REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING

     A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City  of Vancouver was held on
     Thursday,  January 18, 1996, at  10:40 a.m., in  Committee Room No. 1,
     Third  Floor,  City Hall,  following  the Standing  Committee  on City
     Services  and Budgets meeting, to consider  the recommendations of the

                    PRESENT:  Mayor Owen
                              Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Hemer,
                                          Ip, Kennedy, Kwan, Price
                                          Puil and Sullivan

                     ABSENT:  Councillor Chiavario

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Ken Dobell, City Manager

       CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:  Tarja Tuominen


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT  this Council resolve  itself into  Committee of  the Whole,
     Mayor Owen in the chair.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                COMMITTEE REPORTS

     Report of the Standing Committee
     on City Services and Budgets
     January 18, 1996

          Council  considered  the  recommendations  of the  Committee,  as
     contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

          Cl. 1:   1996 Consolidated Assessment Roll
          Cl. 2:   1996 Operating Budget - Preliminary Report
          Cl. 3:   Funding Request for "Saferide" Program

     Clauses 1 and 3

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT  the  recommendations  of  the Committee,  as  contained  in
     Clauses 1 and 3 of this report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

     1996 Operating Budget -
     Preliminary Report
     Clause 2
     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause
     2 of this report, and quoted below, be approved.

          A.   THAT  Council approve  the financial  strategy for  the 1996
               Operating  Budget, as detailed  in the Administrative Report
               dated January  11, 1996, which establishes  a target general
               purposes tax increase not to exceed 1%.

          B.   THAT any decreases in funding from the senior governments be
               added to the general purposes taxes in 1996 only; and

               FURTHER  THAT  the impacts  of  these  reductions in  future
               years,  including  any  potential  program  adjustments,  be
               reviewed  with  Council  in  developing  the  1997 Operating

                                                                  - CARRIED

                         (Councillor Kwan opposed to A)


     MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                The Council adjourned at approximately 10:45 a.m.

                              *    *    *    *    *


                                REPORT TO COUNCIL
                          STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                          ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS

                                JANUARY 18, 1996

     A  Regular  Meeting  of the  Standing  Committee  of  Council on  City
     Services  and Budgets was held on  Thursday, January 18, 1996, at 9:30
     a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

                   PRESENT:   Councillor Puil, Chair
                              Mayor Owen
                              Councillor Bellamy
                              Councillor Chiavario
                              Councillor Clarke
                              Councillor Hemer
                              Councillor Ip
                              Councillor Kennedy
                              Councillor Kwan
                              Councillor Price
                              Councillor Sullivan

       CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE: Ken Dobell, City Manager 

                     CLERK:   Tarja Tuominen

     Recorded Vote

          Unless otherwise indicated, votes  of the Committee on  all items
     are unanimous.


     1.   1996 Consolidated Assessment Roll                      File: 1554

          The Committee had before it the City of Vancouver 1995 Assessment
     Roll  Report dated  January,  1996 (on  file),  prepared by  the  B.C.
     Assessment  Authority to  provide property  and value  information for
     taxation purposes.

          Mr.  Harry  Jones,  Area  Assessor,  B.C.  Assessment  Authority,
     presented  a  review  of  assessment  trends  reflected  in  the  1996
     Consolidated Assessment Roll and responded to questions.

          Mr.  Jones noted  in  1996, the  total  value of  assessments  in
     Vancouver is  $77 billion, which is  20% of the value  in the province
     ($384  billion).   The average  value of  a single-family  dwelling in
     Vancouver is $463,400; strata, $210,300; and commercial, $1.9 million.
     In the last ten years, a typical house has increased 3 times in value.
     Average  real  estate sales  in Vancouver  have  been 96%  of assessed

          Very  little  legislation  has  changed, with  the  exception  of
     assessments to railway property.   For 1996 taxation, only  the school
     tax portion of railway taxes will be impacted.  Property taxes paid by
     railways will be  reduced in  1997.  However,  Vancouver may  benefit,
     because all  of the railway  yards property  value will  go to  market
     value under "business and other"  class; currently, they are  assessed
     under "utility" class.

          The average assessment roll  increase for residential  properties
     is 2-1/2%; for strata, 3%;  for commercial, 3%.  Currently, there  are
     200  outstanding appeals  before  the Assessment  Appeal  Board.   The
     appeal  process is taking  up 30% of  staff time.   Municipal taxes in
     B.C.  are  generally  lower  than  in the  rest  of  Canada,  with the
     exception of Calgary.

          The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and CARRIED.
     The Committee, therefore,


          THAT  the presentation  on the 1996  Consolidated Assessment
          Roll be received for information.

     2.   1996 Operating Budget - Preliminary Report           File: 1607-1

          The  Committee  had  before  it an  Administrative  Report  dated
     January  11, 1996  (on file),  in which  the Director  of Finance,  in
     consultation with the Corporate Management Team, sought approval  of a
     strategy for balancing  the budget with  a tax increase that  will not
     exceed 1%.

          Mr.  Hugh Creighton, Director  of Finance, was  present to answer

          During discussion, one member of the  Committee felt staff should
     be  given direction to look at possible revenue generating sources and
     be asked to  clearly identify  where the impacts  of federal  transfer
     payment  cuts  will  be.   Other  members  noted  the proposed  budget
     strategy did not set up something unsustainable.

          The  following motion  by Councillor Hemer  was put  and CARRIED.
     The Committee, therefore,


          A.   THAT  Council approve  the financial  strategy for  the
               1996   Operating   Budget,    as   detailed   in    the
               Administrative  Report dated  January  11, 1996,  which
               establishes a  target general purposes tax increase not
               to exceed 1%.

          B.   THAT  any   decreases  in  funding   from  the   senior
               governments be  added to the general  purposes taxes in
               1996 only; and

               FURTHER  THAT  the impacts  of  these  reductions in  future
               years,  including  any  potential  program  adjustments,  be
               reviewed  with  Council  in developing  the  1997  Operating

                         (Councillor Kwan opposed to A)

     3.   Funding Request for "Saferide" Program                 File: 1010

          The  Committee received  today  a memorandum  from the  Vancouver
     Police Department dated January 17, 1996 (on file), requesting a grant
     of  $2,000 to $5,000  to assist  in covering  operating costs  for one
     month  for the "Saferide" Program.  The "Saferide" Program is operated
     by  the  Vancouver Recovery  Club as  a  pick-up service  to transport
     intoxicated  individuals  to a  detox  facility  instead of  diverting
     police resources to perform the function.

          The following  motion by Councillor Kennedy was  put and CARRIED.
     The Committee, therefore,


          THAT  Council approve  a  one-time grant  of $2,000  towards
          short-term  emergency  funding for  the  "Saferide" program;
          source of funds to be the 1996 Operating Budget.

                The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:40 a.m.

                                *   *   *   *   *