September 12, 1995


   You are invited to a special neighbourhood meeting with City Council:
                  September 26, 1995
                  7:30 - 10:30 p.m.
                  Carnarvon Community School Auditorium
                  3400 Balaclava Street

   The intent of this meeting is  to listen to the concerns and suggestions
   of the neighbourhood about proposed traffic calming measures on Blenheim
   Street. After hearing from everyone, Council will decide at a later date
   whether to proceed with, cancel or modify the calming measures that have
   been proposed.

   A  more detailed package of information  is available from the Office of
   the City Clerk at City Hall.

   If you want to get this package, or if you want to speak at the meeting,
   please call Marnie Cross in the Office of the  City Clerk at 873-7269 to
   register.  You can also register  to speak at the meeting  from 7 - 7:30
   p.m.  at the  door. For  more detailed  information on  Blenheim traffic
   calming measures, please call Paul Pinsker at 873-7917.

   Background Information

   There has been a dramatic increase in vehicle traffic on Blenheim Street
   over the  past  10 years,  and  especially over  the  past three  years.
   According to some  residents, this  is making the  neighbourhood a  less
   desirable  and less safe place to live.  To control traffic in the area,
   the City has done the following:

        1991   traffic lights installed at King Edward Avenue
        1992   traffic lights installed at 10th Avenue
        October  8, 1992    City  Council approved  the Kitsilano  Traffic,
        Cycling, and Parking Plan.

        The Plan included changing the function of two sections of Blenheim
   Street:  4th Avenue to  Broadway - from  collector to local  street; and
   Broadway to 16th Avenue - from minor arterial to collector.

        1993 - traffic lights installed at 16th Avenue
        May,  1994    City  staff began  meeting  with local  residents  to
        explore measures to decrease traffic flow.
        April,  1995    City  surveyed residents  within  1 1/2  blocks  of
        Blenheim  (810 questionnaires  distributed to  area  residents, 175
        questionnaires mailed to non-resident owners).
        April 11, 1995    Open House  held at  Carnarvon School to  discuss
        June 20, 1995   Traffic Commission approved various traffic calming
        measures  (see  Figures 1  and 2  for  maps of  proposed measures),
        1.   a circle, curb bulge, and right-turn island north of Broadway,
             to maintain Blenheim as a local street
        2.   new curbs to narrow Blenheim south of Broadway
        3.   stop signs on Trutch and Waterloo between 10th and 16th
        4.   traffic circles  at 12th  and 14th,  and turn restrictions  at
             other locations
        5.   follow-up  study of  all  measures in  six months  (especially
             traffic circles) to determine whether they  should be modified
             or made permanent.

   Present Situation

   The  traffic calming measures approved by the Traffic Commission on June
   20 were intended to make all streets in the area safer. Since that time,
   however,  many neighbourhood  residents  have written  to object  to the
   proposals, and to the process that developed them.
   It appears  that many people in  the community were not  reached in this
   process. For  that reason, Council decided  to stop the work  and take a
   second look at the issue.  As noted above, a Special Meeting  of Council
   is being held on September 26 to hear neighbourhood concerns. Letters of
   invitation to the meeting were sent out August 11, 1995 to all those who
   wrote to the Mayor objecting to the proposal.

   As well, this notice was  prepared and 4,000 copies were circulated  via
   Canada Post Admail to residents within approximately three blocks of the
   Blenheim  section that is under  review. Newspaper ads  will also run in
   local newspapers advising of the Special Council Meeting.

   At this time, Council has the following options to deal with the traffic
   situation on Blenheim:

        Option A  Proceed with all traffic measures, as approved by Traffic

                  all measures,  including circles at 12th  and 14th, would
                  six-month review of  all measures, especially  circles at
                  12th and 14th.

        Option B  Implement  traffic measures south  of Broadway,   without

                  all measures north of Broadway proceed
                  curbs,   turn  restrictions,  and  stop  signs  south  of
                  Broadway would proceed
                  six-month review of all measures

        Option C  Leave all streets as they are

                  cancel all curbing changes, circles, and stop signs

   There may  be other  options worth considering  and we  look forward  to
   hearing your ideas at the meeting. 

   Yours truly,

   Ian Adam, P.Eng.
   Assistant City Engineer, Transportation