JUNE 14 AND 15, 2016



Updated: May 20, 2022

Vancouver Art Gallery – Appointments to Board of Trustees

A. THAT, pursuant to the By-laws of the Vancouver Art Gallery Association (“VAGA”), Council recommend

(i) Councillor Geoff Meggs as a “City Trustee” and designate Councillor Geoff Meggs as the City Trustee designate of the VAGA’s Finance Committee to the Nomination Committee of the VAGA and that Councillor Meggs be confirmed by Council to the Nomination Committee for continued reappointment as provided in Section 5.8 of the VAGA’s By-laws and ‘B’ below for so long as he holds the position of Councillor with the City of Vancouver, and

(ii) Esther Rausenberg as a “City Trustee” and that she be confirmed by Council to the Nomination Committee for continued reappointment as provided in Section 5.8 of the VAGA’s By-laws and ‘B’ below for a term ending the day before the VAGA’s 2018 annual general meeting.

B. THAT, subject to approval of ‘A’ above, and unless and until otherwise resolved by Council, the Director of Legal Services be authorized to give written notice to the VAGA Nomination Committee each year at the requisite time provided for in Sections 5.8 and 8.1 of VAGA’s By-laws, confirming Council’s recommendations as set out in ‘A’ above.


Vancouver Awards of Excellence – Award Winner Recommendations

A. THAT Centre for Accessible Post-secondary Education Resources be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Accessible City – Organization;

FURTHER THAT Peggy Assinck with the Learn to Play Sledge Hockey Program at Hillcrest Community Centre be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Accessible City – Individual;

AND FURTHER THAT Sarah Fletcher be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Accessible City – Youth.


B. THAT Vancouver Emergency Community Telecommunications Organization (VECTOR) be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Civic Volunteer – Organization;

FURTHER THAT Rob Haynes be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Civic Volunteer – Individual;

AND FURTHER THAT Nicole Hou be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Civic Volunteer – Youth.

C. THAT Pacific Immigrant Resources Society (PIRS) be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Diversity and Inclusion – Organization;

FURTHER THAT David Ng be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Diversity and Inclusion – Individual;

AND FURTHER THAT Golsa Golestaneh be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Diversity and Inclusion – Youth.

D. THAT Trout Lake Youth Council be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Greenest City Leadership – Organization;

FURTHER THAT Doug Wilson of Peak Construction Group be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Greenest City Leadership – Individual;

AND FURTHER THAT Kimberley Wong be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Greenest City Leadership – Youth.

E. THAT Megaphone be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Healthy City for All – Organization;

FURTHER THAT Chris Taulu be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Healthy City for All – Individual;

AND FURTHER THAT Jan Lim be awarded an Award of Excellence under the category of Healthy City for All – Youth.


Nominations for Civic Merit Award

THAT the following individuals be granted the Civic Merit Award:

• Ron Suzuki
• Karen O’Shannacery
• Susan Point


Proposed Sale of 2102 Keith Drive

A. THAT Council authorize the Director of Real Estate Services to accept an offer to purchase real property owned by the City of Vancouver, located at 2102 Keith Drive, Vancouver, and legally described as PID: 009-631-542, Lot A, Except First: the South 32.8 Feet, Now Road Secondly: Part in Plan BCP15709 Block 82 District Lot 264A Group 1 NWD Plan 9614, as shown highlighted on Appendix A to the Administrative Report dated June 3, 2016, entitled “Proposed Sale of 2102 Keith Drive” (the “Subject Property”), made by 1077333 B.C. Ltd. (an affiliate of Nature’s Path Foods Inc.) (the “Offeror”), for a purchase price of s.17(1) and enter into a conditional sale contract (a “Sale Contract”), on such terms and conditions as are satisfactory to the City’s Directors of Real Estate and Legal Services. The net purchase price would be s.17(1) subject to adjustments on closing, after sale commission is paid.

B. THAT Council authorize the Director of Real Estate Services to execute any agreements required to effect ‘A’ above.

The Administrative Report dated June 3, 2016, refers PDF


Master Agreement with the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre for 1100 and 1200 Chestnut Street, Vancouver

THAT Council authorize the Director of Real Estate Services execute a Master Agreement (the “Master Agreement”) with the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre Society (the “Space Centre”), providing for occupancy by the Space Centre of a portion of the City-owned building situated at 1100 Chestnut Street and and the whole of the Gordon MacMillan Southam Observatory (the “Observatory”) situated at 1200 Chestnut Street (the “Premises”), where the City is the tenant pursuant to a lease dated August 15th, 1966 between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Landlord (the “Head Lease”) of all and singular those lands and premises situate in the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, being a portion of Kitsilano Indian Reserve No. 6 of the Squamish Band (District Lot 3610) Group One, New Westminster District outlined in red on a plan attached to the Head Lease marginally numbered LA 143 and containing by admeasurement 41.74 acres, more or less, at a nominal rent on the following terms and conditions:

Term: Ten (10) years, commencing December 17, 2015, with two options to renew, each for an additional ten (10) years.

Rent: The grant in lieu of rent, is to be ten dollars ($10) payable at the beginning of the term.

Use: The Premises are to be used for purposes related to the operation of a space centre, including ancillary activities that contribute to the financial sustainability of the organization.

Other Terms and Conditions: The Master Agreement is to be drawn to the satisfaction of the Directors of Legal and Real Estate Services, it being noted that no legal right or obligation is created and none shall arise until the Master Agreement is fully executed by both parties.

The Report dated May 11, 2016 PDF, refers.

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