    June 5, 1996 is Clean Air Day and the City will be participating in a
    number of activities, including the second annual "Take Another Way Day
    Challenge".  This is an inter-departmental alternate transportation


    The City's Mission Statement speaks of a City that cares about its
    environment.  The proposals in this report provide vehicles to
    recognize the members in our community that protect, preserve and
    enhance our environment and to promote environmental awareness in the

                           *     *     *     *     *
                                                                 APPENDIX A


     The City of Vancouver is located in one of the most beautiful settings
    in the world and is fast becoming a major international city and one of
       the most desired destinations.  Major factors contributing to the
              City's popularity is its environment and livability.

     Improving and maintaining environmental quality within our City is one
     of the most important issues we face.  With increasing populations and
     the demand for land and raw materials we must learn how to balance the
     economic and social needs with the protection and preservation of our

      As Canadians, we recognize the responsibilities we share with other
    nations in protecting the world's environment for the benefit of future
        generations.  Actions that we take locally can contribute to the
     overall wellbeing of the environment, not only in Vancouver, but on a
                  regional, national and global level as well.

       The City is committed to the protection of its environment and the
        livability of its communities which is reflected by our mission

                                  OUR MISSION

      "To create a great city of communities which cares about its people,
       its environment and the opportunities to live, work and prosper."

       In keeping with our mission, the Mayor's Environmental Achievement
     Awards will recognize those individuals, organizations and businesses
         within the community whose local initiatives contribute to the
    protection, preservation and enhancement of our environment.  The award
       recipients will be announced during Canadian Environment Week each


         The Mayor's Environmental Achievement Awards will be given for
       voluntary environmental initiatives that preserve and protect the
      environment.  Awards (Certificates of Recognition) will be announced
           and presented during Canadian Environment Week each year.

                                AWARD CATEGORIES

                  1. Individuals and Non Profit Organizations

          These awards will be presented to individuals and non-profit
        organizations who make contributions to protect and preserve our
       environment.  The contributions may be in the form of programs or
    activities in the areas of habitat conservation, recycling, composting,
         education or any other issue that improves the quality of the
                   environment within the City of Vancouver.

                              2. Corporate Sector

    These awards will be presented to those corporate bodies and businesses
    that show environmental leadership in conducting their businesses.  The
           successful businesses will have developed internal and/or
     community-oriented programs to conserve valuable natural resources or
     to protect the environment.  The programs will show that environmental
       concerns can be taken into consideration to the mutual benefit of
           business and the environment.  Businesses that profit from
      environmental activities which is the focus of their business or are
        legislated to take an action are not eligible for these awards.

                            SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS

     All nomination forms must include the names, addresses, and telephone
         numbers of the nominees and the submitters of the nominations.

     A brief one-page summary of the nomination must also be included with
                           the following information:

    -    a description of the environmental projects or activities

    -    the role of the nominees

    -    the contribution of the project or activity to protect and
         preserve our environment

    -    for the organization and corporate sector category, a brief
         description of the organization, business, or corporate body
         including environmental achievements and goals

    -    for the individual category, a biography of the individual's
         environmental activities

        Newspaper clippings, photographs or other supporting material is
               valuable and should also be included if available.

     All nominees must have good environmental records and shall not be in
          violation of any municipal, regional, provincial or federal
                           environmental regulations.

     All submissions must be received or postmarked no later than April 30
       to be considered for that year's awards.  Award recipients will be
      notified and presentations will be made during Canadian Environment

                                  AWARDS JURY

       The Awards jury will be composed of members of the City's Special
     Office for the Environment in consultation with the Focus Group on the

    For further information regarding the Mayor's Environmental Achievement
                   Awards contact Neil McCreedy at 873-7528.

                               CITY OF VANCOUVER


    I Wish To Nominate


    Organization ____________________________________________




    ___   Individuals or Non-Profit Organization

    ___   Corporate Sector

    Brief description of the environmental project or activity

    This nomination is submitted by:





    Relationship to Nominee__________________________________ 

    Nominations must be received or postmarked no later than April 1 of
    each year to be considered for presentation during Environment Week of
    that year.

    Please submit nomination forms to:

    City of Vancouver
    Permits and Licenses Department
    453 West 12th Avenue
    Vancouver, BC
    V5Y 1V4
    Attention:  Neil McCreedy, Environmental Analyst