ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: April 23, 1996 Dept. File No. 3462 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Manager of the Housing Centre SUBJECT: Grant - D.E.R.A. Housing Information and Relocation Service RECOMMENDATION THAT Council approve a grant of $19,836 to the Downtown Eastside Residents Association (DERA) for the Housing Information and Relocation Service for the period July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996 to be disbursed with the approval of the Manager of the Housing Centre. Source of funds to be the Demolition Fee Reserve. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY Council established a demolition fee of $1,000 per multi-family unit and $500 per single family unit to support housing information and relocation assistance services. Approval of a grant requires 8 affirmative votes of Council. PURPOSE This report seeks Council approval for a grant of $19,836 to the Downtown Eastside Residents Association for the Housing Information and Relocation Service. BACKGROUND During the first six months of 1990, DERA staff assisted with the emergency relocation work for the City, in the Downtown Eastside on a fee for service basis. At that time Council decided to regularize the service and on June 12, 1990 Council approved a grant of $17,500 to provide a Housing Information and Relocation Service. The grant is jointly funded on a 50/50 cost sharing basis with the British Columbia Housing Management Commission (BCHMC). Council approved grants in 1991 ($18,462), 1992 ($19,108.70), 1993 ($19,682) and in 1994 ($19,259). DISCUSSION During the last funding year the DERA Relocator provided direct and personal service in 441 cases. The relocator logged 1,514 phone calls and made 1,170 referrals to housing agencies, and 123 house calls to tenants in hotels throughout the Downtown Eastside. A second full relocator position was funded on a one-year one time only basis under a Community Initiatives Grant. This funding was provided exclusively by BCHMC. The purpose of this grant was to allow DERA to extend tenant organization and relocation through the area north of Hastings Street to Boundary Road. The service has begun a review of the hotels and rooming houses in the Downtown Eastside to update their lists concerning phone numbers and type of rental and to improve communications between DERA staff and the hotel managers. Work has also been done to organize hotel tenants against unjustified or exorbitant rent increases. The DERA relocator assisted Tenant Assistance Program staff with relocation from a City-ordered closure at 546 Prior Street which displaced seven families. The DERA relocator also represented the tenants at the Columbia Hotel with the Residential Tenancy Branch, testing new legislation which allowed the joining of arbitrations to have all the rent owing to the hotel redirected to the Residential Tenancy Branch to pay for repairs. More recently, when T.A.P. responded and did the crisis management during the fire at the Wal Mar Rooms, 67 E. Hastings, the DERA relocator managed the follow-up and permanent relocation of the 27 tenants. The proposed source of funds is the Demolition Fee Reserve which was established in 1989 to fund the Housing Centre, and in particular the initiatives that address the consequences of demolitions and the dislocation of tenants. CONCLUSION Funding approval of $19,836 is sought for year six of the DERA Housing Information and Relocation Service, a 3% increase from the previous year. The Province, through BCHMC, provides a matching grant of $20,272. BCMHC has approved their share of funding. The Director of Finance advises that the funding source of this grant is the Demolition Fee Reserve. This is a grant request and requires eight affirmative votes for approval. * * * * *