SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 1 P&E COMMITTEE AGENDA MAY 9, 1996 SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS 1. Address: 1300 Marinaside Crescent Present Zone: CD-1 Applicant: Richard Henriquez Staff Contacts: J. Barrett Date of Application: March 15, 1996 Proposal: To construct a new seventeen-storey multiple dwelling containing 97 dwelling units with two levels of underground parking on a vacant site in Concord's Roundhouse Neigh-bourhood. Issues: - Tower plate floor area; - Podium/tower massing; - Marinaside Crescent setback/views; - Symmetry/orientation; - Height vs. proposed FSR; - Character/architectural expression; and - Extent of amenity area/exclusion. ==================================================================== SIGNIFICANT REZONING APPLICATION 2. Address: 3062-3188 West 41st Avenue Present Zone: RT-2 Applicant: Tom Staniszkis Proposed Zone: CD-1 Date of Application: March 28, 1996 Staff: Tom Phipps/ Ralph Segal Proposal: Two 3-1/2 storey multiple dwellings containing a total of 60 dwelling units, 21 of which would have grade level access, at a density of 1.40 FSR with underground parking for 82 vehicles. Issues: - Length of buildings; - Scale relative to RS-1 to south across lane; - Traffic; and - Density (previous advice to reduce).