P4 POLICY REPORT URBAN STRUCTURE Date: April 30, 1996 Dept. File No. IS TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of Land Use & Development, in consultation with the Director of Central Area Planning and the Manager of the Housing Centre SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning: 1730 West Georgia Street RECOMMENDATION THAT the application by Davidson, Yuen and Simpson Architects, to rezone 1730 West Georgia Street (Lot L, Block 55, District Lot 185, Plan 92) from RM-6 to CD-1, to permit two multiple dwellings containing a total of 166 dwelling units, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with: (i) Plans received February 20 and May 1, 1996: (ii) Draft CD-1 By-law provisions, generally as contained in Appendix A; and (iii) the recommendation of the Directors of Land Use & Development and Central Area Planning to approve, subject to conditions contained in Appendix B. FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary CD-1 By-law for consideration at Public Hearing. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY - Downtown District Low-Cost Housing Policy and Procedures - January 1995. - RM-3, RM-5, RM-5A, RM-5B, RM-5C, and RM-6 Multiple Dwelling Guidelines - October 1989. - West End Georgia/Alberni Guidelines - September 1989. SITE AND SURROUNDING ZONING PURPOSE AND SUMMARY This report assesses a CD-1 rezoning application to develop 168 dwelling units in two multiple dwellings. 158 market units would be located in a 23-storey tower on the southwest corner of Georgia and Bidwell Streets. The additional 10 dwelling units would be in a three-storey multiple dwelling located on Alberni Street. All 10 of these units would be for non-market families with five of the units designed for persons with disabilities. A total of 193 underground parking spaces are proposed. To offset the cost of providing the non-market housing, a bonus of 2 230.0 m2 (24,000 sq.ft.) or about 0.5 FSR has been requested and agreed upon. Staff support the proposed rezoning. DISCUSSION Bonus for Non-Market Housing With the approval of an amendment to the Vancouver Charter in February 1994, Council was given the authority to provide density bonuses in exchange for affordable housing, special needs housing or amenities and enter into housing agreements with developers to specify tenure, access, management, rents and rental increases of affordable housing. This policy was further articulated in the "Downtown District Low-Cost Housing Policies and Procedures," adopted by Council in January 1995. While this site is technically outside the Downtown District, it is on the Downtown Peninsula and the method recommended to calculate bonused density in these policies has been applied. Using this method, a density bonus of 2 230.0 m2 (24,000 sq.ft.) has been calculated for this application. This bonus was lower than that originally proposed by the applicant and as a result, 172.0 m2 (1,850 sq.ft.) has been removed from the market floor area in the tower. With respect to the proposed non-market family housing, staff are satisfied that this location is suitable for families. It is close to amenities including a community centre, a library, parks and schools. The design itself, all units having ground access, along with private yard spaces is very suitable for core-need families. To ensure that the 10 affordable units will be sold to a non-profit society having no association with the developer, a housing agreement will be required. The agreement will also ensure that these units are sold in one block, rented to core-need families for the life of the project and are allocated a minimum of 11 parking stalls. Building Form Generally, the design responds well to the West End Georgia/Alberni Guidelines. On Georgia Street, the sidewalk treatment, double row of trees, and green garden court are consistent with guideline requirements, as is the tower location and height. On Alberni Street, the three-storey multiple dwelling provides an appropriate height and scale to define the street. As well, the setbacks and individual unit entries are consistent with the intent of the guidelines. The main built form issue is the tower floorplate, and resulting design of the tower. When originally submitted, all of the requested bonus density, with the exception of the amount set aside for the non-market units, was located in the tower. The result was a typical floorplate of 594.6 m2 (6,427 sq.ft.), substantially above the guideline recommendation of 511 m2 (5,500 sq.ft.). This floorspace, when coupled with excluded storage space and balconies, completely filled the maximum 25.6 m by 25.6 m (84 ft. by 84 ft.) building envelope recommended in the Georgia/Alberni Guidelines. Due to concerns over the size of the floorplate and the resulting lack of articulation and bulk of the building at this very prominent location, the Urban Design Panel did not support the proposal. They recommended sliming the tower by relocating mass to the lower townhouse element, and the introduction of more variation in the tower floorplate. In response to the notification, three telephone calls have been received from residents in buildings to the south expressing concerns about the view blockage created by a larger floorplate. A letter has also been received from a strata group in the 1800 block Alberni Street expressing concern about permitting any increase in density. To address the concerns of the Design Panel, staff, and the public, the tower has been redesigned. The typical floorplate has been reduced from the 595.0 m2 (6,427 sq.ft.), to 570.1 m2 (6,138 sq. ft.). The tower floorplate has also been revised by narrowing the tower width on Georgia and Alberni Streets and extending it slightly in a northerly direction. The result is a more varied and interesting building which responds much better to private views from the south than the original proposal. These changes have been achieved by removing mass to reflect the lower density bonus calculated by staff, and relocating floor area in a new 23rd floor and additional space on the first and second floors. The new floor has been added by reducing floor to ceiling heights with no increase to the building height. CONCLUSION The ten units of non-market housing which the developer has proposed represents a clear public benefit. The floor area bonus to off-set the cost of providing the non-market housing has been verified and agreed to by both the City and the applicant. Subject to conditions as set out in Appendix B, including a housing agreement, staff recommend approval of this rezoning. * * * * * APPENDIX A CD-1 BY-LAW PROVISIONS USE A maximum of 168 dwelling units in multiple dwellings, of which 10 dwelling units will be non-market and suitable for families. DENSITY A maximum floor area of 12,270 m2 (132,075 sq.ft.), based on the calculation provisions of the RM-6 District Schedule. HEIGHT A maximum height of 64.0 m (210 ft.) measured from the base surface. PARKING For market units: A minimum of 0.9 spaces per unit plus 1 space for each 200 m2 of gross floor area, except that no more than 2.2 parking spaces per unit need be provided. LOADING One residential loading space is required. APPENDIX B PROPOSED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (a) That the proposed form of development be approved by Council in principle, generally as prepared by Davidson, Yuen, Simpson Architects, and stamped "Received, City Planning Department, February 20 and May 1, 1996," provided that the Director of Land Use & Development may allow minor alterations to this form of development when approving the detailed scheme of development as outlined in (b) below. (b) That, prior to approval by Council of the form of development, the applicant shall obtain approval of a development application by the Director of Land Use & Development, who shall have particular regard to the following: (i) design development to reduce opportunities for break and enter to ground level uses; (ii) design development to reduce opportunities for theft from automobiles; (iii) design development to improve visibility in the underground parking; (iv) design development to reduce opportunities for graffiti on lower blank exposed walls; (v) design development to add windows to sides of end townhouses to improve surveillance; (vi) design development to realign the tower entrance to face the street at a distance of no more than 15.0 m. (c) That, prior to enactment of the CD-1 By-law, the registered owner shall: (i) make arrangements for all electrical and telephone services to be undergrounded within and adjacent to the site from the closest existing suitable service point; (ii) make arrangements to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services for the provision of a sidewalk on the north side of Alberni Street from Bidwell Street to the west property line of the site; (iii) enter into a housing agreement to the satisfaction of the Manager of the Housing Centre to ensure that the 10 non-market units will be sold to a non-profit society having no association whatsoever with the developer and, further, to ensure that the 10 units are provided with a minimum of 11 parking spaces, and are sold in one block, to be rented to core-need families for the life of the project; and (iv) submit a report from an acoustical consultant which assesses noise mitigating measures, to the satisfaction of the Environmental Health Officer. APPENDIX B PAGE 2 of 2 APPENDIX D PAGE 1 of 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Site This 4 016 m2 (43,230 sq.ft.) vacant site was the former site of the Motor Vehicle Testing Station and is currently owned by the City of Vancouver. It is located on the southwest corner of Georgia and Bidwell Streets with 100.6 m2 (330.0 ft.) frontages on Georgia and Alberni Streets and a 39.9 m (131.0 ft.) frontage on Bidwell Street. Further subdivision will not be required as the site has recently been consolidated. The soils have been cleared for residential development by the City's Industrial Waste Officer. The developer, City Club Development Corporation, has secured an option to purchase on the site. Proposed Development A total of 168 dwelling units are proposed in two multiple dwellings. 158 market units are proposed in the 23-storey tower located near the southwest corner of Georgia and Bidwell Streets. 76 of these units are one-bedroom, 76 are two-bedroom and 6 are two-bedroom plus den. An amenity space of 7.5 m2 (940 sq.ft.) is located on the ground floor adjacent to the lobby. The remaining 10 dwelling units are located in a three-storey building fronting on Alberni Street. 5 two-bedroom units on the ground floor will be fully accessible to the disabled. 5 three-bedroom units will be located on the second and third floors in a stacked configuration. These units are proposed as non-market family housing, with all units having access to ground level. The design conforms to all recommendations in the West End Georgia/Alberni Guidelines, with the exception of the proposed tower floorplate. This issue is fully discussed in the main report. A total of 193 underground parking spaces are proposed with 210 bicycle stalls in two secured underground storage rooms. Public Input A notification letter was sent to nearby property owners on February 19, 1996 and rezoning information signs were posted on the site on April 4, 1996. To date, three telephone calls have been received from residents to the south expressing concern over the larger floorplate and possible impact on private views. One letter has been received from a strata council in the 1800 block Alberni Street expressing concern over any increase in density. APPENDIX D PAGE 2 of 2 Comments of the Manager of Engineering Services The Manager of Engineering Services has no objection to the proposed rezoning, provided that the applicant complies with the conditions as shown in Appendix B. Urban Design Panel Comments The Urban Design Panel reviewed this proposal on March 27, 1996. While generally supporting the concept of the bonus density for non-market family housing, the Panel did not support the proposed form of development. Concerns related to the size of the typical tower floorplate and the uninteresting tower form. The Panel recommended reducing the size of the floorplate to reduce tower bulk and to provide more variety in the floor plan to give the tower more of a residential appearance. Finally, the Panel felt more contextual information was required. The proposal was subsequently redesigned and will be reviewed by the Panel on May 8, 1996. Comments from this review will be made available to Council prior to the public hearing, if this application is referred. Environmental Implications The proposed rezoning contributes to the objectives of reducing atmospheric pollution by providing housing close to the Downtown and within walking distance of amenities and transit. Social Implications The 10 non-market family housing units represent a significant public benefit. This site is close to schools and amenities and is suitable for family housing. Comments of the Applicant The applicant has been provided a copy of this report and has provided comments attached as Appendix E.