A9 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: April 30, 1996 File No: 5527-2 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: City Clerk, as Chair of the Street Naming Committee SUBJECT: Renaming of a Portion of Granville Street; Renaming of a Portion of 51st Avenue; and Naming of New Streets in 46th and Arlington Subdivision RECOMMENDATION A. THAT the portion of Granville Street north of 3rd Avenue be renamed Anderson Street. B. THAT the portion of West 51st Avenue, between Staulo Crescent and Salish Drive be renamed Staulo Crescent. C. THAT the new street running west to east in the new subdivision be named Petersham Avenue and the new street running south to north be named Kings Lynn Street. CITY MANGER'S COMMENTS The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of A, B and C. COUNCIL POLICY Council uses the Street Name By-law, No. 4054, to name and regulate public roads in the City of Vancouver. The Street Naming Committee is a staff team comprising the City Surveyor, representatives of the Permits & Licenses, Fire, Planning and Law Departments, chaired by the City Clerk. The Committee is responsible for the management of a consistent, integrated and duplication-free street name system. PURPOSE This report seeks Council's approval to rename portions of Granville Street, as well as West 51st Avenue, and to name new streets in the 46th and Arlington Subdivision. 1. Extension of Anderson Street from Granville Island Discussion Currently, there is a portion of street under the Granville Bridge which is actually a continuation of Anderson Street (APPENDIX A). This portion of street, north of 3rd Avenue, is currently named Granville Street. It is felt this could be confusing to persons seeking to access an address on this particular piece of road. It would be more appropriate that this portion be renamed Anderson Street. 2. Renaming West 51st Avenue to Staulo Crescent Currently, the portion of road between Staulo Crescent and Salish Drive is named West 51st Avenue (APPENDIX B). Recently, the City's Traffic Operations Division received a call from BC Ambulance pointing out difficulties emergency vehicles are encountering responding to calls from addresses on this portion of West 51st Avenue. Apparently, residents consider this section to be Staulo Crescent and Permits & Licenses' records show two properties addressed as Staulo. The request to rename this portion of street to Staulo Crescent is logical and, more importantly, is in the interest of public safety. 3. Naming of New Streets in 46th & Arlington Subdivision During creation of this new subdivision, both Blake and Arlington Streets were closed and two new streets created. The Street Naming Committee feel it is not feasible to reuse these names for the newly created streets (APPENDIX C). Both Blake and Arlington have other constructed portions in the City, and there is concern that confusion could result from discontinuous portions of streets bearing the same name. When streets in Champlain Heights were being named previously, there was an effort to use names related to either the Captain Vancouver voyage of discovery, or other similar expeditions. It was noted that neither Capt. Vancouver's place of birth or burial place have been used as street names. Captain Vancouver was born in King's Lynn and is buried in a churchyard in Petersham. The Street Naming Committee consider it appropriate to use them at this time. * * * * *