SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 1 VTC AGENDA OCTOBER 19, 1995 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: October 3, 1995 Dept. File No. TO: Vancouver Traffic Commission FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: Left Turn Prohibition on Anderson Street at Lamey's Mill Road INFORMATION The General Manager of Engineering Services submits this report for INFORMATION. COUNCIL POLICY The City has a long standing policy of protecting neighbourhoods from through traffic. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to advise Council of the proposed left turn prohibition from southbound Anderson Street to eastbound Lamey's Mill Road. BACKGROUND Through traffic has been an ongoing concern in the False Creek community for some time largely due to the regional attraction of Granville Island. On May 19, 1994, Council approved the extension of Anderson Street to 4th Avenue, and asked that staff report back on any further regulatory measures that may be necessary. One of the main benefits of this extension is to create a new, more direct route for traffic to access eastbound 4th Avenue from Granville Island (see Figure 1). This would then relieve some of the pressure for traffic to use Lamey's Mill Road. The need to install a left turn prohibition from southbound Anderson Street to eastbound Lamey's Mill Road to further reduce through traffic was to be monitored. DISCUSSION Traffic Counts on Lamey's Mill Road east of Anderson Street were made before and after Anderson Street was extended. The counts indicate that traffic volumes have reduced (as illustrated in Figure 2), but less than had been hoped. Discussions with the False Creek Community Association 2 confirm this observation. Therefore, a left turn prohibition (Noon - 7pm) will be installed on Anderson Street at Lamey's Mill Road for vehicles exiting Granville Island. This should further reduce through traffic on Lamey's Mill Road and encourage more traffic to use 6th Avenue instead. Although there will be inconvenience to local South False Creek traffic, the False Creek Community Association has supported the left turn prohibition. This prohibition will be monitored for possible further adjustment in the future. CONCLUSION To further reduce through traffic on Lamey's Mill Road, a left turn prohibition (Noon - 7pm) will be installed for southbound to eastbound turns at Anderson Street and Lamey's Mill Road. Traffic conditions will continue to be monitored. * * * * *