DECEMBER 18, 2013



Appointment of Two (2) Deputy Chief Licence Inspectors

A. THAT Council appoint Harley Machielse as the Acting Deputy Chief Licence Inspector effective February 1, 2014 (following the retirement of the current Deputy Chief Licence Inspector).

B. THAT Council appoint Steve Simmonds as a second Deputy Chief Licence Inspector effective immediately on a six (6) month term basis.

The Administrative Report dated December 11, 2013, refers.

2014 Appointments to Civic Agencies, Boards and Committees

A. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Chinatown Historic Area Planning Committee, representing the agencies and categories indicated, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014:

• Alison Appelbe, Property Owner
• Xiaohui Han, Architectural Institute of British Columbia
• Vincent Ho, Chinatown Merchants Association
• Kenneth Liu, Chinese Benevolent Association
• Gair Williamson, Heritage Vancouver
• Bob Ip, Chinese Cultural Centre
• Brian Yu, Chinatown Merchants Association

B. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Development Permit Board Advisory Panel, representing the categories indicated, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014, or until successors are appointed:
• Kate Busby, Design Professions
• Arshana Lalani, General Public
• Alexander Ray, General Public
• Jim Ross, Development Industry
• Duncan Wlodarczak, General Public

C. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel, representing the agencies and categories indicated, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014:

• Hanako Amaya, British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects
• Linda Collins, Resident Member at Large
• Lori Kozub Hodgkinson, Resident Member at Large
• Lisa MacIntosh, Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver
• Ian Munro, Shaughnessy Heights Property Owners’ Association
• David Nelson, Shaughnessy Heights Property Owners’ Association

D. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Gastown Historic Area Planning Committee, representing the categories indicated, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014:

• Shelley Bruce, Community Heritage Representative
• Alan Davies, Community Architect Representative
• Mila Kostic, Community Business Representative
• Carol Sill, Community Resident Owner
• Jon Stovell, Community Property Owner

E. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Public Art Committee, representing the categories indicated, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014, or until successors are appointed:

• Naveen Girn, Art Professional
• Hugh Ker, Developer
• Ariel Lee, Artist
• Karen Love, Art Professional
• Mitra Mansour, Urban Designer

F. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Urban Design Panel, representing the agencies and categories indicated, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014, or until successors are appointed:

• Greg Bellerby, Practising Professional Artist
• David Grigg, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia
• Jennifer Marshall, Architectural Institute of British Columbia
• Arno Matis, Architectural Institute of British Columbia
• Chris Mramor, British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects
• Maurice Pez, Urban Development Institute
• Matthew Soules, Architectural Institute of British Columbia

G. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Vancouver City Planning Commission, terms to commence January 1, 2014, and end December 31, 2015, or until successors are appointed:

• Caitriona Feeney
• Am Johal
• Brad Jones
• Robert Matas
• Clara Whyte
• Brandon Yan

H. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Vancouver Civic Theatres Board, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014, or until successors are appointed:

• Rob Haynes
• Sarah Kim
• Karole Sutherland
• Karen Wilson

I. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Vancouver Heritage Commission, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014,
or until successors are appointed:

• Richard Keate
• Michael Kluckner
• Mollie Massie
• Kim Maust

J. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Vancouver Public Library Board, terms to commence January 1, 2014, and end December 31, 2015:

• Mary Lynn Baum
• George Chow
• Jennifer Chan
• Gordon Ross
• John Swift

FURTHER THAT Commissioner Constance Barnes be appointed as the Park Board Liaison to the Vancouver Public Library Board for a term commencing January 1, 2014, and ending December 31, 2014;

AND FURTHER THAT Trustee Mike Lombardi be appointed as the School Board Liaison to the Vancouver Public Library Board for a term commencing January 1, 2014, and ending December 31, 2014.

K. THAT Meg Brown be appointed to the YVR Aeronautical Noise Management Committee, term to commence January 1, 2014, and end December 31, 2015.

L. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Pacific National Exhibition Board of Directors, representing the categories indicated, terms to commence January 1, 2014, and end upon final implementation of the new governance structure for Hastings Park/Pacific National Exhibition:

• Cheryl Carline (Prepchuk), Business Representative
• Peter Legge, City Representative – Hastings-Sunrise Community
• Richard Saunders, Local Area Representative

M. THAT the current members of the Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee listed below, be re-appointed for the term January 1 to December 31, 2014:

• Nancy Bell
• Noam Bendor
• Victoria Cruz Mendez
• Janice Douglas
• Joy Fan
• Sean February
• Alexander Gist
• Shirley Lei
• Iris Liu
• Pablo Munoz
• Yannis Nicolidakis
• Tasha Nijjar
• Mab Oloman
• Mike Inderjot Powar
• Mehak Sharma
• Drew Stewart
• Brianna Tang
• Samantha Truong
• Adil John Walker-Chagani
• Frank Yan
• Anna Zhang

N. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Persons with Disabilities Advisory Committee, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014:

• Sheryl Burns
• Guillaume Dufresne
• Tom Patch

O. THAT Angela Brown be appointed to the Multicultural Advisory Committee, term to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014.

P. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Women’s Advisory Committee, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014:

• Erica Pinsky
• Rhonda Sherwood

Q. THAT Allison Jones be appointed to the LGBTQ Advisory Committee, term to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014.

R. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Urban Aboriginal Peoples’ Committee, terms to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014:

• Mabel James
• Linda Mattson
• Naomi Williams

S. THAT Anna Cavouras be appointed to the Vancouver Food Policy Council in the Access category, term to commence immediately and end December 7, 2014.

The Administrative Report dated November 28, 2013, refers.


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