REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING

     A Regular  Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on
     Thursday, July 20, 1995, at 11:05 a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third
     Floor, City  Hall, following the  Standing Committee on  City Services
     and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.

                    PRESENT:  Mayor Owen
                              Councillors Chiavario, Clarke,
                                          Hemer, Ip, Kennedy,
                                          Kwan, Price, Puil
                                          and Sullivan

                     ABSENT:  Councillor Bellamy [Sick Leave]

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Ken Dobell, City Manager

       CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:  Tarja Tuominen


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
          THAT this  Council resolve  itself into  Committee of the  Whole,
     Mayor Owen in the chair.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                COMMITTEE REPORTS

     Report of the Standing Committee
     on City Services and Budgets
     July 20, 1995                   

          Council considered  the  recommendations  of  the  Committee,  as
     contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

          Cl. 1:   City of Vancouver Mandatory Retirement Policy
          Cl. 2:   Grant Request: Kinsmen Rehabilitation Foundation
          Cl. 3:   Theatre Rental Rates - September 1, 1995 to
                   August 31, 1996
          Cl. 4:   Contract Award for Design Services Related to
                   Water Storage and Transmission Capacity
          Cl. 5:   East Vancouver Farmers' Market - 
                   3250 Commercial Drive

                         COMMITTEE REPORTS  (CONTINUED)

     Report of the Standing Committee

     on City Services and Budgets
     July 20, 1995        [Continued] 

     Clauses 1, 3, 4 and 5

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the  recommendations  of  the  Committee,  as  contained  in
     Clauses 1, 3, 4 and 5 of this report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

     Grant Request -
     Kinsmen Rehabilitation Foundation
     Clause 2                         

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause
     2 of this report, be approved.

                                                 - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND 
                                                   BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY


     MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
          THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
          THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                The Council adjourned at approximately 11:10 a.m.

                              *    *    *    *    *
                                REPORT TO COUNCIL

                       STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                       ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS

                                  JULY 20, 1995

     A  Regular  Meeting  of the  Standing  Committee  of  Council on  City
     Services  and Budgets  was held on  Thursday, July  20, 1995,  at 9:30
     a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

                   PRESENT:   Councillor Puil, Chair
                         Mayor Owen
                         Councillor Chiavario
                         Councillor Clarke
                         Councillor Hemer
                         Councillor Ip
                         Councillor Kennedy (Clauses 3 to 5)
                         Councillor Kwan
                         Councillor Price
                         Councillor Sullivan

                    ABSENT:   Councillor Bellamy (Sick Leave)

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Ken Dobell, City Manager

                     CLERK:   Tarja Tuominen

     Recorded Vote

          Unless otherwise indicated, votes  of the Committee on  all items
     are unanimous.

     Adoption of Minutes

          The  Minutes of the Standing Committee on City Services & Budgets
     meeting of June 29, 1995, were adopted.


     1.   City of Vancouver                                      File: 1309
          Mandatory Retirement Policy

          The Committee had before it  a Policy Report dated June 16,  1995
     (on  file),  in  which the  Manager  of  Compensation  & Benefits,  in
     consultation  with  the  Corporation  Counsel,  recommended  the  City
     confirm  its existing policy of  requiring employees to  retire at the
     maximum retirement age as defined in the Pension (Municipal) Act:  age
     60 for uniformed Fire and Police personnel; age 65 for all others.

     Clause No. 1 Continued

          Ms. Eileen  Stewart, General Manager of  Human Resource Services,
     and Ms. Marjorie  Calibaba, Manager of  Compensation & Benefits,  were
     present to answer questions.

          The following motion by the Mayor was put and CARRIED.   The Com-
     mission, therefore,


          THAT  the  City confirm  its  existing  policy of  requiring
          employees to retire at the maximum retirement age as defined
          in the  Pension (Municipal) Act  (age 60 for  uniformed Fire
          and Police personnel; age 65 for all others).

     2.   Grant Request -                                 File: 2203/4004-2
          Kinsmen Rehabilitation Foundation

          The Committee had  before it an Administrative Report  dated June
     29,  1995 (on  file),  in  which  the  Director  of  Social  Plan-ning
     recommended   approval  of   a  grant   of  $6,000   to  the   Kinsmen
     Rehabilitation Foundation to assist in  the sorting and selec-tion  of
     resource materials to be transferred to Vancouver Public Library.  The
     Director also sought approval for the cancellation of the 1994 Capital
     Grant  of $7,950  to the  Foundation and  return of  the funds  to the
     unallocated  portion of the Capital  Grants budget.   In addition, the
     Director recommended contracting with the Vancouver Public Library  to
     transport  the donated Kinsmen  Rehabilitation Foundation collec-tion,
     select priority items and catalogue them, for a total cost  of $6,000.
     Source of  funds for the grants  to be the unallocated  portion of the
     Capital Grants budget.

          Mr. Rick Gates, Social Planner, was present to answer questions.

          Ms.  Kathy  Ellis  and  Mr.  Ed  Guy,  representing  the  Kinsmen
     Rehabilitation Foundation, were present to answer questions.

     Clause No. 2 Continued

          The following motions by Councillor Ip were put and CARRIED.  The
     Committee, therefore,


          A.   THAT   Council approve  the  cancellation of  the  1994
               Capital Grant of  $7,950 to the  Kinsmen Rehabilitation
               Foundation,   and   return  of   these  funds   to  the
               unallocated portion of the Capital Grants budget.

          B.   THAT Council  approve a grant of $6,000  to the Kinsmen
               Rehabilitation Foundation to assist in the sorting  and
               selection of  resource materials  to be  transferred to
               Vancouver  Public  Library;   source  of  funds is  the
               unallocated portion of the Capital Grants budget.

          C.   THAT the City contract with Vancouver Public Library to
               transport the donated Kinsmen Rehabilitation Foundation
               collection,  select priority items  and catalogue them,
               for a total  cost of  $6,000;  source  of funds is  the
               unallocated portion of the Capital Grants budget.

     3.   Theatre Rental Rates -                                 File: 4251
          September 1, 1995 to August 31, 1996

          The Committee had  before it a Policy Report  dated June 27, 1995
     (on file), in which the Director of Civic Theatres sought approval for
     a  Schedule  of  Rental  Rates  and  Conditions  for  Civic  Theatres,
     effective  September  1,  1995.    The Director  also  recommended  an
     increase  in  the  rental  rates  for  the  Queen  Elizabeth  Theatre,
     Vancouver Playhouse and Orpheum.

          Mr. Rae  Ackerman, Director of  Civic Theatres, reviewed  some of
     the points which drive rental rates in civic theatres:

          -  the annual operating budget targets set by the  Corporate
             Management Team;
          -  rental rates  are set effective  from September 1  to the
             following year; and
          -  the underlying  philosophy since 1992 has  been to ensure
             fees  charged  for  services  are comparative  to  market
     Clause No. 3 Continued

     Civic Theatres  completed its periodic review of  rates of comparative
     facilities.   It is  still behind,  which is why  it has  been pushing
     rental  rates faster  than the  rate of  infla-tion.   In answer  to a
     question, Mr.  Ackerman advised the closest  comparison to Vancouver's
     facilities were in Toronto, Portland and Seattle.

          Mr. Howard  Jang, representing the Vancouver  Symphony, Vancouver
     Opera,  Vancouver  Playhouse and  Ballet  British  Columbia (brief  on
     file), outlined  concerns  with  the  proposed  civic  theatre  rental
     increases, some of which are:  significant yearly increases in theatre
     rental rates in the past five years of 26%; inhibit extra theatre uses
     which  extend and  promote the  artistic and  economic health  of user
     companies;  yearly  increases  do  not  encourage  use  by  non-profit
     organizations whose presentation activities  are not currently covered
     by  the grant-equal to rent  program; and civic  theatres rental rates
     are  among the highest in the country.   Mr. Jang requested the rental
     rates be frozen at the 1994/95 level.

          Responding  to a question, Mr.  Ackerman noted some  of the other
     theatres across the country are undergoing major manage-ment  reviews,
     and some will have serious problems at the bottom line.

          The following  motion by Councillor  Clarke was put  and CARRIED.
     The Committee, therefore,


          THAT Council  approve  the  Schedule  of  Rental  Rates  and
          Conditions for  Civic Theatres, as detailed in Appendix A of
          the Policy  Report dated June 27,  1995, effective September
          1, 1995.

     4.   Contract Award for Design Services                   File: 1801-4
          Related to Water Storage and Trans-
          mission Capacity                   

          The Committee had before  it an Administrative Report  dated June
     30,  1995 (on  file),  in which  the  General Manager  of  Engineering
     Services  recommended awarding of the second phase of the contract for
     design services for storage and trans-mission optimization to Dayton &
     Knight  Consulting Engineers  Ltd.,  at a  maximum  cost of  $250,000.
     Funding to be provided by                                             
     Clause No. 4 Continued

     an  increase  in  the  1995  Waterworks  Capital  Budget by  debenture
     borrowing.  Consultant  contracts over  $30,000 are to  be awarded  by
     Council.  Contracts are to  be awarded on the basis of best  value for

          Mr.  Tom Timm,  Assistant City  Engineer -  Water, Sewer  & Yards
     Division, noted the second  phase will include the identification  and
     development of  feasible project  options which  will be  presented to
     Council  in  the fall.   Optimizing  planned storage  and transmission
     facilities within Vancouver would save approximately $22 million.  Co-
     operating with the GVRD on development of regional projects could save
     additional money.   In addition, potential partners, such as Vancouver
     Hospital, may be included to further defray costs.

          Mr.  Timm   and  Mr.  Jerry   Dobrovolney,  Assistant  Waterworks
     Engineer,  answered questions on the first phase of the project, which
     reviewed the  cost effectiveness of,  and the reasons  for, developing
     water  storage within  Vancouver,  as well  as  on the  second  phase,
     including   the  availability   of   other   project   partners,   and
     consideration of emergency water storage options.

          The following  motion by Councillor  Clarke was put  and CARRIED.
     The Committee, therefore,


          THAT   the  General  Manager   of  Engineering  Services  be
          authorized to enter into contract, in consultation with  the
          Director of Legal Services, with Dayton & Knight  Consulting
          Engineers  Ltd. for  the second  phase of  the  contract for
          engineering  services related  to  storage and  transmission
          optimization, at a maximum cost of $250,000  for this phase;
          funding to be provided by an increase in the 1995 Waterworks
          Capital Budget by debenture borrowing.

     5.   East Vancouver Farmers' Market                       File: 5101-2
          3250 Commercial Drive         

          At the Vancouver City Council meeting on July  18, 1995, a motion
     was submitted to withhold  enforcement on a farmers' market  operating
     out  of  the Croatian  Cultural Centre  parking  lot, located  at 3250
     Commercial Drive.   Notice  was called on  the motion, and  staff were
     requested to provide further information.

     Clause No. 5 Continued

          Accordingly, circulated this day was a memorandum  dated July 19,
     1995, from the Associate  Director of Planning -  Land Use and  Devel-
     opment (on file).

          Mr.  Rick Scobie, Associate Director  of Planning -  Land Use and
     Development,  reviewed the  memorandum and  answered questions  on the
     zoning of the Croatian Cultural Centre and the approved uses under the
     Centre's  CD-1  zoning.   Mr.  Scobie  reiterated  that  allowing  the
     farmers' market at  this site will  be a  departure from the  existing
     policy, and may precipitate numerous requests for equitable  treatment
     from others who  have long pushed for kiosks  and other mobile vending
     opportunities on private property.

          Mr.  Ken  Dobell,  City Manager,  advised  the  possibility of  a
     roadway  market site  has been  discussed with  the proponents  of the
     Market.   Closure of the street  for the Market during  the summer and
     fall months is a legal option.

          Mr. Dave  Rudberg, General Manager of  Engineering Services, con-

     firmed  that under  the provisions of  the Street &  Traffic By-law, a
     street can be closed  for a street festival. The Farmers' Market would
     fit  that definition,  and  the street  could  be closed  on  Saturday
     mornings, on a limited  basis.  Engineering would  provide barricades;
     signage could be purchased at a  one-time cost of $1,000.  There would
     be no need for  policing costs; the market would  be run like a  block

          Mr.  Franco Ferrari and  Ms. Vicki  Boere, representing  the East
     Vancouver  Farmers' Market  Society (brief on  file), were  present to
     support  the  market  proposal.     Mr.  Ferrari  has  canvassed   the
     neighbourhood;  residents are  generally in  support of  the proposal.
     However,  there is  greater  support for  holding  the market  in  the
     Croatian Community Centre parking lot than  on the street.  The street
     closure will be more  disruptive, and will affect more  residents than
     if held  on the Centre site.   In addition, one third  of the Centre's
     parking  lot would be reserved  for the Market;   the other two-thirds
     would  be avail-able for attenders of the market, thus relieving local
     streets of traffic and noise.  The neighbourhood see the  market as an
     opportunity for  community revitalization  around  food.   The  market
     would sell  fresh produce and  local area  crafts, only;   no meat  or
     fish, which would require refrigeration facilities.

     Clause No. 5 Continued

          During  discussion,  the  Committee  expressed  support  for  the
     proposal.   Some concerns were raised about setting a precedent; there
     are  a  number  of  CD-1  areas  in the  city,  and  other  groups  or
     individuals  may want to submit  similar proposals.   It was suggested
     any amendments to the  Centre's CD-1 zoning should be specific,  and a
     trial period  for the market  will identify  potential problems  which
     will be reported back prior to the decision on an amendment to the CD-
     1 zoning.


          The following motion by Councillor Kwan was put and CARRIED.  The
     Committee, therefore,


          THAT Council instruct the Planning Department and Permits  &
          Licenses Department  to withhold enforce-ment on  a farmers'
          market in the Croatian Cultural  Centre parking lot for  the
          summer  and fall seasons between July 29, 1995 to October 7,
          1995,  on  a  trial basis,  pending  a  CD-1  text amendment
          application by the Director of Planning.

                The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:05 a.m.

                                *   *   *   *   *