VANCOUVER TRAFFIC COMMISSION

                                 May 16, 1996

        A Regular meeting of the Vancouver Traffic Commission was held on
   Thursday, May 16, 1996, at approximately 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room No.
   1, Third Floor, City Hall.

             PRESENT:  Councillor Bellamy, Chair
                       Councillor Chiavario
                       Councillor Clarke
                       Councillor Sullivan

      REPRESENTATIVE:  Dave Rudberg, General Manager of
                       Engineering Services

             CLERK:    Denise Salmon


        On January 19, 1994, the Council, by the required majority, granted
   this Commission Power to Act on all unanimous decisions.  All decisions
   of the Commission contained herein were unanimous and, therefore, stand


        The Minutes of the Vancouver Traffic Commission meeting of April
   18, 1996, were adopted as circulated.

   1.   Franklin and Semlin Area - Traffic Measures            File: 5757-3

        The Commission had before it an Administrative Report dated June
   26, 1996 (on file), in which the General Manager of Engineering Services
   recommended temporary traffic measures for the Franklin and Semlin area
   to protect the area from through traffic and intrusion.

        Ms. Alison Wong, Transportation Engineer, advised the proposed
   traffic measures will restrict all eastbound traffic from crossing
   Semlin to the residential area.  This will substantially alter access to
   the neighbourhood for local residents and a trial period is recommended. 
   The six-month trial will provide residents with first-hand experience of
   the benefits and problems.  The majority of the neighbourhood supports
   the measures.

   Clause No. 1 Continued

        Commission members questioned the possibility of violations as well
   as the success rate with this type of traffic calming.  It was noted
   both barricades and a Court Order were required to address a similar
   problem in the West End.  However, Engineering staff advised both Police
   and the Integrated Service Team would work closely with the
   neighbourhood on this problem.

        Mr. David Clarke, Lakewood Drive resident and Strata Council
   representative, supported the recommendations of the General Manager of
   Engineering Services before the Commission.  He stressed the unique
   position of the Franklin/Semlin neighbourhood located between light
   industrial and Dundas/Hastings travelled by 15-20,000 cars per day.   He
   also acknowledged these measure were but one part of the puzzle in
   dealing with the prostitution activities within the area.

        Ms. Cindy Piper, Hastings East Neighbourhood Action Group,
   concurred with Mr. Clarke's statements.

        As the sex trade was being pushed into the industrial area,
   Councillor members sought assurance an on-going clean up program was in
   place to deal with the residue from the sex trade.  It was noted the
   Integrated Services Team is working on this issue.  Also, if the problem
   moves west of Victoria Drive, residents are prepared to go to similar
   lengths to address the problem there as well.

        Commission members suggested a number of methods for making the
   barriers more effective, including making them uncomfortable to sit on,
   installing a person-activated sprinkler system, and greening the
   diverter areas rather than relying solely on concrete barriers. 
   Engineering staff agreed to investigate barrier seating deterrent
   methods.  Mr. Clarke noted greening of the barriers was not the
   neighbourhoods' immediate concern.  Commission members also requested
   Engineering Services explore possible use of photo-radar type technology
   to address this issue.

        Mr. Ian Adam advised the barriers would be installed before

   Clause No. 1 Continued

        The following motions by Councillor Chiavario were put and CARRIED. 
   The Commission, therefore,


        A.   THAT a temporary partial closure be installed to close Triumph
             Street to eastbound traffic, east of Semlin Street.

        B.   THAT temporary diagonal diverters be installed at the
             intersections of Pandora Street and Semlin Street, and
             Franklin Street and Semlin Street.

        C.   THAT funding of $8,000 be allocated from Streets Basic Capital
             Unappropriated Account number 13/32/9801/999 for these
             temporary traffic measures.

        D.   THAT staff continue to monitor the traffic impacts that result
             from the temporary measures and report back after a six-month
             trial period.

        E.   THAT photo-radar type technology be considered as one of the
             measures to discourage traffic cruising within the

   2.   Bus Stop Relocations                                   File: 5554-3

        The Commission considered an Administrative Report dated April 29,
   1996 (on file), in which the General Manager of Engineering Services
   recommended a number of bus stop adjustments be approved.  Also before
   the Commission was a letter dated May 13, 1996, from BC Transit
   providing comments on the foregoing report and a response dated May 16th
   from Engineering Services addressed to the Commission.

        A Commission member noted the bus stop located at Eastbound 4th
   Avenue at Larch Street was to be discontinued, although presently
   servicing a seniors development.  Engineering staff agreed to seek
   assistance of B.C. Housing Management Commission to determine patterns
   of use for this bus stop.

   Clause No. 2 Continued

        The following motions by Councillor Chiavario were put and CARRIED. 
   The Commission, therefore,


        A.   THAT the following bus stops be established;

             1.   Eastbound Broadway at Trafalgar Street
             2.   Eastbound Hastings Street at McLean Drive
             3.   Eastbound 4th Avenue at Trafalgar Street
             4.   Eastbound 4th Avenue at Balsam Street
             5.   Southbound Main Street at 40th Avenue
             6.   Southbound Main Street at 43rd Avenue
             7.   Westbound Cornwall Street at Arbutus Street
             8.   Westbound Cornwall Street at Maple Street

        B.   THAT the following bus stops be discontinued:

             1.   Eastbound Broadway at Stephens Street
             2.   Eastbound Hastings Street at Woodland Drive
             3.   Eastbound 4th Avenue at Stephens Street
             4.   Eastbound 4th Avenue at Larch Street*
             5.   Eastbound Broadway at Cassiar Street
             6.   Westbound S.E. Marine Drive at Nanaimo Street
             7.   Westbound S.E. Marine Drive at Duff Street
             8.   Westbound S.E. Marine Drive at Borden Street
             9.   Southbound Main Street at 42nd Avenue
             10.  Southbound Main Street at 44th Avenue
             11.  Westbound Cornwall Street at Laburnum Street

             *    With the proviso that the Larch and 4th Street bus stop
                  not be discontinued until such time as Engineering staff
                  has had the opportunity to meet with the B.C. Housing
                  Management Commission and the tenants of the seniors
                  development in the area to ensure no one is unduly

   3.   Bicycle Route in the Arbutus Corridor

   Report withdrawn.

   4.   Correspondence

   a)   BC Transit #2 P.N.E. Park-and-Ride Service             File: 5551-3

        The following motions by Councillor Sullivan were put and CARRIED.
   The Commission, therefore,


        THAT the letter dated April 30, 1996, from BC Transit to the
        General Manager of Engineering Services regarding the replacement
        of the #2 P.N.E. park-and-ride service, be received for

        AND THAT BC Transit be requested to provide the City with the same
        information, at the same time, they send their park-and-ride
        customers outlining changes to the P.N.E. park-and-ride service.

   5.   Other Business

   a)   Public Notification Process                       File: 3126/5553-5

        In response to comments from Commission members regarding the lack
   of public notification and subsequent withdrawal of the report on the
   Bicycle Route in the Arbutus Corridor, staff presented a draft document
   (on file) suggesting guidelines for public participation processes for
   the Vancouver Traffic Commission.

        In addition to suggestions contained in the above guidelines, a
   Commission member suggested using school students as a further method of
   distributing notification material to affected neighbourhoods.

        The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and CARRIED. 
   The Commission, therefore,


        THAT the draft Guidelines on Public Participation Processes
        submitted by Engineering Services this day be received for

        AND THAT individual Commission members review the guidelines, for
        discussion with Engineering staff, and if necessary request a
        report back to the next meeting of the Vancouver Traffic

   Clause No. 5 Continued

   b)   Cypress Street Traffic Calming and
        Burrard Street Left-Turn Bays                   File: 5761-3/5757-3

        Commission members referred to a letter dated May 12, 1996, from
   Ms. Sue Wisener regarding traffic calming in her neighbourhood, and in
   particular, a left turn bay from northbound Burrard to westbound
   Cornwall.  She noted the Traffic Commission, at its November meeting,
   agreed to revisit the issue when a decision had been reached on the
   Burrard Bridge.  However, a decision on the bridge has now been

        Mr. Rudberg advised he has agreed to meet with Ms. Wisener in June
   and a survey of the residents, with input from Ms. Wisener, will be
   completed as soon as possible.  A  public participation process, as per
   the draft guidelines presented this day, will be followed.

   c)   Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce Sign                       File: 5808

        Councillor Chiavario requested clarification regarding the status
   of the Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce sign to be installed at the south
   end of the Burrard Bridge.

        Engineering staff advised installation of the sign is not
   contingent upon a Burrard Bridge decision, and a report to Council, in
   conjunction with the Park Board, will be prepared as soon as possible.

   d)   Bicycle Route in the Arbutus Corridor                  File: 5553-5

                           *     *     *     *     *

        Councillor Clarke declared a conflict of interest as she owns
   property in the vicinity of the proposed bicycle route, and left the

                           *     *     *     *     *

        Commission members referenced a memo dated May 15, 1996, from
   Engineering Services regarding withdrawal of the Arbutus Bike Corridor
   report from the Commission's agenda.

   Clause No. 5(d) Continued

        It was noted many residents had phoned and written regarding this
   issue, and time was needed to explain, reconsider and debate the
   proposals.  Mr. Ian Adam, Engineering Services, did propose however, to
   proceed with the signing of the bike route on Cypress Street, north of
   16th Avenue, as this portion had been approved in the Kitsilano Traffic
   Plan.  A ribbon-cutting for the corridor is scheduled for June 3 to
   coincide with Environment Week, as well as mark the first weekday
   application of bike lanes on the Burrard Bridge.

        The Commission discussed at length the appropriate timing for the
   public meetings and subsequent consideration by the Commission, and it
   was agreed to leave final meeting arrangements to be worked out with
   Engineering staff and the City Clerk's Office.  It was noted however, a
   special meeting(s) of the Vancouver Traffic Commission would be required
   to accommodate all anticipated delegations.

                           *     *     *     *     *

               The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:50 p.m.

                 *     *     *     *     *