JULY 21, 2015



Appointments of Deputy Chief Building Officials

A. THAT Council appoint Mathew Lam, CP, P.Eng., as Deputy Chief Building Official effective immediately.

B. THAT Council appoint Mark Roozbahani, P.Eng., MBA, as Deputy Chief Building Official effective immediately.


Multi-Year Capital Budget for architectural consulting work for Library levels 8/9

A. THAT Council approve the Multi-Year Capital Budget for architectural consulting work for Library levels 8/9 in the amount of $800,000 to be allocated from the 2015-2018 Capital Plan, as outlined in the financial implications section. The funding sources for the Multi-Year Capital Project Budget will be Capital from Revenue.

B. THAT, subject to A, C and D, Council authorize the sole sourcing of an architectural services contract for the Project to D A Architects + Planners utilizing Moshe Safdie and/or his architectural services firm as a sub-consultant, for a base fee and disbursement of up to $800,000.

C. THAT such contract be on such conditions as are considered reasonable and approved by the City Manager and Chief Librarian and approved as to form by the General Manager of Real Estate and Facilities Management and the Director of Legal Services.

D. THAT upon such approval, the contract be signed on behalf of the City by the Director of Legal Services and that no legal rights or obligations will be created by the approval of these Recommendations unless and until a contract is executed and delivered by both parties.

Thre related report remains sensitive and is not to be released at this time.


Deconstruction of House at 495 SE Marine Drive

A. THAT Council approve removal of the improvements on a City-owned property at 495 SE Marine Drive, legally described as Parcel Identifier: 013-225-855, Lot 25, Except Part in Explanatory Plan 6616, of Lot A Block 31 District Lot 313 Plan 3021 (the “Subject Property”), as shown in Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated June 16, 2015, entitled “Deconstruction of House at 495 SE Marine Drive”. The cost of deconstruction of the single family residence is estimated to be up to and will be funded from the Property Endowment Fund (PEF).

The related Administrative Report dated June 16, 2015, refers PDF

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