JUNE 25, 2014



Appointment of new Approving Officer and Deputy Approving Officers

A. THAT Mr. Brian Jackson, General Manager of Planning and Development Services and Deputy Approving Officer, be appointed Approving Officer effective June 27, 2014.

B. THAT Mr. John Greer, Assistant Director of Development Services – Development Review Branch, and Ms. Andrea Law, Assistant Director of Development Services – Customer Service, be appointed as Deputy Approving Officers effective June 27, 2014.

C. THAT Council confirm the continued appointment of Mr. Peter Judd, General Manager of Engineering Services, as a Deputy Approving Officer.

The Administrative Report dated May 26, 2014, refers.


Appointments to Civic Agencies

A. THAT Joel Calvo and Tom English be appointed to the Vancouver Economic Commission Board of Directors, terms to commence July 1, 2014 and end June 30, 2017.

B. THAT Andrea Radlovacki be appointed to the Women’s Advisory Committee, term to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014.

The Other Report dated June 13, 2014, refers.


Termination of Lease with Vancouver Multicultural Society at Hodson Manor - 1254 West 7th Avenue

THAT Council authorize the termination of the month-to-month tenancy of the Vancouver Multicultural Society at Hodson Manor, 1254 West 7th Avenue, effective September 1, 2014 (60 days’ notice).

The Administrative report dated May 22, 2014, refers.

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