FEBRUARY 18, 2014



Appointments to Civic Agencies and Committees

A. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Civic Asset Naming Committee, representing the categories indicated, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014:

• John Atkin, General Public
• Yvonne Chin, Multicultural Advisory Committee
• Demitrios Douzenis, Multicultural Advisory Committee
• Kim Washburn, Urban Aboriginal Peoples’ Advisory Committee
• Naomi Williams, Urban Aboriginal Peoples’ Advisory Committee

B. THAT Phil Sanderson be appointed to the Development Permit Board Advisory Panel in the General Public category, term to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014, or until a successor is appointed.

C. THAT Hoang Nguyen be appointed to the Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee in the 15 to 21 year old category, term to commence immediately and end December 31, 2014;

FURTHER THAT in the event Hoang Nguyen is not able to serve on the Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee, Dennis Choi be appointed, term to commence immediately and end December 31, 2014.

D. THAT Glenda Bartosh be appointed to the Gastown Historic Area Planning Committee in the Local Property Owner category, term to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014.

E. THAT Leanor Vlug be appointed to the Persons with Disabilities Advisory Committee, term to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014.

F. THAT Sarah FioRito be appointed to the Active Transportation Policy Council, term to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014.

G. THAT Robert Johnson be appointed to the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel, representing the Architectural Institute of British Columbia, term to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014.

The Other Report dated February 5, 2014, refers.


Lease of City-owned property at 8383 Manitoba Street to Picquic Tool Company Inc.

THAT Council authorize the Director of Real Estate Services to negotiate and execute a lease (the “Lease”) with Picquic Tool Company Inc. (the “Tenant”) for City-owned premises situated at 8383 Manitoba Street, as shown on Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated January 8, 2014, entitled “Lease of City-owned property at 8383 Manitoba Street to Picquic Tool Company Inc.”, legally described as PID: 009-165-096; Block 15 District Lot 311 Plan 11689 (the “Subject Property”), on the following terms and conditions:

Term: Five (5) years commencing March 1, 2014.

Rentable Area: Approximately 18,440 sq. ft. (the “Premises”).

Gross Rent: s. 17(1) and s. 21(1).

Use: Manufacturing of screwdrivers and accessories, storage and ancillary office use.

Option to Renew: One – five (5) year option to renew on the same terms and conditions save and except rent, which is to be negotiated at the then current market rates.

Other Terms And
Conditions: The Lease is to be provided on the City’s current Standard Form of Lease for Commercial Tenants. Terms and conditions of the Lease are to be drawn to the satisfaction of the Directors of Legal and Real Estate Services, it being noted that no legal rights or obligations shall be created and none shall arise until the Lease is fully executed by both parties.

All rents to be credited to the Property Endowment Fund (PEF).

The Administrative Report dated January 8, 2014, refers.


Vancouver Police Department Cadet Program

THAT Council approve a contribution of $60,000 in each year 2014, 2015 and 2016, for a total three year contribution of $180,000 for the Vancouver Police Cadet Program with the source of funds to be the Innovation Fund.

The Administrative Report dated February 6, 2014, refers.


Lease of City-owned property at 8383 Manitoba Street to Picquic Tool Company Inc.

THAT Council authorize the Director of Real Estate Services to negotiate and execute a lease (the “Lease”) with Picquic Tool Company Inc. (the “Tenant”) for City-owned premises situated at 8383 Manitoba Street, as shown on Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated January 8, 2014, entitled “Lease of City-owned property at 8383 Manitoba Street to Picquic Tool Company Inc.”, legally described as PID: 009-165-096; Block 15 District Lot 311 Plan 11689 (the “Subject Property”), on the following terms and conditions:

Term: Five (5) years commencing March 1, 2014.

Rentable Area: Approximately 18,440 sq. ft. (the “Premises”).

Gross Rent: Rent, inclusive of operating costs and property taxes as if levied, s.17(1) per annum s.17(1) plus applicable GST.

Use: Manufacturing of screwdrivers and accessories, storage and ancillary office use.

Option to Renew: One – five (5) year option to renew on the same terms and conditions save and except rent, which is to be negotiated at the then current market rates.

Other Terms And Conditions: The Lease is to be provided on the City’s current Standard Form of Lease for Commercial Tenants. Terms and conditions of the Lease are to be drawn to the satisfaction of the Directors of Legal and Real Estate Services, it being noted that no legal rights or obligations shall be created and
none shall arise until the Lease is fully executed by both parties.

All rents to be credited to the Property Endowment Fund (PEF).

The Report dated January 8, 2014, refers.

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