APRIL 5, 2011


Appointments to Civic Agencies

A. THAT Jennifer Stamp be appointed to the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel representing the BC Society of Landscape Architects, term to commence immediately and end December 4, 2011.

B. THAT Deirdre Duncan be appointed to the Gastown Historic Area Planning Committee representing local property owners, term to commence immediately and end December 4, 2011.

C. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Vancouver Heritage Foundation Board; term to commence at the Foundation’s April 2011 annual general meeting (AGM) and end at the Foundation’s April 2013 AGM:

• Graeme Falkowsky
• Leigh Freeman
• John Goundrey
• Michael Hungerford
• John Quinton
• Andre Rowland
• Margot Keate West

The attached Administrative Report dated March 23, 2011, refers.


Appointment – Deputy City Clerk

THAT Council exercise its authority under section 4 of the Vancouver Charter to appoint Rosemary Hagiwara to act as a Deputy City Clerk for the duration of her incumbency as Acting Director of Public Access and Council Services to February 28, 2012.

The attached Administrative Report dated March 18, 2011, refers.


Lease Renewal and Amendment between the City of Vancouver as Landlord and Stratosphere Hair Salon Inc. at 1259 Granville Street

A. THAT Council approve the lease renewal to Stratosphere Hair Salon Inc. for premises located at 1259 Granville Street, legally described as Lot M, District Lot 541, Group 1, New Westminster District, BCP 7950, on the following terms and conditions:

Term: Five (5) years commencing July 1, 2011.

Rent: Year 1 [ … ] per month;
Year 2 [ … ] per month;
Year 3 [ … ] per month;
Year 4 [ … ] per month;
Year 5 [ … ] per month;

inclusive of property taxes as if levied, plus HST.

Use: Hair Salon

Other: Such other terms and conditions of the lease to be drawn to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and the Director of Real Estate Service it being noted that no legal obligation shall arise until the document is executed.

Rent to be credited to the Property Endowment Fund.

B. THAT Council approve an amendment to the original lease between the City of Vancouver and Stratosphere Hair Salon Inc. for the premises on the following terms and conditions:

Option: That the lease be amended to include an Option for a Second Renewal Term of Five (5) years, commencing July 1, 2016.

Rent: The Rent for the renewal term shall be at Market Rent, but not less than the expiring rent.

Other: All other terms and conditions to be in accordance with the Original Lease.

The attached Administrative Report dated March 10, 2011, refers.


Acquisition of a portion of Lands located at 1404 East 57th Avenue for Left Turn Bays on Knight Street at 57th Avenue and Lease of City owned Property at 1411 East 58th

A. THAT Council authorize the Director of Real Estate Services to proceed with the acquisition of 111.4 square metres (1,199 sq ft ) (the “Widening Strip”) of land for road purposes from 1404 East 57th Avenue, legally described as Parcel Identifier: 009-062-271, Lot G Except: that Part on Plan LMP33540 of Lot 1 Block 22 District Lot 200 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 11699 (“the Lands”), as shown on Appendix A, at a cost of $237,000, plus applicable taxes;

FURTHER THAT Council approve the lease of vacant City owned lands located at 1411 East 58th Avenue, legally described as Parcel Identifier: 010-088-881, Lot A of Lot 1, Blocks 21 and 22 District Lot 200 Plan 8402, across the lane from the Lands, and as shown on Appendix B of the Administrative Report dated March 22, 2011, entitled “Acquisition of a portion of Lands located at 1404 East 57th Avenue for Left Turn Bays on Knight Street at 57th Avenue and Lease of City owned Property at 1411 East 58th” (the “City Property”), to the owner of the Lands (“the Seller”) for the purpose of providing replacement parking lost as a result of the above noted road widening project, at a nominal sum of $1.00 per year inclusive of property taxes for a maximum term of 20 years or such shorter term representing the life of the building on the Lands. Related work is to include City construction of the relocated parking lot at an estimated cost of $50,000, plus applicable taxes. Funding for the acquisition of the Widening Strip and construction of the parking lot to be provided from the 2010 Streets Capital Budget for Arterial improvements, Knight & 57th Left Turn Bays.

B. THAT the Director of Real Estate Services be authorized to prepare the Lease Agreement on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.

No legal rights or obligations shall arise or be created until all legal documentation is fully executed on terms and conditions to the satisfaction of the Directors of Real Estate and Legal Services.

The attached Administrative Report dated March 22, 2011, refers.

VSR: Procure to Pay (P2P) Project Update: Staff Impacts

Penny Ballem, City Manager, provided an update of potential staffing impacts in regard to the Procure to Pay Project.

Emergency Grant to the Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company

A. THAT Council approve a one-time emergency grant of $100,000 to the Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company; source of funds to be Contingency Reserve.

B. THAT staff report back to Council on the results of a consultant report on an Operational Plan and Financial Strategy for the Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company.

C. THAT the Vancouver Playhouse Board of Directors demonstrate that the society’s financial situation has stabilized by providing to the City an implementation plan or appropriate restructuring plans by September 30, 2011.

The attached Administrative Report dated March 28, 2011, refers.

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