MOTION                                1

        At the Council meeting of April 23, 1996, Notice was called on the
   following Motion and recognized by the Chair:

   British Columbia's Commercial Fleet

        WHEREAS the Federal Minister of Fisheries plan for rationalizing
   British Columbia's commercial fleet fails to meet its stated objectives;

        WHEREAS the plan, if implemented, would lead to the following
   irreversible impacts:

        1.   A negative impact on conservation, enhancement, protection and
             rebuilding of salmon stocks and other fisheries resources;

        2.   A major negative impact on small operators, job and coastal

        3.   Shifts costs to the province (ie. retraining, community
             service, social assistance);

        4.   Sacrifices communities of place and communities of interest
             (ie. industry) and therefore sacrifices the stewardship
             (enhancement, rehabilitation and management efforts) those
             communities offer;

        5.   Increases capitalization without effectively reducing overall

        6.   Encourages corporate concentration;

        7.   Makes allocation issues more contentious.

        THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Vancouver City Council request the
   Federal Minister of Fisheries, Fred Mifflin, to immediately withdraw his
   plan for restructuring the fleet;

        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Vancouver City Council request the
   Federal Minister to institute a new transparent, inclusive process for
   planning in partnership to achieve healthy salmon stocks, healthy
   habitat, a healthy industry and healthy communities;

        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Vancouver City Council requests the
   provincial government to intervene to prevent the Department of
   Fisheries and Oceans from implementing Mifflin's plan.