SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 2 VTC AGENDA MAY 16, 1996 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: April 29, 1996 File No. 4252-1 TO: Vancouver Traffic Commission FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: Bus Stop Relocations RECOMMENDATIONS A. THAT the following bus stops be established: 1. Eastbound Broadway at Trafalgar Street 2. Eastbound Hastings Street at McLean Drive 3. Eastbound 4th Avenue at Trafalgar Street 4. Eastbound 4th Avenue at Balsam Street 5. Southbound Main Street at 40th Avenue 6. Southbound Main Street at 43rd Avenue 7. Westbound Cornwall Street at Arbutus Street 8. Westbound Cornwall Street at Maple Street B. THAT the following bus stops be discontinued: 1. Eastbound Broadway at Stephens Street 2. Eastbound Hastings Street at Woodland Drive 3. Eastbound 4th Avenue at Stephens Street 4. Eastbound 4th Avenue at Larch Street 5. Eastbound Broadway at Cassiar Street 6. Westbound S.E. Marine Drive at Nanaimo Street 7. Westbound S.E. Marine Drive at Duff Street 8. Westbound S.E. Marine Drive at Borden Street 9. Southbound Main Street at 42nd Avenue 10. Southbound Main Street at 44th Avenue 11. Westbound Cornwall Street at Laburnum Street COUNCIL POLICY It is Council policy to approve changes to bus stop locations in the City. PURPOSE This report recommends that a number of bus stop adjustments be approved. DISCUSSION It is proposed to relocate a number of bus stops in order to: - improve safety by encouraging transit users to cross arterial streets using a signal. - provide improved access to bus stops for seniors and other less mobile transit customers who require signals to cross arterial streets. Locations for this treatment, based on current requests from the public and BC Transit, are: 1. Broadway, Stephens Street to Trafalgar Street (see Figure 1). 2. Hastings Street, McLean Drive to Woodland Drive (see Figure 2). 3. 4th Avenue, Macdonald Street to Vine Street (see Figure 3). 4. Broadway, Rupert Street to Skeena Street (see Figure 4). There is limited sight distance between eastbound motorists and pedestrians crossing Broadway at Cassiar Street due to the grade and curvature of Broadway. It is proposed to cancel the eastbound stop at this intersection in order to encourage transit patrons to use the adjacent bus stops at Rupert Street and Skeena Street, where there are traffic signals. 5. Marine Drive, Elliott Street to Knight Street (see Figure 5). 6. Main Street, 41st to 45th Avenues (see Figure 6). 7. Cornwall Street, Cypress Street to Arbutus Street (see Figure 7). The inter-stop spacings created would be generally within maximum spacing guidelines. BC Transit supports the new bus stop locations. CLARENDON AND 42ND AVENUE 22ND AVENUE AND BOUNDARY BC Transit have indicated they are not prepared to use the bus stops on the west side of Clarendon at 42nd Avenue and on the south side of 22nd Avenue at Boundary for safety and operational reasons. The stop on 22nd Avenue has already been removed by BC Transit. City staff have reviewed BC Transit's reasons for not wanting to use these stops and have concluded their arguments are weak. In each case BC Transit argues that an unsafe situation exists. However, the arguments are not supported by any accident history and as such the risk of an accident is very low. City staff have been unable to convince BC Transit to retain the stops. The removal of the bus stops without establishing new stops in the vicinity will result in longer walking distances for transit users. In the case of both stops, the extra walking distance will be about 125 metres (400 feet) and will marginally exceed the City's recommended maximum stop spacing. The above is submitted for the Traffic Commission's information. * * * * *