JANUARY 31, 2012
Appointment of Park Board and School Board Representatives to the Vancouver Public Library Board
A. THAT Commissioner Constance Barnes be appointed to the Vancouver Public Library Board, representing the Vancouver Park Board, term to begin immediately and end December 31, 2012.
B. THAT Trustee Mike Lombardi be reappointed to the Vancouver Public Library Board, representing the Vancouver School Board, term to begin immediately and end December 31, 2012.
The attached Administrative Report dated December 7, 2011 , refers.
Taylor Manor (951 Boundary Road): Redevelopment Consultancy to Tender Ready Drawings
A. THAT Council authorize the General Manager of Business Planning and Services in consultation with the General Manager of Community Services to issue a request for proposals to hire a consultant to complete the detailed design and preparation of tender-ready drawings/documents and obtain development permit and building permit approvals for the rehabilitation of the City-owned building at 951 Boundary Road(Taylor Manor) for use as a supportive housing facility; AND THAT, subject to acceptable responses from qualified consultants, to enter into a contract for this work at a cost not to exceed $1,500,000; source of funds to be the $4.0 million allocation for Housing in the 2012 Capital Budget.
B. THAT Council authorize the General Manager of Business Planning and Services to engage a consultant and contractor to complete the environmental site assessment of the Taylor Manor site and remediate any contamination found therein to a sum not to exceed $250,000; source of funds to be the $4.0 million allocation for Housing in the 2012 Capital Budget.
C. THAT, in order to provide additional assurance to the private donor that this project can proceed and in return for a binding commitment to provide the operating endowment, Council commit to provide the full project cost of $14.5 million (2012) for the Taylor Manor rehabilitation project AND THAT this contribution be offset from any outside fundraising that can be secured by staff; source of necessary additional funding to an estimated maximum of $10.5 million to be reported back in September 2012 prior to tendering for construction.
The Administrative Report dated January 16, 2012, refers.
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