P&E COMMITTEE AGENDA
                                              JULY 20, 1995       


 1.   Address:       5625 Senlac Street       Present Zone:  RS-1
      Applicant:     Derek Neale              Proposed Zone: CD-1
      Aplication Date: June 1, 1995           Staff Contacts: T. Phipps

      Proposal: 28   stacked  townhouse  units   in  4-storey  multiple
                dwellings to  a maximum  of  1.30 FSR  with 39  parking
                spaces under a raised courtyard and underground.

      Issues:   -    Retention of Post Office structure;
                -    Raised courtyard overlooking RS-1;
                -    Density and height adjacent to RS-1;
                -    Security of courtyard;
                -    Privacy among units;
                -    Security re open lane;
                -    Above grade parking.

 2.   Address:       2422 Burrard Street      Present Zone:  C-3A
      Applicant:     Urban Design Group       Staff Contact: J.Barrett
      Development Application:  DA217598      D.P.  Board:    July  31,

      Proposal: A nine-storey mixed-use  development including  General
                Motors  car dealership  and maintenance  facilities, 35
                dwelling units  and  office use  on  levels 3-9.    (No
                technical analysis provided but  probably approximately
                1.2 FSR residential, 1.8 FSR commercial).

      Issues:   -    Burrard  Slopes C-3A  Guidelines  state  the  area
                     should  be  primarily a  residential neighbourhood
                     and  large scale  office and  retail uses  are not

                -    Central Area Plan states that further major office
                     capacity should not be added;

                -    any proposal  over  1.0 FSR  requires  conditional

                -    staff advised  applicant  of non-support  for  any
                     commercial density over 1.0 FSR; and

                -    proposal  appears  not  to  meet  the  Height  and
                     setback   criteria  of  the  Burrard  Slopes  C-3A

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