JANUARY 18, 2011
Appointment to the Pacific National Exhibition (the “PNE”) Board of Directors
THAT Council approve the appointment of Sarah Blyth, Park Board Commissioner and rescind the appointment of Peter Kuran, Deputy General Manager, Vancouver Park Board, to the Board of Directors of the Pacific National Exhibition.
The attached Administrative Report dated December 16, 2010 , refers.
Park Acquisition for Memorial South Park: 995 East 45th Avenue
A. THAT the Director of Real Estate Services be authorized to proceed with the acquisition of 995 East 45th Avenue, legally described as Parcel Identifier: 011-181-753, Lot C Blocks 15 and 16 South Part of District Lot 664 Plan 5321, at a cost of $655,000, source of funding to be the Park Board’s 2006-2008 Land Acquisition Capital Account.
B. THAT, upon gaining vacant possession, the Director of Real Estate Services be authorized to proceed with the demolition of the building at 995 East 45th Avenue, at an estimated cost of $40,000, source of funding to be the Park Board’s 2006-2008 Land Acquisition Capital Account.
The attached Administrative Report dated December 14, 2010, refers.
Engineering Services Hired Trucking Program – 2011 Ranking
Peter Judd, General Manager of Engineering Services, provided an overview of the City of Vancouver’s hired trucking program, current ranking system, and proposed changes to that ranking protocol.
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