FEBRUARY 2 AND 3, 2016
Appointment to Civic Asset Naming Committee
THAT Paola Qualizza be appointed to the Civic Asset Naming Committee, representing the Vancouver Public Space Network, term to commence immediately and expire February 28, 2017.
Lease – A portion of Dunlevy Avenue between East Pender Street and Keefer Street to Mau Dan Gardens Co-operative Housing Association at 350 East Pender Street
A. THAT Council authorize the Director of Real Estate Services to renew the lease for the portion of Dunlevy Avenue located between East Pender Street and Keefer Street, legally described as, That portion of Dunlevy Avenue, adjacent to Lot C, Block 122, District Lot 196, Plan 13208 (the “Subject Property”), as illustrated in Appendix A to the Administrative Report dated December 9, 2015, entitled “Lease – A portion of Dunlevy Avenue between East Pender Street and Keefer Street to Mau Dan Gardens Co-operative Housing Association at 350 East Pender Street” for a five (5) year term, subject to one (1) year notice of cancellation, effective July 1, 2015, with a total rental rate of s.17(1) per annum to Mau Dan Gardens Co-operative Housing Association (“Mau Dan”).
B. THAT Council approve a grant in lieu of rent in the amount of s.17(1) per annum, leaving a net annual rent payable by Mau Dan of s.17(1).
No legal rights or obligations shall arise or be created until all documents are fully executed to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services.
The Administrative Report dated December 9, 2015, refers
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