FEBRUARY 17, 2011
Potential Sale of City-owned land located at 520 West Georgia Street and adjoining lane
Appointments to Civic Agencies
A. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Chinatown Historic Area Planning Committee representing the category and agency indicated; terms to begin immediately and end December 4, 2011:
• William Ma (as the Chinatown Property Owner representative)
• Grace Wong (as the Chinatown Merchants Association representative).B. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Multicultural Advisory Committee; terms to begin immediately and end December 4, 2011:
• Jay Bains
• Suln Lee
• Trina McKinley.C. THAT Jack Leung be appointed to the Vancouver Heritage Commission; term to begin immediately and end December 4, 2011, or until a successor is appointed.
The attached Administrative Report dated January 25, 2011 , refers.
Verbal Briefing: Legal Agreements in Relation to NEFC and Creekside Park
Jeff Greenberg, Assistant Director, Administration, Legal Services, Department, provided an overview and background information in regard to soils remediation obligations and agreements in relation to the Northeast False Creek Lands and Creekside Park. Mr. Greenberg, along with Penny Ballem, City Manager, David McLellan, General Manager, Community Services, Ken Bayne, General Manager, Business Planning and Services, and Yvonne Liljefors, Assistant Director, Development and Real Estate, Legal Services, responded to questions.
Councillors queried as to what information could be made public in regard to the soils remediation issues. Staff agreed that information in that regard could be presented at the upcoming Public Hearing.
Taylor Manor (951 Boundary Road): Redevelopment Assessment Consultancy
A. THAT Council authorize the General Manager of Business Planning and Services in consultation with the General Manager of Community Services to issue a request for proposals for a consultancy to assess the feasibility and estimated cost of rehabilitating the City-owned building at 951 Boundary Road (Taylor Manor) for use as a supportive housing facility; AND THAT, subject to acceptable responses from qualified consultants, to enter into a contract for this work at a cost not to exceed $350,000; source of funds to be the Affordable Housing Fund.
B. THAT, for purposes of preliminary discussions with the potential donors to the redevelopment of Taylor Manor, Council limit the City’s contribution to the value of the land and building for the lease term and a capital contribution of up to $4.0 million, with the source of funds to be confirmed in the proposed report back.
The related report remains sensitive and is not to be released at this time.
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