A3 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: April 23,1996 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: Local Improvements by Petition - June 11, 1996 First and Second Step Report RECOMMENDATIONS A. THAT petition projects listed in Appendix I be brought before a Court of Revision on June 11, 1996. B. THAT the reports of the City Engineer and Director of Finance be adopted together with details of the Second Step Report as summarized in Appendix II. C. THAT sidewalk project Number 75, as described in Appendix I, be designated as "pedestrian collector routes" so that the abutting residential property owners' rates are reduced by the required 25%. D. THAT the City-owned parcels on the list attached to the D e t a i l e d S e c o n d S t e p R e p o r t b e d e c l a r e d " a s s e s s a b l e f o r t h e l o c a l i m p r o v e m e n t s p r o j e c t s " . COUNCIL POLICY Policies governing the Local Improvement process are set out in the Vancouver Charter and Local Improvements Procedure By-law. PURPOSE A Court of Revision is scheduled for June 11,1996 at 7:30 p.m. to review a number of petition and initiative projects. This is the "First and Second Step" report for the petition projects. The report for initiative projects was approved by Council on April 16, 1996. The purpose of this report is to begin the formal Local Improvement process by advancing the petition projects to the Court of Revision and to report on the financial arrangements for the projects. Approval of this report does not commit Council to undertake the projects. First Step As required by the Local Improvement Procedure By-law, projects for: Court #574 I Lane Lighting II Pavement & Curbs, Local Residential III Lane Pavement, Local Residential IV Speed Humps V Pedestrian Collector Sidewalks shown on the attached schedule (Appendix I) are advanced to Council by Petition for review at a Court of Revision which will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 11, 1996. Drainage Prior to Paving In addition to construction of the petition paving projects, advance drainage work involving installation of catch basins and storm drains must first be carried out. Based on past experience, we estimate the cost of this work to be in the order of $70,000. The location and individual costs of this work will be reported in a subsequent Manager's Minute upon completion of the necessary design work. Capital Funds Funds for the City's share of the projects are available from existing Engineering Department Basic Capital Accounts. Second Step The General manager, Corporate Services reports as follows: In accordance with the Local Improvements Procedure By-Law, I am submitting the attached City Engineer s Report. The estimated cost of these projects is $2,365,491. The property owners share of these projects is $923,266. The City's share is $1,442,225. I have to report that the necessary financial arrangements can be made to carry out this work. * * * * *