COMM-1 April 16, 1996 MEMO TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Mayor Philip Owen SUBJECT: Council Representation of FCM Local Joint Committee on Community Corrections In June 1993, a Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Correction Services Canada and the National Parole Board Joint Committee on Community Corrections was established as part of the commitment of all three parties to building safer communities in Canada. The Joint Committee is a sub-committee of FCM's Standing Committee on Community Safety and Crime Prevention. To facilitate ongoing consultation between Corrections Services Canada, the National Parole Board and municipal governments, the Joint Committee has requested each Province to establish a Local Committee on Corrections Issues. A principal aim of the local committees will be to foster an improved understanding between the parties on issues facing municipal governments as they relate to corrections, and the roles, responsibilities and objectives of CSC and NPB (see attached Terms of Reference). The Terms of Reference specify that municipal representatives on the Local Committee be appointed by their respective Councils. Councillors Don Bellamy and Lynne Kennedy have volunteered to serve on the Local Committee and attended its first meeting on March 30, 1996. Councillor Bellamy has been appointed Co-Chair with Fraser Simmons of the National Parole Board. Operational costs of the local committees are expected to be minimal. Any that are incurred will be covered by Corrections Services Canada. I RECOMMEND THAT Councillors Don Bellamy and Lynne Kennedy be appointed to the FCM Local Joint Committee on Community Corrections. Philip W. Owen MAYOR