ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: May 1, 1996 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of Finance SUBJECT: 1996 Supplementary Capital Budget RECOMMENDATION THAT the civic projects, identified as "Recommended" in Appendix 1 and totalling $828,000, be approved, with funding from the 1996 Supplementary Capital Budget. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENT The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY On January 26, 1995, Council approved a grant to the Stanley Theatre Restoration Project with funding to be provided in 1995 and 1996 from the Cultural Facilities section of the Basic Capital Budget ($50,000) and from the Supplementary Capital Budget ($50,000). On March 28, 1995, Council approved funding for the replacement of Police handguns at a cost of $1.3 million to funded in 1995, 1996 and 1997 from Supplementary Capital. The 1995 allocation was $427,000 and an additional $450,000 is recommended in 1996, leaving $423,000 to be provided in 1997. On May 18, 1995, when considering the 1995 Supplementary Capital Budget, Council approved funding of $200,000 for a Direct Data Entry system at the Police Department with funding of $83,000 from the 1995 and $117,000 from the 1996 Supplementary Capital Budgets. On July 25, 1995, Council approved the installation of a Voice Mail system at the Police Department to provide better community access to the force. Funding of $150,000 was provided from the Police Building renovation capital budget and $50,000 was approved in advance of the 1996 Supplementary Capital Budget. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to review the requests for funding from the 1995 Supplementary Capital Budget and to forward the recommended projects to Council for approval. BACKGROUND Capital Plans normally provide for two types of funding. - Basic capital provides for those projects and on-going programs that can be planned in advance. - Supplementary Capital deals with expenditures of a capital nature that arise during the three year duration of a Capital Plan. Supplementary Capital has also been utilized as a source of funding for several on-going capital maintenance programs, including the roof replacement and asbestos control programs. The 1994-1996 Capital Plan includes $4,680,000 in funding from the Operating Budget for allocation to Supplementary Capital needs. The final portion of that funding, totalling $1,590,000 is to be allocated as part of the 1996 Supplementary Capital Budget. DISCUSSION The following table summarizes the approved funding level for Supplementary Capital, the Council approvals in advance from this funding and the balance available for allocation to new funding requests in 1996: 1996 Supplementary Capital $1,590,000 Advance Approvals Police Handgun Replacement $450,000 Police - Voice Mail System 50,000 Police - Direct Data Entry Program 117,000 QETheatre - Sewer Separation 120,000 Grant-Stanley Theatre Renovation 25,000 762,000 Balance Available $ 828,000 Appendix 1 summarizes the submissions to the 1996 Supplementary Capital Budget which total $5.8 million. Details of these requests are included in Appendix 3* entitled "Submissions to the 1996 Supplementary Capital Budget". Appendix 1 also includes the recommendations of the staff review committee regarding the Supplementary Capital requests. Each submission has been reviewed and priorities set based on Council policy and previous decisions, and on a judgment of City needs. It is noted that several projects have been referred to funding sources outside the Supplementary Capital Budget, including reference to the 1997-1999 Capital Plan review process. Appendix 2 includes the comments of the review committee on the projects submitted to the Supplementary Capital Budget. FUNDING FROM OTHER SOURCES Several of the projects submitted to the Supplementary Capital Budget have been referred to other funding sources or for consideration in the 1997-1999 Capital Plan process. In addition, some of the smaller maintenance related requests are more appropriately accommodated within existing capital or operating budgets. Item B-5, City Square Local Area Network, involving a funding request for $109,000, is recommended to receive $60,800 from Supplementary Capital, with that amount to be supplemented with funding from the following sources: Property Endowment Fund $12,500 Demolition Fee Reserve $15,600 Solid Waste Capital Reserve $ 5,100 As these sources fund City operations that will benefit from installation of local area network extension to City Square, it is recommended that they provide a share of the funding for the installation. * * * * * APPENDIX 1 - On file in the City Clerk's Office. * * * * * APPENDIX 2 Page 1 of 4 COMMENTS ON THE SUBMISSIONS TO THE 1996 SUPPLEMENTARY CAPITAL BUDGET Details of the submissions to the 1996 Supplementary Capital Budget are included in this Appendix. The following comments highlight the issues dealt with by the review group related to the recommended funding levels. Many of the submissions to the Supplementary Capital Budget were beyond the mandate of this budget, relating instead to the need for capital improvements to City facilities which are more appropriately dealt with as part of the 1997-1999 Capital Plan. These included the following items: A-3 City Hall Security A-5 Civic Building Chiller Replacement Program A-6 City Hall HVAC Upgrade A-7 City Hall Fire Alarm Panel A-8 Civic Building Elevator Modernization A-10 Civic Building Non-Structural Seismic Upgrading B-2 Fire Department Disaster Preparedness Plan C-2 Archives/Museum HVAC System Upgrade While these are not appropriate for the Supplementary Capital Budget, they do give an indication of those items that require consideration under the highest priority category in the Capital Planning process, being the ongoing maintenance of the City s existing assets. In addition, there were several items for which funding is already available or can be provided from in the Basic Capital Budget or from the Operating Budget: A-9 City Hall Repainting A-13 Coroner s Court Building - Exterior Upgrading A-14 Orpheum Theatre First Aid Room A-15 Firehall #1 Lecture Hall Washroom A-18 Dual Gender Firehall Program C-1 Museum/Planetarium Security Access System The following comments pertain to funding recommendations for other items in the Supplementary Capital Budget. Civic Use Buildings A-1 Civic Buildings-Roofing Program $205,000 In the mid-1980s, Council began a roof replacement program funded from Supplementary Capital. The recommended funding will continue that program by dealing with the highest priority replacements identified by Building Management. Two replacements are recommended from this year s list: Vancouver Art Gallery - Basement Corridor $ 20,000 Queen Elizabeth Theatre - Low Roof 185,000 A-2 Asbestos Program $150,000 Ongoing funding for the Asbestos Program is provided in both the Building Management and Park Board Operating Budgets. The 1996 program will deal will provide for the highest priority abatement and removal projects in a variety of civic facilities. A-4 VanCity Building Boiler Replacement $0 As the VanCity Building is an asset of the Property Endowment Fund, funding for replacement of the boiler will be funded from the PEF. However, no funding is being recommended for 1996 as this replacement is not considered to be a priority at this time. A-11 QETheatre - Fire Alarm Upgrading $107,200 Phase 1 of the multi-phase fire alarm system upgrading was begun in 1993 with subsequent phases put on hold pending resolution of anticipated changes to the lobby and other areas of the building. With the approval for some of these renovations to proceed, it is necessary to complete the upgrading project. The funding recommended for 1996 will provide for the next phase of the project, with the balance of the requirement to be recommended in 1997. A-12 St. Roch Shelter - Endwall Glazing $0 Under a cost sharing arrangement with the federal government, Council provided $200,000 to upgrade the St. Roch Shelter. An additional $80,000 was provided in 1995 to provide physical integration of the shelter with the Maritime Museum. This request will complete the upgrading of the shelter by replacing the endwall glazing to stop condensation and leaking problems. The review group concluded that while this work is desirable, it was not a priority at this time and should be deferred for consideration in 1997. A-17 City Hall - 5th Floor Renovation $0 The review group acknowledged the advantages of upgrading the 5th floor to provide more efficient working space and room to accommodate relocated employees, however, it was concluded that this work could not be considered a priority compared to other needs. Other B-1 Fire Department - Fuel Tank Removal $50,000 Several of the fire department halls have underground fuel storage tanks that are used to fuel fire apparatus. Tanks at two halls have been taken out of service because they were found to be leaking. The recommended funding will allow for removal of these tanks, any necessary remediation costs and the installation of an above ground replacement tank at Hall #7. B-3 Fire Department Wide Area Network $62,000 B-4 East Wing Local Area Network 35,000 B-5 City Square Local Area Network 60,800 Increasingly, the ability to access data communication networks is a key determinant of the City s ability to provide service to the public. Moreover, with the change from an environment in which applications run on a mainframe computer to one where applications take advantage of client-server technology, access to local area networks for all parts of the organization will be required. The recommended approvals for computer networking will assist in achieving these needs by providing the back-bone to which users can connect. The Fire Department Wide Area Network (B-3) will build upon the local area network installed at Hall #1 in 1995. The funding will provide for the next phase of development which is the extension of the LAN to the Fire Prevention Office on West Broadway. Subsequent requests to be submitted in future years will provide for a programmed expansion of the LAN to fire halls. The East Wing Local Area Network (B-4) serves Planning and parts of the Permits & Licenses Department. The recommended expenditures will expand the LAN back-bone in the East Wing to accommodate additional access. Item B-5 involves expenditures totalling approximately $109,000, which provides the capability to link all computers in City Square to the Wide Area Network. Funding for computer replacements requested in the submission are not recommended. Implicit in the recommendation is approval of funding from the Property Endowment Fund ($12,500), the Demolition Fee Reserve ($15,600) and the Solid Waste Capital Reserve ($5,100), provided on the same basis as the support these sources provide for City operations at City Square. B-6 City Hall - East Wing Power Supply $148,000 The provision of electrical power in the East Wing has been a problem for many years because of the demands created by the increased utilization of electronic equipment including computer terminals, micro-computers and printers. The recommended funding will address this issue by installation of new transformers, electrical panels and circuit breakers. The balance of the requested funding represented a duplication with work proposed as part of the P&L Imaging Project and item B-4 above. * * * * *