REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING

     A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on
     Thursday, May 16, 1996, at 10:25 a.m., in the Council Chamber, Third
     Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City Services
     and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.

                    PRESENT:  Mayor Owen
                              Councillors Bellamy, Clarke,
                                          Hemer, Ip, Kwan,
                                          Puil and Sullivan

                     ABSENT:  Councillor Chiavario (Civic Business)
                              Councillor Kennedy (Leave of Absence)
                              Councillor Price

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Ken Dobell, City Manager

       CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:  Tarja Tuominen


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole,
     Mayor Owen in the chair.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                COMMITTEE REPORTS

     Report of the Standing Committee
     on City Services and Budgets
     May 16, 1996                    

          Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as
     contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

          Cl. 1:   Mountain View Cemetery Proposal

     Mountain View Cemetery Proposal
     Clause 1                       

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause
     1 of this report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                       The Council adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

                              *    *    *    *    *

                                REPORT TO COUNCIL

                                                            STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                                                              ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS

                                  MAY 16, 1996

     A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on City
     Services and Budgets was held on Thursday, May 16, 1996, at 9:30 a.m.,
     in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.

                   PRESENT:   Councillor Puil, Chair
                              Mayor Owen
                              Councillor Bellamy
                              Councillor Clarke
                              Councillor Hemer
                              Councillor Ip
                              Councillor Kwan
                              Councillor Sullivan

                    ABSENT:   Councillor Chiavario (Civic Business)
                              Councillor Kennedy (Leave of Absence)
                              Councillor Price

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager

                     CLERK:   Tarja Tuominen


     1.   Mountain View Cemetery Proposal                      File: 5126-1

          The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated April
     15, 1996 (on file), in which the Manager of Real Estate
     recommended the City retain control and operation of Mountain View
     Cemetery and instruct staff to investigate and report back on the most
     appropriate way to organize the Cemetery.

          The General Managers of Community and Corporate Services
     recommended approval.  In addition, the General Manager of Corporate
     Services submitted for consideration that, should Council wish to
     negotiate an operating lease with a private company, staff be
     instructed to begin negotiations with the Loewen Group to develop
     suitable terms and conditions for an operating lease.

          The Chair welcomed those attending and advised the Committee was
     inclined to support the staff recommendation for the City to retain
     control and operation of the Cemetery.

          John Dillon, CUPE 1004 (brief filed), supported the staff
     recommendation that the City retain control and operation of the
     Mountain View Cemetery.  The site is a valuable resource to the City
     and the community.  CUPE 1004 does have concerns with the possibility
     of the transfer of the operation to the Board of Parks & Recreation. 
     The main concern is that more sites are coming under Park Board
     jurisdiction and the Park Board global budget is not being adequately
     increased to reflect the additional operating requirements.

          The following spoke in support of the City retaining control and
     operation of the Cemetery:

        . Lorraine Irving, B.C. Genealogical Society
        . Jean Campbell
        . Elizabeth O'Keily, Community Arts Council of Vancouver
        . Wayne Smith, Superintendent, Mountain View Cemetery
        . Charles Keast
        . Margaret Hannay, B.C. Genealogical Society
        . Howard Hayden

          In supporting the City's retention of the Cemetery, the foregoing
     provided the following comments:

        - hope the Cemetery records will continue to be accessible to the
          public or transferred to the City for safekeeping, and that the
          Cemetery monuments will be recognized for their heritage value
          and preserved;

        - support the establishment of a Citizen's Advisory Group, and
          request the  B.C. Genealogical Society be represented on the

        - encourage the development of heritage and public education
          possibilities, such as historical tours, for the Cemetery.

        - suggest the consultant also be experienced in heritage
          preservation and the role of citizen advisory groups, not only in
          cemetery operation;

        - concerned about City management taking on operation of cemetery;
          the Cemetery has, for many years, lacked management support and

          The following spoke in support of the Vancouver Civic Cemetery
     Society's proposal for operating the Cemetery:

        . Tom Crean, Family Funeralhome Foundation
        . Gary Darychuk, Vancouver Civic Cemetery Society
        . Harley Selstein, Jewish Cemetery Board
        . Art Cowie, Advisor, Vancouver Civic Cemetery Society
           (brief filed)
        . Jo Hannay, Family Funeralhome Foundation
        . George Anderson, Civic Cemetery Society

          The foregoing supported the Vancouver Civic Cemetery Society's
     proposal on one or more of the following grounds:

        - Mountain View Cemetery currently is sadly under-utilized and
          enhancement of Mountain View Cemetery is long overdue; it does
          not reflect the heritage of the city;

        - the City has no direct experience in marketing cemeteries;

        - Vancouver Civic Cemetery Society is represented by civic
          societies, major spiritual groups, the community, funeral homes
          and operating cemeteries;

        - civic Cemetery staff have role to play;

        - the Board of Directors of the Civic Cemetery Society could be the
          citizen's advisory group;

        - the Society's plan to revitalize the Cemetery is also community
          sensitive and cost effective;

        - the Society has access to the foremost experts in the industry; 

        - the Society's members believe recognition of the past is an
          essential component of how we live our future; and

        - if its proposal is accepted, the Society will immediately take
          responsibility to come in 90 days with a master plan for the
          enhancement of Mountain View Cemetery, including a heritage park
          renewal concept.

          During discussion, the Committee thanked everyone for attending
     the meeting.  It was noted the discussion on the operation of the
     Cemetery has been an important and worthwhile exercise.  It has made
     everyone examine whether the Cemetery could be run in a more efficient
     and effective way, and has generated public awareness of the
     Cemetery's heritage value.

          The following motion by the Mayor was put and carried.  The
     Committee, therefore,


          A.   THAT the City retain control and operation of the
               Mountain View Cemetery and staff be instructed to
               investigate and report back on the most appropriate way
               to organize the Cemetery to ensure a publicly
               acceptable, cost recovery operation, including the
               possibility of transferring the operational aspects of
               the Cemetery to the Park Board under contract to the

          B.   THAT staff be instructed to report back on the terms of
               reference and estimated cost to hire a consultant
               experienced in cemetery operations to review the staff
               proposal and recommend on the following items:

                 - new revenue sources
                 - staffing levels
                 - heritage preservation and opportunities
                 - maintenance levels
                 - management
                 - site planning and development
                 - public access and security
                 - formation and role of a Citizens
                    Advisory Group

                                                 - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY     

                The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:25 a.m.

                                *   *   *   *   *