                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: June 21, 1995
                                           Dept. File No. F587-50.01

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Manager of Facilities Development

   SUBJECT:  Fire and Rescue Services Training Facility -
             Award of Contract for Consulting Engineering Services


        THAT  the  Contract for  Consulting  Engineering  Services for  the
        design of  a Drill Tower be  awarded to PBK Engineering  Ltd. for a
        fixed  fee of $47,500 plus  disbursements; source of  funding to be
        the 1994-96 Capital Plan. 


        The General  Manager of  Corporate Services RECOMMENDS  approval of
        the foregoing.


   -    Consultant contracts over $30,000 require the approval of Council.

   -    Contracts are to be awarded on the basis of best value for fee.


   This  report seeks  authorization  to enter  into  a contract  with  PBK
   Engineering  Ltd.  to  provide  consulting  engineering  and  associated
   services to  design a drill tower  and draft pit for  the Vancouver Fire
   and Rescue Services Training Facility at 1353 Chess Street.


   On May 5, 1995, Council approved the 1995 Fire Protection Capital Budget
   allocating $770,000 of the $1.23 million budget for the Phase II portion
   of the training facility which included a drill tower and draft pit.

   Selection Procedure

   By  invitation five  engineering  firms submitted  proposals to  provide
   consulting  services including:    application  for development  permit,
   functional    programming,   architectural,    structural,   mechanical,
   electrical and costing services.

   The following proposals were received:

        Sandwell Inc.                  $ 148,012
        UMA Projects                      89,000
        Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.    60,000
        PBK Engineering Ltd.              47,500
        Glotman Simpson                   40,000

   Evaluation was  based on  the department's standard  evaluation criteria
   including:   experience of firm, project  team, methodology, management,
   and fees.   On this  basis it  was concluded  that the  proposal by  PBK
   Engineering Ltd. was superior, and would provide the best value.

                           *     *     *     *     *